Ugh, I wanted to mess around with a fun theme style build, using Logan's set, sorceries and Moonlight Butterfly Horn and it is proving not to be as fun as expected. I didn't realize how many areas in this game are resistant to magic, I've been using my +5 Fire Estoc that I used to get to Anor Londo more than my +5 MBH. Did all of Duke's Archive and as expected MBH was all but useless, and just started the DLC content and a +5 Fire Estoc is doing more damage than my MBH to the sanctuary guardian even with 40 int. Not that sanctuary guardian is difficult, but it just gets very boring when each attack does like 2% of his HP.
Speaking of sanctuary guardian, I always seem to get phantom inputs on this fight. Half the time when I get knocked down when trying to roll, I will get up and my character will roll, even though I pressed the button a good 4 seconds or so earlier. Never notice it besides on this fight.