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Darkstalkers Resurrection |OT| aaaAAAaaa!!! Real monsters!

This is one of the biggest points of the game, and hardest to learn. Generally, its one of those things that will come with experience and time, but you may want to look at this to help you out.


If you notice, every single character has a different neutral wake up timing, and a different roll wake-up timing. Some characters rolls are slow enough you can just follow them on their roll to where they end up, and some you honestly just straight up need to make a guess.

Generally, the closer your neutral wake up time and your roll wakeup timing are together, the more difficult the roll may be to deal with at first, but at the same time, the easier it may be for you to mix them up on their roll if you guess correctly (Such as if you jump backwards while standing next to their body and the wakeup with forward roll, giving you a cross up. Or standind/neutral jumping where they may roll to make it hard to tell which side you will be on.)

Not being always able catch the roll in this game is something that isn't necessarily bad, it just adds another layer to the game.

(Q-bee on the page above I discovered has incorrect neutral wakeup data, she is only 1 frame faster than Zabel on neutral.)
Curious question time...

Do you and the other vets actively think of the timings on wakups and rolls or do you just do your thing as usual? I can't imagine keeping track like that unless there are some drastic differences in the timing.


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of the trials, there's no button that shows you the inputs, instead of forcing you to go through the menu? Back/select is taunt.
Inputs are shown in the menu, right above character move sets I believe.

That is also a big gripe I have. :/

Nyoro SF

Curious question time...

Do you and the other vets actively think of the timings on wakups and rolls or do you just do your thing as usual? I can't imagine keeping track like that unless there are some drastic differences in the timing.

Judging from watching a lot of Japanese footage, I say that VS is very free-flowing like MvC2 was. There's great technical feats when it comes to combos or anticipation but the game simply isn't broken down to that extreme minute level.


Judging from watching a lot of Japanese footage, I say that VS is very free-flowing like MvC2 was. There's great technical feats when it comes to combos or anticipation but the game simply isn't broken down to that extreme minute level.

Japanese footage? Where? I wanna see some Japanese Sasquatch


How active is the PSN side? Might pick this up today when I get off work

Yesterday when I looked I found plenty of player lobbies and the two matches I had in ranked were instant. Of course with re-releases of old games, the majority of people eventually leave after the initial release. Gaf seems like it has plenty of PSN people so I doubt you have to worry about finding someone here. Hell, if no one else wants to play, I'll play you.


drawer by drawer
Judderman, please hook me up with some good Japanese Pyron & Phobos matches

That will be more difficult.

I'll try to find some.
Was playing this morning on XBL (VS). Lag was pretty good. Was going Morrigan the whole time. Forgot how much DPs get stuffed in this game, hehe.


I feel like I need to play this on my CRTV, but it's too far from our modem and frankly it would take way to much effort to move it close to it. Though why even bother playing, my stick is out of commission for now and playing with the pad is impossible.
I feel like I need to play this on my CRTV, but it's too far from our modem and frankly it would take way to much effort to move it close to it. Though why even bother playing, my stick is out of commission for now and playing with the pad is impossible.

Plus, modern consoles can't output 240p anyway


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Man, I fucking love Darkstalkers. I love the sounds, the colours, the themes, the character designs, the announcer cues, the subtle little details in the animations and style. Cut this Street Fighter shit out Capcom and give me goddamn Darkstalkers 4.
Got this in the morning and have been playing for about 3 hours. Lag hasn't been that bad. The stuff you would expect from 3SO or MVCO. Really happy to have a fully functional training mode for a decent port. Ghetto training modes in FinalBurn Alpha don't cut it.


Yesterday when I looked I found plenty of player lobbies and the two matches I had in ranked were instant. Of course with re-releases of old games, the majority of people eventually leave after the initial release. Gaf seems like it has plenty of PSN people so I doubt you have to worry about finding someone here. Hell, if no one else wants to play, I'll play you.

Yea bro let's play what's your PSN ID?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Got this on PSN yesterday and will likely double dip on XBL today. Darkstalkers <3

The whole area had a blackout for a few seconds last night- happened while a network match was loading. When I came back my DQ rate was 25%. Ouch.

Fortunately it goes down after every match you play. Back to 0% now.


Got this in the morning and have been playing for about 3 hours. Lag hasn't been that bad. The stuff you would expect from 3SO or MVCO. Really happy to have a fully functional training mode for a decent port. Ghetto training modes in FinalBurn Alpha don't cut it.

YES! I'm so excited for a real training mode!
Man, I fucking love Darkstalkers. I love the sounds, the colours, the themes, the character designs, the announcer cues, the subtle little details in the animations and style. Cut this Street Fighter shit out Capcom and give me goddamn Darkstalkers 4.

Aesthetically, Darkstalkers is THE best fighting game franchise.


Vampire Savior is still so ridiculously good, lol. I mean, I was addicted to the Saturn version in 1998 so its not really new to me but I haven't played it for over 10 years. Briefly on emulator, perhaps.

Its pacing, animations, style still hold up well. Thats something I did not expect as even MvC1 felt kinda dated to me. I always have problems with inputs on my TE stick when its about classic 2D fighters.... but VS controls like a dream. Incredible.

Hearing the music of Forever Torment, Iron horse and Deserted chateau cracks me up.

Oh, and I still love Vampire Hunter as well. But Savior really takes the cake.


Man, I fucking love Darkstalkers. I love the sounds, the colours, the themes, the character designs, the announcer cues, the subtle little details in the animations and style. Cut this Street Fighter shit out Capcom and give me goddamn Darkstalkers 4.

It really is the prime achievement of that era of Capcom. I...I'm not sure it's salvageable with this crew, but I will continue to hope in the most goodnatured way possible.

Even if it sucks, I can just hang around with the 2-d ones. Just spending time around this property is pleasant, which is weird since it's supposed to half-disgust players.


Easily, which is amazing since it's getting close to being 20 years old as a franchise.

I always found this to be the case. The characters have a shitload of animations and also change appearance mid combo. There are also no palette swaps, Lilith and Morrigan maybe but they are still less alike than Ryu and Ken are.

XvSF stole some thunder, but Vampire Savior ranks for me as THE most impressive Saturn release ever. It was a port without any issues, just as fast and frantic as the arcade. It was a generation ahead of PSX.


Curious question time...

Do you and the other vets actively think of the timings on wakups and rolls or do you just do your thing as usual? I can't imagine keeping track like that unless there are some drastic differences in the timing.

Yes, absolutely. You need to know them, have a feel for them, know their distances, and be able to read their animations to know when to meatie them.

The meta for me went: I keep missing roll timings and people keep up-backing up wake up, let me learn perfect meaties -> oh people are 1 hit tech hitting me now when i perfect meatie them, let me learn to do a slightly delayed attack to catch their button presses.

Forcing your opponents into that situation on every knockdown will win you many many matches.

Of course, when I am playing Zabel, I need to be able to do this so I can get unblockables over and over. That character more than any requires you to be completely familiar with wake up timings and distances.

Judging from watching a lot of Japanese footage, I say that VS is very free-flowing like MvC2 was. There's great technical feats when it comes to combos or anticipation but the game simply isn't broken down to that extreme minute level.

At the top level, they are absolutely aware of the minute details. A lot of it just looks so free-flowing because you are timing a lot of things with an internal timer. There is not many frame specific set ups, though they do exist and some are good, the best options and strongest options usually require you to just know the timings naturally.


PSN: onem1c

This game is so fun. Finally an upgrade to GGPO

ggs saru

I havent even checked out training mode yet, now I can finally level up my Dimitir. Will do when I get back home


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
That fucking music. Holy shit these games.

It really is the prime achievement of that era of Capcom. I...I'm not sure it's salvageable with this crew, but I will continue to hope in the most goodnatured way possible.

Even if it sucks, I can just hang around with the 2-d ones. Just spending time around this property is pleasant, which is weird since it's supposed to half-disgust players.

I know that feel. Darkstalkers is so quintessentially 90s horror with a dash of punk in every single way: character designs, music, stage art, etc. It's got that exact same vibe gothic horror cartoons had back in the late 80s / early 90s. It would be so easy to subconsciously and completely unintentionally skewer the style with modernisation.

Aesthetically, Darkstalkers is THE best fighting game franchise.

Fuck YES!


drawer by drawer
Some Anakaris too?

Anakaris in Hunter or Savior?

If Savior, check out Chikyuu and MightyMar.







For Hunter, it's a bit more difficult to find solo match videos, everything is usually just bunched up into a long video. Just search for Hunter and either DCC, Vampire Darkstalkers Carnival, Darkstalkers Combination Cup.

Here's a list of entrants to the Vampire Hunter tournament at Darkstalkers Combination Cup 7 that can also help if you're looking for specific characters:

&#12467;&#12454;&#12469;&#12462; &#8211; Kousagi (Victor)
&#12510;&#12469; &#8211; Masa (Donovan)
&#26575;&#26408; &#8211; Kashiwagi (Bishamon)
TKO (Sasquatch)
G&#12539;D (Pyron)
&#12459;&#12513; &#8211; Kame (Victor)
AFM (Pyron)
&#12358;&#12375;&#12404;&#12540; &#8211; Ushipii (Morrigan)
&#12450;&#12458; &#8211; Ao (Gallon)
&#25552;&#30563; &#8211; Teitoku (Lei-Lei)
&#12427;&#12373; &#8211; Marusa
&#12469;&#12473;&#20804; &#8211; Sasunii (Sasquatch)
&#12373;&#12363;&#12418;&#12392; &#8211; Sakamoto (Bishamon)
&#12486;&#12451;&#12531;&#12459; &#8211; Tinka (Pyron)
&#12383;&#12395; &#8211; Tani (Lei-Lei)
T2ya (Zabel)
&#12471;&#12531;&#12463;&#12524;&#12452;&#12489;&#12523; &#8211; ShinCradle (Lei-Lei)
&#12495;&#12521;&#12514;&#12522; &#8211; Haramori (Morrigan)
&#12416;&#12425; &#8211; Mura (Bishamon)
&#12395;&#12375;&#12369;&#12435; &#8211; Nishiken (Morrigan)
&#12375;&#12423;&#12358; &#8211; Shou (Aulbath)
&#12464;&#12521;&#12479;&#12531; &#8211; Guratan (Morrigan)
&#12480;&#12531;&#12508;&#12540;&#12523; &#8211; Danbooru (Donovan)


Anakaris in Hunter or Savior?

If Savior, check out Chikyuu and MightyMar.







For Hunter, it's a bit more difficult to find solo match videos, everything is usually just bunched up into a long video. Just search for Hunter and either DCC, Vampire Darkstalkers Carnival, Darkstalkers Combination Cup.

Ah yeah, Chikyuu, forgot his name. Thanks!!


Which system are more people getting this on? PS3 I'm guessing? Trying to decide which system I'm going to get this on and the more people playing online the better.


I love the online play so far, I can actually do things on reaction, as if I was playing against someone right next to me on the couch.
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