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Dating time! wich one of these 2 lucky girls should i go out with?

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the way you listed the "stats", everything matches up aside from chances of "getting some". so unless you dislike sex the choice is obvious, right?



EDIT-bah, wouldn't work.
open_mouth_ said:
I've been having the same problem and I was wondering if you guys can help a brotha' out... Here's the pics which I took of them while on my routine stalking sessions using my ultrascopic camera lenses from 3 blocks away:

Age: 32
Looks: meh
Chances of getting some: I wouldn't bet on it if I were a betting man, which I'm not
Dated her before: several times and it went well for the most part, but the beeping of the alarm clock kept waking me up


Age: 14
Looks: not as developed as I'd like
Chances of getting some: less likely if it's a school night
Dated her before: snuck into her graduation party dressed as a waiter, if that counts


Ok i choose Girl nr 1,for obvious reasons :)
i be meeting her in 30 mins.

i tell you all tommorow what happend during my date with this girl.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
4 dates in one week. I've heard bullshit on these boards but c'mon, please. Your not even a player, your just messed.


psycho_snake said:
4 dates in one week. I've heard bullshit on these boards but c'mon, please. Your not even a player, your just messed.

Well he is a model, he even posted his pictures on the old board. He's one lucky SOB :p
I guess if you have high standards than yeah you can actually believe he considers girl #1 as "average".


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Vandiger said:
Well he is a model, he even posted his pictures on the old board. He's one lucky SOB :p
I guess if you have high standards than yeah you can actually believe he considers girl #1 as "average".
he's a model!!! dude, that aint bad
i just came back home, i got her with me :)

i told her that we should get some nice wine from my apartment and just chill infront of the tv and she agreed.

i be back tommorow or later on if she does not decide to sleep over....i hope she does, she is looking much better today than the last time i saw her.

anyway catch you later guys!


robertsan21 said:
i just came back home, i got her with me :)

i told her that we should get some nice wine from my apartment and just chill infront of the tv and she agreed.

i be back tommorow or later on if she does not decide to sleep over....i hope she does, she is looking much better today than the last time i saw her.

anyway catch you later guys!

ROFL gotta love the GA tradition of telling us when the girl is over your house.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
hey guys i have a harem over at my place right now! theres 10 girls here and its just me ill let u all know if i get soem action 2night kaythxbye seeya! :)
God morning guys, well let me tell you all what happened.

The night started good and ended even better :)
As you all know I choose girl nr 1, I took her to a place called Fashion bar, its a new and really stylish bar and its a really Hot place to be partying at the moment, and to make things even better for me, my friend is the manager there so I always have access to the VIP section

Last night there they held a show for miss bikini world, there where girls from all over the world.
I know this girl loves fashion shows and all that, so the timing of this show could not have been better, she was very happy that we went there.
Anyway after we have been there for a while I decided to take her home to my place, so I asked her kindly if she would like to have a nice bottle of wine at my apartment, and she said yes.

So we went to my place had some wine and just talked, she was talking about what she liked to do with her life and all that mumbo jumbo and after a while of talking I looked at her and then I kissed her.

And what happened after that well let me put it like this:

It got hot! Really hot...."I am skipping the details and I will fast forward to now"

She spent the night at my place and now she just left my apartment :)

She was really good in bed and her body was fit like hell, it was perfect!
I think she will be back for more, or at least I hope she will :)


Robertsan should get an award for being the only guy who can post stuff like this and have it come off as the truth. :(
Fifty said:
Robertsan should get an award for being the only guy who can post stuff like this and have it come off as the truth. :(

i am telling the truth, pure and simple, and thats why it sounds real!


robertsan21 said:
And what happened after that well let me put it like this:

It got hot! Really hot...."I am skipping the details and I will fast forward to now"

She spent the night at my place and now she just left my apartment :)

She was really good in bed and her body was fit like hell, it was perfect!
I think she will be back for more, or at least I hope she will :)
You truly are the King of Kings.
Mama Smurf said:
I want dirty details!

Hmm dirty detail eh...well I give you some!

She gets wet...and now I am talking Atlantic Ocean kind of wet!

It just flows out of her """Biip!"""Censored for the young"
Her tits where not that big, but firm and nice, they where a handful so it was good.

She was a bit stiff in the beginning, but after 10 mins or so she started to get in to the grove and before I knew it I had a future porn slut in my bed!

It was truly the best sex I have had in a these last 2 weeks, the last one I had was not as wild as this one, but she was ok, now don’t get me wrong, she had a body that would make any girl jealous and any man go drooling after her, but without that hot body to look at during sex, she would not have been interesting at all!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
robertsan21 said:
It was truly the best sex I have had in a these last 2 weeks

Well I hope you were nice enough to pay her that compliment directly.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
probably because it is bullshit.

Im sorry robertsan, but I just find this hard to believe. Its slightly strange for someone to post their sex life on a gaming board.

If it is true though, I will become your best friends. I just wanna know, where do you live?

aoi tsuki

And it's not odd that someone posts other facets of their life here? It's not like robertsan gushed all this info at once, or at an unlikely moment ("OMG don't you hate it when i hot girl is orgasming and she says you're the best and she wants more? i hate that, gotta go").
FWIW, i believe robertsan.

Number 1 was a good choice in terms of looks. It was hard to tell from the pic, but i've hit hotter women before (model material), but "hot" is purely subjective, and i've found too many of the hot ones to be too conceited, not very intelligent, and/or materialistic. Even if it's just for sex, i'm all for an average to above average girl with a personality and similar interests.


Junior Member
My problem with robertsan is how the "king of kings" super model can't wait to get on this board to tell us how much sex he had/is about to have, which is a trait only virgins/seriously cocky people are known to have.

I don't mind him otherwise.


Seth C said:
The fact that you made this thread tells me neither girl is "lucky" in any way to be going out with you.


Your pimpage skillz cannot be denied, but you sure did it in a classless way.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Seth C said:
The fact that you made this thread tells me neither girl is "lucky" in any way to be going out with you.
haha. so true. How do you think the girl that is as wet as the atlantic ocean feels about you sharing info or you sex on a gaming forum:p
well i like telling people the things that i do in my life, and to post these things here on GAF is fun, there is alot of cool characters here that i like and i want you to read what i do.
if you dont care about it then hey there aint nothing i can do about it, but i will still post my stuff here as some people like to hear it.

I am sure that alot of people here thinks i am lying,but if you knew me you would think differently about it.
ia m even going to get me a digital camera so i can take pictures of the girls i am going out with, just so i can prove to you who dont belive me that i am talking the truth.

i am not a big poster here, or on any other message board for that matter, to be honest this is one of 3 messageboards that i use, and this is my favorit messageboard.
the other two are IGN metalgearsolid forum and on PMGS forum.

am i doing something wrong by posting the things i go thru here on this board?
psycho_snake said:
haha. so true. How do you think the girl that is as wet as the atlantic ocean feels about you sharing info or you sex on a gaming forum:p

yeah i know she would not like it but as longs as she does not find out i am safe!
robertsan21 said:
ia m even going to get me a digital camera so i can take pictures of the girls i am going out with, just so i can prove to you who dont belive me that i am talking the truth.

The sad thing is that you seek approval from people on the internet, and would get a digital camera to do so. Really sad. Somebody needs some attention.
Cerebral Palsy said:
The sad thing is that you seek approval from people on the internet, and would get a digital camera to do so. Really sad. Somebody needs some attention.

well its not like that at all,i get all the attention i need, just put on MTV this friday and watch the dancefloor charts i am presenting song nr 5 on it :)

i am doing it for GAF members, i am sure there are alot of people here that would want a thread once in a while filled with pics of girls,sex stories, dating stuff and other funny things that happen during a date and they are all real!!
All of us who had seen the pics of him with his previous GFs know that sadly he is telling the truth.

now lets get back to the Player hating.


Kabuki Waq said:
All of us who had seen the pics of him with his previous GFs know that sadly he is telling the truth.

now lets get back to the Player hating.

As I said before, robertsan is definitely a pimp, but he doesn't have any class either, or least he isn't showing it to us in this thread.

And Robert, stop while you are still only this far behind. You don't need to justify what you are doing and your attempts to only make you look worse.


robertsan21 said:
well its not like that at all,i get all the attention i need, just put on MTV this friday and watch the dancefloor charts i am presenting song nr 5 on it :)

LMAO. Are you a joke account?
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