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David Tennant will return for the DOCTOR WHO 50th Anniversary Special

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Not pure anymore!
Tennant was too... nice. He never really pulled off the Angry Doctor well. even in Family of Blood's ending, he just looked constipated. The Doctor has always been a bit of an asshole (more so the early ones), and Smith, and especially Eccleston pulled that off as well as pulling off the angry Doctor very, very well.

You're kidding right? Matt has more of that goofy, happy go lucky and slightly insane vibe than Tennant. Matt looks way too goofy for anyone to take him seriously. ALso, everytime he tries to do epic poses and stuff it just comes off as totally silly, at least to me it does!
wow. that angels episode was scary.

I just wathced 10 minutes of it. jesus fucking christ get of my back man
The Time of Angels would be much scarier if you finish Blink. Seriously, go back and watch it if you really liked the series 5 Angel episode.

Not meaning to be jumping on your back with everyone, but Blink is generally considered one of the best of NuWho, and the episode that is the perfect gateway into this world.


Not pure anymore!
I am and I love it!

I'm actually so hyped on it right now that I'm desparately trying to find something else good to watch in the meantime...

Anyone got any suggestions on good, new British shows? Last year or so. I've already watched/know about the ongoing and well known stuff (Sherlock, Luther, Peep Show, etc.)

Green Wing? Spaced? They're both light-hearted comedy shows though so I dunno if you would like them.


Neo Member
I never watched an episode of Doctor Who (Yeah, I know), Where would you guys suggest I start?
Last time I check I couldn't really figure out where to start, so many episodes, series and actors...


Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but would I be correct in saying that most of you DIDN'T grow up having to listen to Piper's awful musical career? Never could stomach her on TV after that.


I never watched an episode of Doctor Who (Yeah, I know), Where would you guys suggest I start?
Last time I check I couldn't really figure out where to start, so many episodes, series and actors...

For newbies it's best to begin with modern Who, of which are there 2 good starting points

1) Series 1, episode 1: "Rose" (2005). After 15+ years of absence from the screen, Doctor Who is reimagined/continued with Christopher Eccleston's 9th Doctor. No prior knowledge of classic Who is required, although there are a lot of callbacks and references that older fans will enjoy seeing.

2)Series 5, episode 1: "Eleventh Hour" (2010). Matt Smith's 11th Doctor. A new series head writer takes over, coupled with a new production team. It begins with a new doctor and new companion, but there's a prominent recurring guest character that returns from previous seasons... But still mostly a fresh start.

I think Series 1 is a bit janky and inconsistent in terms of quality, but that's probably still the best introduction.


I just watch two of the worst doctor who episodes ever. The 2012 Olympics one, and the last of the timelords. Oh my god that shit was bad. Not seeing the awesome from season 1-4 so far. Meh

Girl in the fireplace and some other eps is some good stuff though.


Neo Member
For newbies it's best to begin with modern Who, of which are there 2 good starting points

1) Series 1, episode 1: "Rose" (2005). After 15+ years of absence from the screen, Doctor Who is reimagined/continued with Christopher Eccleston's 9th Doctor. No prior knowledge of classic Who is required, although there are a lot of callbacks and references that older fans will enjoy seeing.

2)Series 5, episode 1: "Eleventh Hour" (2010). Matt Smith's 11th Doctor. A new series head writer takes over, coupled with a new production team. It begins with a new doctor and new companion, but there's a prominent recurring guest character that returns from previous seasons... But still mostly a fresh start.

I think Series 1 is a bit janky and inconsistent in terms of quality, but that's probably still the best introduction.

Thanks man, I'll check it out!
I'm fine with Sally Sparrow not returning. I mean, what stood out in "Blink" was the Angels, not really Sally IMO. It could have been any other cute actress.

But still, it's a shame we never got any mention of her in any post-"Blink" episode.
You're kidding right? Matt has more of that goofy, happy go lucky and slightly insane vibe than Tennant. Matt looks way too goofy for anyone to take him seriously. ALso, everytime he tries to do epic poses and stuff it just comes off as totally silly, at least to me it does!

I think Smith can pull off scary much better than Ten did, personally. Ten's rage was slow building and consistant; Eleven's rage is wild and unpredictable.
I really wish Donna Noble could come back. Donna was the best companion. =(

Well she and Rory are tied for the title of "best companion"
I really wish Donna Noble could come back. Donna was the best companion. =(

Well she and Rory are tied for the title of "best companion"

I think Smith can pull off scary much better than Ten did, personally. Ten's rage was slow building and consistant; Eleven's rage is wild and unpredictable.

Smith is like a big Doctor stew. He can be goofy like 2 and 4. Irascible like 1 and 6. Serious like 5 and 9. Big and fun like 4 and 10. You can really see bits and pieces of almost any characterization that's been done before, if only for a moment, in his performance.
Due to this thread, I went back to look at the episodes in Series 3 I missed. I just watched Blink. It was great!! Why did I miss this?

I am very LTTP and am about to start Series 4, so I'll see what side i'm on on the Donna debate.

Rose got annoying and I liked Martha.


I know dudes. I really wish that Eccles would make it in too. But I'm trying to keep my expectations waaaaaaay down. If you aren't expecting anything special you can't be that disappointed by the end product either. A terrible way of looking at it, but sadly necessary.


Not pure anymore!
I think Smith can pull off scary much better than Ten did, personally. Ten's rage was slow building and consistant; Eleven's rage is wild and unpredictable.

I dunno to me it looks fake and too forced, if you know what I mean? Also when he tries to look and act all epic, it just doesn't seem natural. Tennant wasn't that good at it either, but his arrogance was at least a bit more real, like in Water of Mars. I just can't take Matt seriously when he tries to be all angry and scary. He is best when he is being goofy, somewhat awkward, boyish and sort of charming. Tennant was good at that too, less awkward more silly and goofy.

As far as epic, angry and scary goes, nobody can beat Eccelston!
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