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Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials | Official Trailer


Perpetually Offended
I just find it funny that they are ignoring all the damage the Flux did. I would like to see them address that.

Maybe the Time entity reversed it?

I can't even remember anything about The Flux ... Or The Impossible Girl... Even now barely remember the origin of Timeless Child (how on Earth did The Master even KNOW about that?) ... But I liked this seasons episodes... This Doctor is a bit more free spirited and smiley and acts like someone's young grandpa.


Perpetually Offended
They did kind of drop The Impossible Girl. Apparently, Clara is still scattered along the Doctor's timeline.

Funny... They dropped Mrs. Who, too.

Funny also, I used to think Alex Kingston was biracial because her facial features (and hair) look stereotypically black/white... But she's British and German... Wholly white. Genetics are weird, innit?

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
Drinker was once a pretty decent reviewer and critic, but he's long since given that up in favour of the high engagement he gets from the clickbait outrage stuff. Same goes for Mauler. Nerdrotic manages to keep his particularly nasty opinions to himself most of the time, but they sneak out every once in a while when he's not being careful. The outpost guy is well recognised as a nasty piece of shit.

Doctor Who may well be absolute garbage these days (which it definitely is), but these guys will push the anti-woke messaging as hard as possible, over actually critiquing the show's content, because that's what gets the subscribers and money.
I don't know how you can say that unless you're just judging a book by its cover...err a YouTuber by their thumbnails

Mauler hardly ever brings up politics and keeps to the writing and logic of something almost exclusively. Drinker can compliment stuff if it's done well even if progressive as he's a big fan of old trek and arcane and such. Ryan has some funny clips but he'll be the first to make fun of himself like "Yeah I can see how people say that I look pretty racist insulting this character in my fucking truck" like he's self aware and self depricating


I don't know how you can say that unless you're just judging a book by its cover...err a YouTuber by their thumbnails

Mauler hardly ever brings up politics and keeps to the writing and logic of something almost exclusively. Drinker can compliment stuff if it's done well even if progressive as he's a big fan of old trek and arcane and such. Ryan has some funny clips but he'll be the first to make fun of himself like "Yeah I can see how people say that I look pretty racist insulting this character in my fucking truck" like he's self aware and self depricating

I’ve watched enough of all of them to know what they’re like.


Well, this 73 Yards episode got weird.
Ruby may be the "One who waits". She just might be a god. Cheating death is a very god thing to do. Also, she scared the hell out of everyone with her mere presence.

Still, it may have just been an interaction with the perception filter and the fairy circle.
Fairies are a real thing in the Doctor Who universe. Just look at the Torchwood episode.
The whole thing may have been a plot by the fairies to stop the Prime Minister.

Or, a test for Ruby.
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Perpetually Offended
Well, this 73 Yards episode got weird.
Ruby may be the "One who waits". She just might be a god. Cheating death is a very god thing to do. Also, she scared the hell out of everyone with her mere presence.

Still, it may have just been an interaction with the perception filter and the fairy circle.
Fairies are a real thing in the Doctor Who universe. Just look at the Torchwood episode.
The whole thing may have been a plot by the fairies to stop the Prime Minister.

Or, a test for Ruby.

I think it was a really good episode... I was engaged the moment The Doctor disappeared


What is great about 73 Yards is that horrible things are happing and they don't make sense and there is no real explanation.

That is the most disturbing kind of horror.


Seems like this is about how social media distracts you from real life.
Like you are living in a bubble.
Really, that is kind of the nature of existence really. You have a sphere of people you know.


Dot and Bubble episode.
Well, that was a brilliant episode. It was all for nothing. The Doctor is left frustrated.


Gold Member
FWIW my kid LOVES the Eccleston run, it's a bit scarier than I remember but he is totally hooked. He is even asking to watch the OG Dr. Who, if that is even possible!


FWIW my kid LOVES the Eccleston run, it's a bit scarier than I remember but he is totally hooked. He is even asking to watch the OG Dr. Who, if that is even possible!
Damn now that'd be a culture shock, a lot of the stuff is on iPlayer I'm sure you can VPN it, I'd suggest moving back one Doctor at a time, so try him with the 1996 Special with Paul McGann, then jump back to another good point which sadly for the 80s it goes a bit all over the place but The Fifth Doctors first episode is a good starting point, then of course the fourth, then third, see where he can go back and handle for it to still be watchable but not feel dated enough for him to get bored. If he's good with a lot of Third and Fourth's era then maybe try him all the way back to first but just remind him that the first two Doctors are very long arc based and not like the later and modern series.


Perpetually Offended
Dot and Bubble episode.
Well, that was a brilliant episode. It was all for nothing. The Doctor is left frustrated.

I think that episode was a critique of the modern day influencer, constantly on social media, the real world is just noise culture in a lot of our youth and young adults.


Oh shit, he just had his "I'm a Time Lord" moment, that scan also revealed they've made someone else cannon as a pre-Hartnell Doctor!

Richard E Grant's "Shalka" Doctor shows up as one of the faces in the scanner
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Oh shit, he just had his "I'm a Time Lord" moment, that scan also revealed they've made someone else cannon as a pre-Hartnell Doctor!

Richard E Grant's "Shalka" Doctor shows up as one of the faces in the scanner
Black woman Doctor also shows up.


Oh shit, he just had his "I'm a Time Lord" moment, that scan also revealed they've made someone else cannon as a pre-Hartnell Doctor!

Richard E Grant's "Shalka" Doctor shows up as one of the faces in the scanner

Just watched that on Twitter.

I love how they're still trying to repeat Matt's 'Hello... I'm The Doctor' speech... but can't ever get it done as well.


Rogue is the new Captain Jack. It was pretty obvious.

I suspect it is because Captain Jack is getting a little too old.


Gold Member
John Barrowman was caught up in some allegations a few years ago so it wouldn't surprise me if they just wanted to side step that.
Yeah, sounds like his big gay antics caught up to him once white gay men lost their protection. He is funny as hell though, love to have a few beers with him.


Captain Jack breaking the Doctor out of jail was a pretty good way to leave the character. I would be fine if they left it at that.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yeah, take that straight men!


What do you mean views are down? Tell them it's cause of the.... Sun! The big yellow thing us brits see from time to time in the sky!

At first glance the title is obviously doctored (no pun intended). They intentionally left out a word. These reactionary fisherman really have it easy, it seems those inclined to go looking for outrage don't even bother to google these days.
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Dr. Claus

At first glance the title is obviously doctored (no pun intended). They intentionally left out a word. These reactionary fisherman really have it easy, it seems those inclined to go looking for outrage don't even bother to google these days.

Everyone was fully aware of what the article was. It doesn't change the fact that it is beyond idiotic and was written by a mentally challenged individual with a victim complex.
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At first glance the title is obviously doctored (no pun intended). They intentionally left out a word. These reactionary fisherman really have it easy, it seems those inclined to go looking for outrage don't even bother to google these days.

That was actually the original headline, but it was then changed to ‘Sorry straight white men, Doctor Who was never made JUST for you’ after the backlash it received. At time of writing this post, Metro still have the original version on at least one of their accounts:

Unfortunately for the person who wrote this, it absolutely was made for white men and boys originally, because that’s who the audience were.

Doesn't do your cause any good to retcon history into the way you’d wish it had been. Just gives ammunition to idiots on the other side of the debate. A far better analysis would begin with why Doctor Who has undergone changes to its portrayal of people, as cultural tastes have changed.

But 'white man bad' gets more clicks, i guess.
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At first glance the title is obviously doctored (no pun intended). They intentionally left out a word. These reactionary fisherman really have it easy, it seems those inclined to go looking for outrage don't even bother to google these days.
It's sad to think that Freema got abuse for being a companion. I very much enjoyed her as a companion and it didn't cross my mind that that would cross people's minds.

But the article attempts to create an equivalency between that more extreme/less common abuse that will always exist from the dregs of society and the current run's criticism, some of which is the direction RTD has confirmed the show is going in. When Captain Jack flirted with everything with a pulse, they just did it and he was a good and funny character. When the 1000+ year old Doctor got told off by an annoying teenager for assuming the pronouns of an alien, that was shitty writing. The kid could have asked the pronouns, The Doctor could have still gotten in the "I do that too" line, and it would have been far less in your face. People still might not have liked it, but it would have been an improvement.

The article highlights the reason I don't particularly like the term "woke". It's been overused to the point that it has such a blurred definition and is so easily dismissed because it is such a common yet vague term that holds no weight in any actual discussion. For me it has essentially reached the same point as "toxic".


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That was actually the original headline, but it was then changed to ‘Sorry straight white men, Doctor Who was never made JUST for you’ after the backlash it received. At time of writing this post, Metro still have the original version on at least one of their accounts:

Unfortunately for the person who wrote this, it absolutely was made for white men and boys originally, because that’s who the audience were.

Doesn't do your cause any good to retcon history into the way you’d wish it had been. Just gives ammunition to idiots on the other side of the debate. A far better analysis would begin with why Doctor Who has undergone changes to its portrayal of people, as cultural tastes have changed.

But 'white man bad' gets more clicks, i guess.

Ok, I just read that original image and the title looked so absurd I had to google (well, DuckDuckGo) it and all of the results were different.

Anyway, I just rewatched episode one because I didn't get to give it my full attention the first time around. I haven't watched a ton of the Doctor, but has he ever just

aced someone before like he did the Goblin King? I don't remember him killing before

I have no problem with it, in fact I kind of cheered him on. Was just wondering.


I haven't watched a ton of the Doctor, but has he ever just

aced someone before like he did the Goblin King? I don't remember him killing before

I have no problem with it, in fact I kind of cheered him on. Was just wondering.

Yeah, he's a killer. The fact some alien races regard him as monster is not entirely without some justification.


Perpetually Offended
The Doctor has obliterated the entire Dalek race before... At least I THINK it was the Daleks. Might have been The Cybermen. One of the two.


Yeah. The Matt Smith doctor was blowing up Cybermen.

A Good man Goes To War is probably the best example of The Doctor letting lose as far as he ever has.

Also, not 'The Matt Smith Doctor'.

He IS The Doctor, as far as I'm concerned. The others are just playing at being him.
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A Good man Goes To War is probably the best example of The Doctor letting lose as far as he ever has.

Also, not 'The Matt Smith Doctor'.

He IS The Doctor, as far as I'm concerned. The others are just playing at being him.
I remember a friend waiting for me to finish Tennant and get to Smith so I could say what I thought of her favourite Doctor. My first impression was that the fish fingers and custard stuff was trying a bit too hard to be cooky and I didn't think I was going to like him. Fast forward and he rivals Tennant for me, which is about as high praise as you can give.

Edit: I was thinking of A Good Man Goes To War when I wrote the post, but I missed your first line. Such a good one. Might rewatch it now.
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The Doctor has obliterated the entire Dalek race before... At least I THINK it was the Daleks. Might have been The Cybermen. One of the two.
If I recall correctly, during the 50th anniversary, he only removed the planet from being at the focus point of the Daleks firing point...so their destruction was on them...lol

The cyberman was The Doctor done playing games and sending a message.

A Good man Goes To War is probably the best example of The Doctor letting lose as far as he ever has.

Also, not 'The Matt Smith Doctor'.

He IS The Doctor, as far as I'm concerned. The others are just playing at being him.

I was the Tennant IS the Doctor train for a while when Smith started. Though his "I'm the Doctor...Basically..run" was badass and made me go "ok..this guy is cool".

I really can't put Tennant or Smith over one or the other because both were able to show such compassion, fun, love, happiness and then flip to sadness, anger, rage. Both were just awesome.


Perpetually Offended
These past episodes have been good to great! The war planet and the Ruby episode were amazing! The social media one was a GREAT critique on our current world.
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I was the Tennant IS the Doctor train for a while when Smith started. Though his "I'm the Doctor...Basically..run" was badass and made me go "ok..this guy is cool".

I really can't put Tennant or Smith over one or the other because both were able to show such compassion, fun, love, happiness and then flip to sadness, anger, rage. Both were just awesome.

Smith is the only one who has ever got ‘ancient old man in a young man’s body’ absolutely right. Everything about his mannerisms, his speech patterns, his physicality, his delivery… it all screams that this is, on the surface, a happy go lucky wanderer looking for a good time, but underneath is a broken, regretful, incredibly dangerous monster, desperate not to fall to his inner demons.

It’s who The Doctor should always be, in my opinion.

None of the rest of them, Tennant included, ever got that, or sold it the way Smith did. Not really a surprise his career has eclipsed all the others.
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There is talk of this being the Rani now. lol.

Jump to the section where he speculates on the finale villian.

The suspicious thing is that they brought back Mel. The Rani imitated her before.

It seems like they are setting up a scene where she is shocked to see the Rani again.

I have this gut feeling that something will happen with Ruby and the Doctor and Mel will team up like old times.

I think this is a great idea because the Mel character did not really get a fair shake in the old series. She essentially showed up in Trial of the Timlord in flashbacks and the first few episodes of the Seventh Doctor.
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Perpetually Offended
I was able to re-watch Dot and Bubble episode... Not sure how I missed the episode also was about racism ... It was even more apparent at the end... So it was about both the bubble of being on social media and the bubble of being in-group ... I didn't even notice how differently the girl treated The Doctor vs how she treated Ruby the first time I saw it.


Watched the new episode.

Well, I'll be damned.

Totally did not see that coming, but it makes sense!

The gods are coming out of the woodwork.
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They really did just start the season with the shit episodes didn't they? Episode 3 onwards has been very good to great for the rest of the run and going into the finale seems to be a big one for classic Who fans.
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