Wait. How haven't you seen the movie yet?
God UK Netflix is so bad in comparison.
Shit kept coming up.
Wait. How haven't you seen the movie yet?
God UK Netflix is so bad in comparison.
Error. If that shit is true, there is a special place in hell reserved for people like you. I was able to be pretty much spoiler free for SW and potential bullshit like that was spoiled in a DC cinematic thread. Long story short, if true. fuck you.
Edit: Can a mod do the honours and edit his post.
So some "Good" news, if you wanna pass the next 3 weeks
Justice League The Flashpoint Paradox
Justice League War
Son of Batman
The Batman Season 1-5
Were just added to American Netflix.
This on top of original Batman (Burton), Justice LEague/Unlimited and Young Justice
Plenty to watch!
Sorry about I assumed every geek and nerd (myself included) on GAF has seen the movie already, didn't mean to spoil bro. My bad.
Never really watched The Batman. It never really gets mentioned, bad or good. It's just... there.So some "Good" news, if you wanna pass the next 3 weeks
Justice League The Flashpoint Paradox
Justice League War
Son of Batman
The Batman Season 1-5
Were just added to American Netflix.
This on top of original Batman (Burton), Justice LEague/Unlimited and Young Justice
Plenty to watch!
It's one of the weaker DC animations.The Flashpoint Paradox is fucking great. Everyone should watch that. Justice League: War is alright. Haven't watched Son of Batman yet, and I only watched one or two episodes of The Batman many years ago, so I'll watch those soon.
I just watch Tim Burton's Batman on Blu-ray yesterday. Hadn't watched it since I was a kid. It's great. Justice League, Justice League: Unlimited, and Young Justice are amazing, and among my favorite shows ever.
Never really watched The Batman. It never really gets mentioned, bad or good. It's just... there.
Lucky for you... someone really enjoys buying Batman-related stuff!
So old... almost a decade now
First season is rough. But 2nd improves
4th is best
5th is mini-Justice League season
I need a second monitor for some background watching.
I'll probably end up watching atleast season 4 & 5.
My favorite Batman show is Brave and the Bold, anything with Captain Marvel in it automatically gives it an edge. I also like how it focused more on the c-stringers in the dc universe, practically recreating the JLI. Batman TAS does have the best episodes, but it's far from consistent and I don't care for the show nearly as much after season 3.
Er...I gotta side with Schweinehund on this one. BTAS has some of the best episodes of any animated show, hell, any show period, ever, but it's very inconsistent. There's some real trash in there (Batman in my Basement anybody?). Brave and the Bold may not reach BTAS; heights (though it comes damn close at times), but it doesn't reach its lows either. A stronger experience on average.
-Brave and the Bold
-BTAS/Batman Beyond (tie)
-Brave and the Bold (sadly quite underrated)
Have not seen The Batman, will need to watch that.
Whats up with people saying they've got tickets to see it this Sunday (6th)?
What? First I've heard of it.
Whats up with people saying they've got tickets to see it this Sunday (6th)?
Got Brave the the Bold Twice!
And I agree, there are some major stinkers in BTAS, but it also has nearly double the amount of episodes so was bound to happen. I just feel like BTATB never really reaches the highs, and BTAS has A LOT of highs... A LOT
I just spoke on the phone with the Perris 10 theater, they confirm that they are screening @BatmanvSuperman on March 6th.
Campea just bought one
Mark Hughes confirmed screenings are real. wtf
Well, apparently this theatre is having a surprise preview screening this Sunday (anyone can buy a ticket). At first people thought it was an error but supposedly the theatre confirmed it when contacted.
strange rollout for this. that is incredibly early, sheer confidence or cockiness.
everything else, even the great stuff, is embargoed like 5 days before usually if it's not a festival movie.
if its real I feel bad for people trying to avoid spoilers. For me though, feed me all the fucking spoilers. Spoilers only hype me up more. Well good sounding ones anyway.
if its real I feel bad for people trying to avoid spoilers. For me though, feed me all the fucking spoilers. Spoilers only hype me up more. Well good sounding ones anyway.
Comic book movies, I don't mind getting spoiled for some reason. I watch the movies for the spectacle and see how it all comes together.
I'm ready to buy a march 6th ticket, but it has a lot of showings and I'm worried I'll buy it and instantly they will say...oops we just kidding, no screener.
If that's a case, you'll get your money back... nothing to lose, all the upside.
Comic book movies, I don't mind getting spoiled for some reason. I watch the movies for the spectacle and see how it all comes together.
Seems it was a fuckup. The site has updated to show no session for that date.
did anybody in this thread buy those? i couldn't imagine getting that. even for mad max which i ended up watching 4 times in theaters.
maybe it's worth the points and passing around to your friends who haven't seen it assuming those points are a lot in their system.
WB was like "pump the breaks".