Huh. Wonder if it's the rumored scene. Sounds good though.between Waller and Batman
The Waller shower scene?!
Huh. Wonder if it's the rumored scene. Sounds good though.between Waller and Batman
They're saying mid credits scene. Haven't seen anything about it.
Did Joker just use
Mine still says Expected to ship: Sep 2016 - Nov 2016
About that potential spoiler in Suicide Squad, and how the movie fits in the current shared universe timeline
This makes that e-mail scene in BvS way redundant now, because before it seemed like they were just trying to find a way to tease these guys before JL, and it didn't appear that Suicide Squad was really going to do much heavy lifting in terms of maintaining the shared universe and was going to be it's own thing.
But now, not only do we see Superman's funeral in the movie (in the last trailer), but Flash gets teased as well, and potentially there is more. This makes Suicide Squad a much more comprehensive bridge between BvS and JL than it seemed before, and in retrospect, they could have eased off some of the JL teasing in BvS...
Wasn't the Sinestro yellow ring scene mid credits in GL?
Umm guys....umm guys? Why did Umberto tweet this out? Suicide Squad spoiler?
Umm guys....umm guys? Why did Umberto tweet this out? Suicide Squad spoiler?
Fuck...this isn't right haha.Umm guys....umm guys? Why did Umberto tweet this out? Suicide Squad spoiler?
The Waller shower scene?!![]()
Did Joker just use...?a bomb injector
Umm guys....umm guys? Why did Umberto tweet this out? Suicide Squad spoiler?
I don't get it.
There's a mid credits scene? What? But I thought real directors don't do that? First the Justice League trailer, now this. DC just giving up and becoming Diet Marvel already?
Batman-News reported it and he's been pretty good with inside information for awhile now. Still ultimately a rumor though.
Brb, making a new thread.
"RUMOR: Is Warner Brothers giving up and just turning DC films into Diet Marvel?"
I'm going to wet myself so much if the Deathstroke thing ends up being real. Like just wow.
His company IS called... Bad Robot.![]()
Havent heard that rumor, but looking at the cast, it'd be cool if David Harbour is secretly Slade.
Umm guys....umm guys? Why did Umberto tweet this out? Suicide Squad spoiler?
I'm going to rewatch the GL movie. Can someone quickly describe what the main problems are? I don't remember it being that bad
idgaf what people say but i'm betting a penny on Scott Eastwood losing an eye at somepoint during the movie and becoming Deathstroke
That's what Snyder said, not WB.
Mid credit scene means there is a little bit of credits, then the scene and then the rest of the credits, right ?
This is a bit OT but I happened to catch Matrix Reloaded tonight on tv during my downtime at work and it reminded me how much Snyder owes the Wachowskis for his visual language. Snyder has always had a distinct style but it's clearly influenced heavily by the Matrix trilogy. Even Snyder's penchant for religious iconography is foreshadowed by the Wachowski's work. The final fight in Reloaded does have some really wonky shit though, mostly when Smith and Neo are wrestling with each other in mid air like a pair of children suspended by their underwear.
Do you mean Revolutions?
I think that both the Wachowskis and Snyder are heavily influenced by comic books and their visual language is very much informed by trying to express the adaptation of panels and storyboards literally into motion. That's where the similarity is.
That's true, but it also extends to things like lighting, slow-mo, and heavy visual symbolism. For all I know, Snyder isn't a fan of the Wachowskis at all, but his work does resemble theirs quite closely. It's possible Snyder is a victim of the Wachowskis simply coming first *shrugs*
Didn't make it long into the Suicide Squad OT until the DAMAGED guy came in. Should be bannable at this point jfc
Just ignore scrub posters if they annoy you, saves a lot of frustration.
Doesn't really help when all you have to see is "SpaceWolf" and you know exactly what he's said.
It's drive by shit posting that would get you banned gaming side.
Well if there is one thing I've learned since BvS it's that [driveby] shitposting is totally okay in DC threads.
Doesn't really help when all you have to see is "SpaceWolf" and you know exactly what he's said.
It's drive by shit posting that would get you banned gaming side.