Why?It didn't dawn on me until now but I just realized that credit scene may actually piss a certain group of people off.
Why?It didn't dawn on me until now but I just realized that credit scene may actually piss a certain group of people off.
Is it a important spoiler?I PM'd you. Don't want to talk about it in this thread.
Is it a important spoiler?
If not I would be interested, too.
In the regards of the story or how the characters turn out?Define important. This could go either way.
I know that feel. Normally I would fuck off, but three weeks man.In the regards of the story or how the characters turn out?So curious and I have threee weeks to wait...
Fuck you guys, I ain't reading that shit! Just 3 more days....
From what I have read now its not that big IMO, but if you are a big fan of the books its maybe pretty cool.I know that feel. Normally I would fuck off, but three weeks man.
So, umm, NSFW but... apparently Cara Delevengine can find any woman's nipple. Showcases her skill on Margot, Karen and the lady interviewer.
Enchantress grabbin titties
Great superpowerSo, umm, NSFW but... apparently Cara Delevengine can find any woman's nipple. Showcases her skill on Margot, Karen and the lady interviewer.
That's certainly an interesting skill.So, umm, NSFW but... apparently Cara Delevengine can find any woman's nipple. Showcases her skill on Margot, Karen and the lady interviewer.
So, umm, NSFW but... apparently Cara Delevengine can find any woman's nipple. Showcases her skill on Margot, Karen and the lady interviewer.
Well it seems Suicide Squad merits rest on itself, as its world building and depth ambition is zero. It's not a bad thing, but a BvS where you could see past its flaws it isn't.
Eh, if it's solid on its on then it'll be straight. Predicting something in the 70's like Fury.This sounds like a 17 on Rotten Tomatoes in the making....
Honestly, if DC takes it's third critical L in a row, it's going to be an up hill battle for the next 5 movies...
She really is weird. But cool weird.So, umm, NSFW but... apparently Cara Delevengine can find any woman's nipple. Showcases her skill on Margot, Karen and the lady interviewer.
Well it seems Suicide Squad merits rest on itself, as its world building and depth ambition is zero. It's not a bad thing, but a BvS where you could see past its flaws it isn't.
This sounds like a 17 on Rotten Tomatoes in the making....
Honestly, if DC takes it's third critical L in a row, it's going to be an up hill battle for the next 5 movies...
Has a review come out yet or are we still sky-is-falling over the tweet?
So I haven't been keeping up at all....why are people freaking out again?
I finished watching BvS Ultimate Cut. Check out my hot take in the BvS UC thread!
can you post it here`?...I dont want to enter that thread.l
Just finished watching it. The expanded scenes improve the first act of the film enormously in terms of connective tissue and fleshing out the Lois Lane and Clark Kent subplots. It makes Superman's disdain for Batman much more justified, and it really spells out the Luthor conspiracy in a much more concise way. But... all the flaws of the rest of the movie are still there, and nothing really fixes it. Batman is still a total moron who has no reason to fight Superman at all, at least not in such a violent way especially when Luthor's involvement in the bombing should be obvious to him. Superman giving up after trying to tell Batman that it was all a misunderstanding just twice, and then going full WWE on him is also totally illogical. The script forces the title fight so awkwardly, it feels like the most expensive wrestling match ever staged, and feels just as artificial. Doomsday is still a totally pointless part of the climax, and so is the Knightmare scene.
This extended version does not fix the film, but it makes what is enjoyable about the film more enjoyable, and it makes the slower subplots in the earlier part of the film have more of a place in the overall narrative. More than anything else, by the end of the film I finally see the true fundamental flaw in the movie. The reason why I think it is mocked so much by critics and seen as a failure in cinematic execution. At the heart of it, the story is a total silly ass comic book misunderstanding engineered by an insane mustache-twirling villain ending with three over the top man child fantasy brawls. It's filled with cheese and shouldn't be taken remotely seriously and just enjoyed. That's fine. But it is all that, shot with the reverence of a dramatic epic, begging to be taken seriously and respected. That doesn't work for lots of people. I think it's pretty cool to try something like that, but that also means when scenes work, they fucking work, but when they fall flat, it really feels like a big joke. This is the superhero version of Pearl Harbor in a sense, but obviously more fun and less offensive since it isn't actually based on tragic historical events.
Not every frame from the trailers is in the film.
So, can we not be ashamed of liking it now?
So, can we not be ashamed of liking it now?
Just saw Suicide Squad! I think it was a fun movie. Wasn't necessarily worth paying theater ticket prices for so I'm glad I saw it for free. There was WAY too much back story development in the first 45 minutes. Margot Robbie was fantastic as Harley Quinn. Jared Leto was a great joker. Obviously different. But great. The movie was too much about Will Smith and sexualizing Margot Robbie. It's almost as if they shot it thinking "well it's probably going to suck but everyone likes seeing Will Smith and a mostly naked Margot Robbie". It did have a mid credits scene to help set up Justice League which was much appreciated but still left a ton of questions. Overall it seems DC tried to make this their Guardians of the Galaxy. The sound track was bomb. That was the best part of the movie. Go see it at your own risk. I give it a 5/10.
Shit. Sorry guys. I stayed up most of the night playing games and then slept in, woke up and played more.
So, here are his thoughts....
I mean, its at least no BvS disaster level..
Lol, he hasn't seen the trailers then I'll take it ?
His biggest gripe is that HARLEY QUINN is too sexualized? Deadshot and Harley FUCKED in Assault on Arkham.
Also, we really shouldn't put much weight into a guy. We don't do that with positive tweets either, right?
Lets hope its not setting a trend.
There were a lot of positive tweets a few months ago, too.Of bad reviews? This is literally the first I've seen.
It's really funny, the reaction of everyone only pretty much, the rumours from industry people is all overwhelmingly positive
Just one tweet from someone who 'heard' and like tiny amount of not so positive
There's like a blanket of doom for no fucking reason
There were a lot of positive tweets a few months ago, too.
Just sayin.