I'll dream this for a whole year. WW is the only upcoming movie that would put me in meltdown mode.Can y'all imagine if WW has the goods tho.
I'll dream this for a whole year. WW is the only upcoming movie that would put me in meltdown mode.Can y'all imagine if WW has the goods tho.
Hopefully SS provides some fresh talking points. I have a good feeling about SS going into Saturday.Have the same discussions we've had since MoS came out?
I'm watching the Doomsday fight (because fuck you I like it). I know narratively the death of Superman wasn't 100% earned but those last few seconds combined with the music are just so good. The imagery, the music. It's fantastic.
That fight was alright, I just wish Snyder had cut all that electrical shit. It made it hard to see. I didn't even mind the atomic farts (though Batman hiding behind a broken wall while buildings are obliterated behind him is wonky stuff), it's just that yellow garbage everywhere got in the way.
Am I.. agreeing with you?That fight was alright, I just wish Snyder had cut all that electrical shit. It made it hard to see. I didn't even mind the atomic farts (though Batman hiding behind a broken wall while buildings are obliterated behind him is wonky stuff), it's just that yellow garbage everywhere got in the way.
I'm watching the Doomsday fight (because fuck you I like it). I know narratively the death of Superman wasn't 100% earned but those last few seconds combined with the music are just so good. The imagery, the music. It's fantastic.
Yesterday I was caught in the middle of a lightning storm and I was scared as shit. Seeing lightning strike just a few miles away from where you and then hearing the ensuing thunder clap is some otherworldly type of stuff. It's an incredible amount of power at display from nature. Maybe that's what they're going for with all the electricity.Why is it so many villians in comic book movies are basically walking electrical storms? So stupid.
Am I.. agreeing with you?
Yesterday I was caught in the middle of a lightning storm and I was scared as shit. Seeing lightning strike just a few miles away from where you and then hearing the ensuing thunder clap is some otherworldly type of stuff. It's an incredible amount of power at display from nature. Maybe that's what they're going for with all the electricity.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 57m57 minutes ago
So, thoughts on #SuicideSquad. Mind you, these are MY OWN. While I am a journalist, I am not a critic for any outlet.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 54m54 minutes ago
There's a really fun 40 minutes at the top of #SuicideSquad, where it feels like Ocean's 11 meets Guardians of the Galaxy. And then...
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 55m55 minutes ago
Then you can watch as #SuicideSquad becomes the movie Zack Snyder hired David Ayer to make: a grim, punishing, humorless urban action movie.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 54m54 minutes ago
For the life of me, I can't understand why these films have to end with CG punching CG standing in front of a CG destroy-a-city machine.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 51m51 minutes ago
Margot Robbie is fun and Will Smith kicks that old Will Smith charm into gear, but it's not in service of much.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 49m49 minutes ago
Jared Leto's Joker is an interesting creation but is totally peripheral to #SuicideSquad's drama, to its detriment.
Baenardin ‏@marcbernardin 46m46 minutes ago
But, hey, #SuicideSquad will make $140 million this weekend, so what I do know? (Except that Warner Bros are ninjas at selling a movie.)
Real talk, is there any hope for DC fans to get feel good validation from critics at thos point? Maybe it's time to just embrace reality like us Bayformers fans.![]()
Watch BvS and Suicide Squad... Anticipate trailers and news... Defend the universe on GAF...What are we going to do for the next 10 months? lol
Watch BvS and Suicide Squad... Anticipate trailers and news... Defend the universe on GAF...
Watch BvS and Suicide Squad... Anticipate trailers and news... Defend the universe on GAF...
Anti-SemitismIt just occurred to me how odd it was that we had so much scrutiny over Gal Gadot's physicality when she was cast as Wonder Woman but I didn't see a peep about Brie Larson's body after the Captain Marvel casting.
I guess Carol Danvers is neither the feminist power icon nor nearly as physically imposing as Wonder Woman is traditionally portrayed so she doesn't have to live up to such lofty expectations. Still, I'm surprised there wasn't more body shaming on gaf with Larson.
It just occurred to me how odd it was that we had so much scrutiny over Gal Gadot's physicality when she was cast as Wonder Woman but I didn't see a peep about Brie Larson's body after the Captain Marvel casting.
I guess Carol Danvers is neither the feminist power icon nor nearly as physically imposing as Wonder Woman is traditionally portrayed so she doesn't have to live up to such lofty expectations. Still, I'm surprised there wasn't more body shaming on gaf with Larson.
One difference is Brie is a great actor and is generally well liked. Gal was a relative unknown with small parts in which she barely acted. People like to pretend they are impartial but they're really not.
Also Brie isn't quite as skinny is she? When Gal first got casted she was skin and bones
Weird that lack of a good villain is an issue. It's Suicide Squad... I except the group to carry the movie.
Well, I don't think it ALL stems from that, but there was/is a pretty palpable sense of anti-semitism coming from a lot of the vitriol spewed her way I think.You think? Maybe. I guess the whole body shaming angle for Gadot started with enthusiast press expressing dissatisfaction so it's possible you're right. Was the Gadot hate train sparked by Campea?
In regards to which cut is really Ayer sanctioned or not, I don't think you can take at face value anything he or anyone says really. Ayer isn't going to Trank himself and go "this wasn't my movie." Look at Snyder, he never really complained or made a big deal out of the whole thing, but if you read between the lines of what he said, it was clear which cut he preferred, while not outright disowning the theatrical cut.So, who wants to bet for the possibility of a Damaged Cut coming soon? The editing is alleged to be somewhat of a fiasco. Incredible. This one wouldn't be Ayer sanctioned, but maybe executive sanctioned? I don't even know anymore.
Nolan did his thing. The trilogy deserves most the praise it gets.So why does very thread goes to Nolan trilogy sucks territory?
I mean I don't mind if you don't like the Movies, but it is odd that discussion lead to those films. Perhaps they are overrated, but it was nice having a direct push the limit on what comic book movies can become narratively.
I'll miss you. You're "the cool dude with the ever waifu avatar" to me.It's okay to miss me.
So why does every thread goes to Nolan trilogy sucks territory?
I mean I don't mind if you don't like the Movies, but it is odd that discussion lead to those films. Perhaps they are overrated, but it was nice having a director push the limit on what comic book movies can become narratively.
It just occurred to me how odd it was that we had so much scrutiny over Gal Gadot's physicality when she was cast as Wonder Woman but I didn't see a peep about Brie Larson's body after the Captain Marvel casting.
I guess Carol Danvers is neither the feminist power icon nor nearly as physically imposing as Wonder Woman is traditionally portrayed so she doesn't have to live up to such lofty expectations. Still, I'm surprised there wasn't more body shaming on gaf with Larson.
I'll miss him too. There's just something calming and inviting about his avatars and posting style. lolI'll miss you. You're "the cool dude with the ever waifu avatar" to me.
Batman 1989 and Blade are super fun movies.
Wuuuut. Yo I get the revisionist take on the Nolan trilogy to an extent, the non Batvechicle action was bad for the most part, Baleman's voice was over the top, he was second fiddle in his own movies, not enough detective, retired way too early, lots of plot shenanigans for the villains, Katy Holmes lmao, etc but Begins is only a slight step down from TDK.Nolan did his thing. The trilogy deserves most the praise it gets.
It's BvS that's just criminally underrated. Pretty sure I prefer the Ultimate Cut to Begins and TDKR. More rewatchable.
I find Begins to be the best Superhero film. You got bale at his best both serious and funny. Micheal Cain charming as hell and a great cast of supporting characters.Nolan did his thing. The trilogy deserves most the praise it gets.
It's BvS that's just criminally underrated. Pretty sure I prefer the Ultimate Cut to Begins and TDKR. More rewatchable.
The difference between Transformers and MoS is that TF is widely panned across the board on nearly every level, there isn't a dividing line on those movies when looking at critical response, outside the first.I can only imagine what the critic response to those films would be if they'd came out now.
Back to Transformers. One could look at the films in the same way and just enjoy them and not care about the ratings. The flip side of that is people will say the DC films should be more respected then that. I don't disagree but you can't force people to like them. WB isn't going to copy Marvel's template and even then the characters and possible stories might not lend themselves to that.I don't think they would if you're going to be more true to the characters power level wise, action wise, etc. A lot of stuff in the Marvel films is depowered and I think that is why Thor is lacking. Just because Marvel and DC are superhero universes doesn't mean they're the same. There many reasons why someone might prefer Marvel comics over DC comics and the other way around. Sure there is plenty of crossover but there are a lot of people that don't like what the other offers.
Maybe we're just seeing that play out now in the films between critics themselves and fans. However there are only a few critics out there so they get a bigger spotlight however the general audience is vast and that is why MoS and BvS still pulled in the numbers they did.
The difference between Transformers and MoS is that TF is widely panned across the board on nearly every level, there isn't a dividing line on those movies when looking at critical response, outside the first.
MoS was divisive in the purest sense, with some completely on board with the direction and others totally not. BvS criticism suffered due to the terrible edit of the Theatrical Cut, but I guarantee the Ultimate Cut, or a tighter version of it would still have scored roughly the same as MoS (~55%). Putting aside that there are some flaws on the execution of certain things, these are simply takes on the characters that some people cannot get on board with, and others who are able to. Snyder makes Divisive films, and nothing will change that, or at least we'll have to wait until JL to see if that changes.
1. Snyder didn't hire Ayer to do any "grim dark" anything. what kind of point is he trying to make? all the trailers clearly show the movie is not a hijinks filled comedy so what is he expecting?
2. it's a superhero movie. something big and epic always happens. it can't ever be like a regular comic book you aren't going to have a 2 hour movie where Clark Kent goes and buys groceries and does some investigating journalism. it's just not.
3. I expected those two to do well.
4. now here he just sounds bitter, so it's wrong for WB to sell their movie? really?
So Grace Randolph hated this movie... Now I don't know what to think, haha. She was all aboard the DC hype train with BvS and Wonder Woman. I'm surprised she has such harsh words for SS.
So Grace Randolph hated this movie... Now I don't know what to think, haha. She was all aboard the DC hype train with BvS and Wonder Woman. I'm surprised she has such harsh words for SS.
Guh? I guess since I don't follow her on Twitter I didn't hear about any of that stuff. I knew she thought critics were being too harsh on BvS, but I don't ever remember her flat out saying critics were bribed or that she refused to review to the Ultimate Cut.My understanding is Grace took the critical backlash personally as though the complaints against the movie were being levied at her for loving the theatrical cut. She doubled down on the ludicrous overreaction by spearheading the "Disney literally bribes critics!!" online campaign with other butthurt fanboys. She became so consumed with asserting that she was right and everyone else was wrong about the theatrical cut that she's adamant it's far and away the superior version of BvS.
I wouldn't pay her too much attention.