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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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I mean I liked and had fun in the theater. The audience had a great time as well. I guess I just always expected this movie to be a summer blockbuster. Which it is. You're probably not going to find people gushing over the movie but you'll probably find a lot of people liked and enjoyed it.
I guess okay isn't good enough with where we're at. Could be that internet fanboys are just beaten into submission by RT, and won't be happy until something goes fresh.

Either way, a homerun is needed. Will be interesting to see how audiences respond to this one compared to BvS, legs wise.


tfw no one in the official DCEU thread likes the latest DCEU film. WB done fucked up.

You're in your own echo chamber man lol. People liked it. It's just run of the mill. This movie movie definitely won't be talked about here lol BvS. It'll make money some will or won't like it and we'll move on fairly quickly
tfw no one in the official DCEU thread likes the latest DCEU film. WB done fucked up.

There are plenty who like it in here, but I don't think you'll find a glowing endorsement. I still don't regret my time and thought it was fine.

I do feel like an outcast saying I liked Deadshot, but didn't like Joker. *shrugs*
That all happens in a extremely short amount of time and at this point the Justice League isn't formed. Now if this had dragged out over days I could see the problem. Larger threats aren't a problem as long as they're happening fairly quickly.
They are a problem. Not every day the world it's facing extinction to be all BAU the next week. Stupid comic movie trope. Not every hero is a hero to the entire world, you need to make smaller, more focused and personal stories with more personal threats. And the events took days(3), not hours.


With BvS, I could see a decent to good movie in that shit edit. I liked the themes Snyder explored, with Squad the characters are the only good.

I think major changes need to be made at WB and we'll probably see them if the second weekend drop is huge like BvS. I believe in that 6 week script rumor. This script should've never made it out of pre-production.

Also Faraci was mostly right about all the jokes being in the trailer. There are a few more, but nothing great.

I think general audiences will be more receptive to this than BvS

I agree with that. Having said that, I don't think people will come back. The action really isn't good and it's really not funny. No where near what the trailers played it up to be.


Also Faraci was mostly right about all the jokes being in the trailer. There are a few more, but nothing great.
He said that about the Queen trailer, then everyone laughed at him when the Blitz one came with more jokes.

Stop crediting that dude.


Posted already?

SS not likely to get released in China Via THR. Makes the domestic performance even more important.

The Warner Bros. tentpole has yet to receive a release date in China, and sources close to the decision-making process in Beijing say it appears increasingly unlikely to get the official nod.

According to people familiar with the matter, China Film Group, the state-backed distributor that handles the import of all foreign films, hasn't put the movie on its internal release calendar, which is typically set at least two months in advance. "They think this is not a good film to release in China," a Chinese executive said without elaborating.


Time to wait for the ultimate ayer cut. Still going to see it tonight of course, but my hype is shook. I was never I big suicide squad fan, never really read it. But the idea is what I liked, bad guys forced to do good, and with that cast I loved it even more and now reading reviews and even fan reviews saying how it's just blah... hype shook....

Glad to say how wrong I was, only gripe I had was some of the music choices, but everything else I really really liked. Joker was amazing, and he felt really menacing and someone you really want nothing to do with. Loved it.


Brehs.. I think BvS is a better film than SS. SS was just boring, which Really surprised me.

I would love to see an OG cut.
I liked it.

Definitely more for the characters though. Execution left a lot to be desired.

How are you gonna have so many cool characters with such varying skill sets and fail to give anyone a badass action moment besides a few corny slowmo bits each? I guess I should have figured this would happen, the action in Fury was pretty dull for the most part too.

Very few good lines that weren't thrown out to hell and back in the marketing campaign by now. Yo, I can basically quote Training Day from top to bottom, but the same guy can't get these characters to bounce off eachother better? So many flat jokes.

Harley, Deadshot, and...Enchantress the real MVPs of this movie. Yeah I said Enchantress.
Granted for most of it she's a gyrating CGIed giant with a booming voice but I thought her powers/transformation/and design where cool enough to elevate her a bit from MCU shit-tier where her and especially her brother rightfully belong.
Or maybe I just found out I have a crush on Cara lmao.

Others had some okay moments but their characterizations become so cramped a lot of it feels unearned, especially with
. Croc, Katana, and Boomer definitely got the short end.
Rope guy got it worst. Everyone knew he was DOA but he goes out with like 3 lines, not a single action scene, and his death isn't even funny nor brutal. It's just executed so limply. Embarrassing they dragged this guy everywhere for press junkets/photos to go out without even a memorable death.

Leto Joker is...there. I like him, but he isn't given SHIT. He has practically nothing to sink his teeth into. No juicy exchange with anyone, doesn't have a single good gag
unless you count the hand tattoo thing
and he doesn't even affect the mission really. He's just something weird to look at. At least his and Harley's relationship is handled okay. People clapped hard for
him breaking her out of Belle Reve.

Idk y'all. It was entertaining and I like the characters but it left me wanting more. BvS is has problems but at least it had some meat on the bones. Maybe I'll have less rambly thoughts later.


Okay, so I am finally back home. Drafthouse was not worth it. Very likely never returning there. Nothing bad happened but the price was not worth the drive or quality of food. And the seats were basically shoulder to shoulder plus the waiters zipping past you every 4 minutes was really distracting. Anyways....

Movie was okay. If I had to rate it I'd give it a 6.5. Not bad enough to be a straight 6, but enough problems to miss 7. If you want some fun there's fun to be had here. Shits all over BvS in this regard. There's nothing deep here though. It's all pretty basic stuff.

First , the characters: (From best to worst)

Amanda Waller: Goddamn did Viola Davis standout. She just owned every scene she was in and received the only full audience reaction during one scene in particular.

El Diablo: From the squad itself he somehow managed to shine brightest for me. Only one who seemed to have any real thought put into his character. Had the least amount of odd dialog choices and sold his tragic background better than the rest. Even topped Big Willy in this regard. For me anyway.

Deadshot: Smith was here to play and he played. What keeps him from being my number one was... too much Smith, not enough Deadshot. Smith is so likable that it's easy to forgive however. The stuff with his daughter was great.

Harley Quinn: Margot did her best and it was really good but I'll detail my problem with her down below because it also plays into a problem with Joker and the movie as a whole.

Joker: See above.

Boomer: Had some funny lines but that's about the only reason he's higher than the rest below.

Enchantress: When she was being creepy it worked really well. When she was being flashy it came off as ridiculously campy. I liked it but I can see where there would be a large audience disconnect here.

Flag: Ups and downs. Sometimes Joel was in and other times it felt like they used the 200th take and he was just spitting the lines out with no effort like he was just done. Sometimes he came off as hardened and other times it was like he was a country boy. Sometimes he was cold and other times he was human. No real consistency but the good stuff was definitely in there at times.

Killer Croc: Offered nothing. Had one funny line but it got the lightest of chuckles out of me and I'm easy to make laugh.

Slipknot: If you've seen the trailers you've seen like 99.8% of his screentime. Punched a lady, touched his neck, nodded at Boomer, died. Yea, he died. If you didn't see that coming from the second his character was announced I can't help you. But just the fact that something happened with him puts him higher than...

Katana: If I spent a week thinking about it I could not provide a reason for her to be in this movie. Not one standout moment, or piece of dialog, or anything. Even the cool moment with her eyes turning black in the trailers is not here. Her entire screen presence consisted of walking and standing ready to take her sword out or put her sword back. What I've typed here took more effort than what was required of Karen in the movie.

I left the villain out because just about anything I say there is spoiler territory but there isn't much to tell anyway.

Now my problem. What keeps this movie from being substantially better than it should be. It is insanely obvious there is a lot missing. Even the lady I was with brought this up on the way back to my car. This movie was chopped and they didn't attempt to cover it up at all. And the parts it hurt most were Harley and Joker. You can tell there's a bigger story going on but as is you just can't buy it. What little there is of Joker (and I do mean little, we're talking 3-4 minutes TOPS) seems like it could be something great but they don't hang on him enough to let you feel anything.

Overall, I had a good time but I can see why a critic would go hard on this movie. My date absolutely loved it and she's about as casual a movie goer there is. Lot of laughs from the audience during most of the jokes but like I said before only Waller got a full blown reaction from everyone. If you go in just looking to see some of your favorite characters fuck around for a couple of hours you'll walk away satisfied. If you're looking for something layered it ain't here unfortunately. It's ties to the rest of the DCEU are basically Superman died. It begins and ends with that. Pretty much in the same scene. There's a mid credit scene but `it felt pointless considering what we've all already seen.

I may have more to say once I've been able to sleep on it tonight but I think I got all I wanted out for now.


well not really...yet
So I've seen bandied about several times that some people think MoS was a failure and it should not have led into the DCEU

A few things.

- While 55% on RT, the average rating is very similar to a good chunk of MCU films
- A look at Metacritic reveals an extremely low number of negative reviews, and a near equal amount of positive and mixed.
- Critically, MoS was the definition of divisive, a lot of which can be attributed to the decision to really go balls to the wall in the final climax and THAT moment I believe.

- Putting that aside, audience wise, MoS was not a majority hated movie by any means. It grossed a significant amount more than Superman Returns, close to double, it was also received much better by audiences. Audience scores pretty much across the board paint the picture as well received. Now that's not to say it could have done even better were it not for the divisive aspects of the picture, but it wasn't a deal killer by any means.
- The Blu-Ray of MoS was a very high seller, and outsold nearly every single Marvel movie

All this to say, while the film was not a 100% universally beloved film due to the some of the more divisive ideas in it, it was still as perfect a launchpad into the DCU as WB could have expected considering the timeline they were working under.

The issue with the current state of the universe squarely falls on WBs failure to take the right move afterwards. Putting aside personal feelings, what they should have done was follow up MoS with another movie, Batman, Flash, or MoS 2, whatever, that was just a solid stand alone super hero movie, very few DCEU teases aside from mentioning Superman now exists or something. That's all they really had to do. And then go from there.

As far as curating a popular brand that will resonate with casual audiences, BvS was a complete mistake, and so was allowing Snyder and Terrio to make it, as it's clear they 100% aimed to make an almost transgressive project in the film's original form.

Now, for me personally, BvS (Ultimate Cut specifically), is a far more interesting movie than what I previously described, so I personally don't give a shit, I'd rather have this than something cookie cutter, and honestly find it a much better thematic lead in to a shared universe (which is why those JL teasers piss me off, they aren't needed at all) but for casual audiences, there's no two ways about it, WB fucked up big time from their side of things.


Phase One:
Man of Steel - 55%
Batman v Superman - 27%
Suicide Squad - 27%
Wonder Woman - 41%
Justice League - 35%

Phase Two:
- 93%
Aquaman - 85%
The Batman - 90%
Green Lantern Corps - 81%
Justice League Mortal - 92%


Phase One:
Man of Steel - 55%
Batman v Superman - 27%
Suicide Squad - 27%
Wonder Woman - 41%
Justice League - 35%

Phase Two:
- 93%
Aquaman - 85%
The Batman - 90%
Green Lantern Corps - 81%
Justice League Mortal - 92%

I expect Wonder Woman to do better than Man of Steel.


I'd be willing to be both Wonder Woman and Justice League are Certified Fresh. You can quote me when the movies come out.

Also canonically at the end of Flashpoint nothing changed timeline wise. So we'd be in the same slate.
So I guess its up to me to Stan for this movie

Absolutely loved it, and for a British cinema viewing the audience loved it too

Film got lots of laughs, especially at the browser history joke

Its a bit messy in places, but it had a hell of a lot of heart, and the actors did an amazing job

The bar was scene was fucking raw, and it worked so well

Loved Will Smith, Digger, HARLEY QUINN, Adewale etc

The funny thing about Cara is that when she is like in the dirty primal witch mode shes great, and there is this real savageness to her performance, its just that her 'upgrade' kind of kills her as a cool looking threat.

Anyway, loved it and i reckon audiences will love it too

Preliminary 8.5 out of 10, need to see a second time to be sure


Gold Member
Phase One:
Man of Steel - 55%
Batman v Superman - 27%
Suicide Squad - 27%
Wonder Woman - 41%
Justice League - 35%

Phase Two:
- 93%
Aquaman - 85%
The Batman - 90%
Green Lantern Corps - 81%
Justice League Mortal - 92%

Unless WB stops fucking around and meddling with the movies, I don't know how much John's influence matters.
...so why extactly do we have confidence on the Aquaman movie?

James Wan movies end up decent. If it's business as usual here this will be the same. I don't care for his stuff though so I'm just seeing it for aquaman and some water combat. Not expecting much.

He looked like a real bro in the Justice League trailer so that was a nice step in the right direction. Vastly prefer this look over muscly blonde guy.


From what I understand DC Films are going to be run by Johns and Berg so their should be less interference from executives.
I did NOT expect that:


2018 is hopefully going to be the fresh year, with Flash, Aquaman and then Batman in October.


Seriously hating on one of the best Comic Book movies ever made

I rememeber laughing at that scene. Not because I thought it was fun, but in a "What the fuck is this shit?" kind of way. Enjoyed the movie at the time but I have forgotten everything about it. Just like with every Marvel film.

[quote="Kenzodielocke, post: 212516163"]I did NOT expect that:



Shit, I usually disagree a lot with his movie reviews. Now i'm worried.

[spoiler]Seeing it tonight, cannot fucking wait[/spoiler]

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
He flew too close to the son *tears*

I actually really liked his delivery of that, especially with the music playing behind him and the imagery shown.

Save us from Ayer, Zack!

I did like that browser history joke, that dude was good overall. Also that Deadshot moment with him just going on a rampage and everyone looking was awesome.
There were some legit funny/good moments in there, no doubt. Just too bad about everything else really.
Echo from the other thread.

This was shit. 3/10, and completely forgettable.
Take Deadshot, Harley and Waller and put them in a better movie.

Even the action was ass, which isn't something I thought possible again after seeing F4ntastic.
Saw it last night.

I understand why it reviewed badly, christ.

First half was fucking abysmal. Character introductions felt so inorganic. Was just flashbacks bookended with the same Amanda Waller scene. Everything up to the villain reveal seemed like it had all of the connective tissue cut out. It was just a bunch of scenes that didn't fit together. Like someone taking a jigsaw and forcing random pieces together: You could tell it was the same movie, but the picture didn't make sense.

The second half was great though. Everything after the point where
they rescue Amanda Waller
was excellent. Everything felt a lot more cohesive. The actors performances were all great, and the second half actually had the cinema laughing out loud quite a lot. Not sure if the second half was the part where there was no studio meddling or whether it was actually Ayer responsible for the first half and the studio meddling actually saved the movie. Saying that, considering how the first part was almost trailer-like, I'm guessing that's where the rumoured trailer team got involved if those rumours are any where near correct.

Real shame that it came to this. I think my ranking would go:

Second half of Suicide Squad > BvS UC > MoS > BvS TC > Thor 2 > First Half of Suicide Squad.

edit: Also the music was obnoxious in the first half. They threw it into scenes that needed silence and it completely fucked the tone of what would otherwise be excellent scenes.


Lmao, you poor souls.

2 "duds" from possibly 20+ films will hardly matter if things turn positive from now. And I hope we get a sequel with Onslaught as the villian.

And it's funny when I see people who've said their never watching another DC movie chanting "please be good" under the WW trailer.


I agree that it's awful, but it's there.
Barely watchable though. SS shouldve been much better.

The thing, I watched it recently and was expecting a gigantic pile of shit. In a weird way I kinda liked it, the first half at least, before that time jump. After that it's like you're watching a different movie with differente characters that just happen to look exactly the same as the ones in the first film. And that "climax" scene was awful.

I must say that I kinda enjoyed it because it was fun to see Kate Mara with the wig going in and out of the movie.
One thing they really need to do is make The Flash a Rogues movie to make the most out of Boomer. Jai Courtney was one of the best things about the film. Didn't have anywhere near enough screen time, but his screen presence was excellent. He was the best part about the bar scene and had the audience in stitches.
One thing they really need to do is make The Flash a Rogues movie to make the most out of Boomer. Jai Courtney was one of the best things about the film. Didn't have anywhere near enough screen time, but his screen presence was excellent. He was the best part about the bar scene and had the audience in stitches.

I am 80 % sure Jai will appear in the Flash to some capacity. I hope they keep it low key, something like this as villain:



One thing they really need to do is make The Flash a Rogues movie to make the most out of Boomer. Jai Courtney was one of the best things about the film. Didn't have anywhere near enough screen time, but his screen presence was excellent. He was the best part about the bar scene and had the audience in stitches.

How could they use Boomer as a rogue in another movie? Isn't he part of the squad? Are squad members given free time between missions?
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