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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I just saw it and loved it. I agree with most critics about the pacing issues and I wish some scenes were more fleshed out but it didn't really effect my enjoyment of the movie. Really the only two main complaints are that:

1. Most scenes are spoiled by trailers
2. Too much music. Some songs worked but most music that played was annoying and I wish they just let some scenes breathe.

That's it. I love this fucking movie. It was so much fun. I can't wait to watch it again.
I think there are more movies to compare and contrast to then ever before. If this was 2002, Suicide Squad would have been reviewed much higher imo, because it was during a time when there was no formula to cape films. But now that there does exist a formula, its a lot clearer to see it done badly. A lot of critics want to give these movies the benefit of the doubt but cant help reacting negatively to what they see.
This is true, there's a standard and expectation for connected movie universe and DC needs to pay the newcomer tax.
I hate the Us vs Them, 'Fuck the Critics' attitude that has developed. The critics dont 'get the film wrong', they just share their reaction to the film that is based off their deep knowledge of cinema. If you had a different reaction, good for you, no need to begin the conversation by shouting 'Fuck the Critics' and trusting Youtube personalities exclusively. There is no Marvel Bias or Agenda.
YouTubers are critics as well. I don't place them on different buckets. I also don't care about their opinions.


Cant fuck with the watchmen movie, intro is great but it is just so...boring. And some of the acting is terrible. Cast Malin Akerman as your major female lead brehs.... Only snyder movies I somewhat enjoyed were BvS Ultimate Edition and dawn of the dead

If man of Steel had a different writer I'd say that too. Script is so robotic tho. Only the Kents and Michael Shannon da gawd manage to somehow break through it at times.
My one big issue with MoS is that dialogue by Goyer. If only Jonathan Nolan or Terrio had gone over it...MoS would have edged out Batman Begins for me as the best origin movie. Goyer had the great idea of making it a First Contact story and giving us the Krypton sequence, he just had to couple it with some dry ass dialogue.

It's crazy how Shannon actually takes those words and makes some lines memorable.

"You can forgive Kal for any lack in decorum. He is a stranger to our ways."


I've never seen watchmen. Don't think I will either because I always hear that you have to watch The directors cut. I don't watch directors cuts personally.

Perhaps I should say due to his recent films, I have no faith in Synder. He does deserve credit if he pulled it off in a previous movie

This is a weird mentality. Why would you refuse to watch directors cuts? Especially if you've never seen the original?
This is the new me who has completely given up on comic book movies. I watched three westerns today. Sergio Leone Cinematic Universe is the best.


well not really...yet
Just came back.

Pretty much everyone I saw it with was in agreement. The plot was a mess, but the characters carried the movie.

bullet points.

- The plotting is...problematic, thats the kindest way of putting it, and some of the choices surrounding the villain are egregious as fuck. Like, even for a script written in 6 weeks, I can't believe Ayer settled on this...and this isn't an issue that stems from reshoots, re-edits, etc.

- After seeing the movie...WB were right in re-tooling it to be a mit more humorous. As much as I like muh grimdark, these characters would have suffocated within that tone.

- I thought Will Smith would phone it in...but he carried this movie on his fucking back. Pretty much everyone agreed this was the best Will has been in a very long time.

- Almost any scene with Harley and Joker felt like it came alive from a comic book page.

- The biggest mistake made in the editing of this film is in the loss of any character moment period, this is what carries the movie, and any time it veers away from that towards the "plot" is an issue.

I don't even know what to rate it. Everyone enjoyed it, but agreed the plot was shit. Take away? WB need to get on a fucking standalone Harley/Joker movie, and keep Will Smith. Get him a solo Deadshot movie or something.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Just came back.

Pretty much everyone I saw it with was in agreement. The plot was a mess, but the characters carried the movie.

bullet points.

- The plotting is...problematic, thats the kindest way of putting it, and some of the choices surrounding the villain are egregious as fuck. Like, even for a script written in 6 weeks, I can't believe Ayer settled on this...and this isn't an issue that stems from reshoots, re-edits, etc.

- After seeing the movie...WB were right in re-tooling it to be a mit more humorous. As much as I like muh grimdark, these characters would have suffocated within that tone.

- I thought Will Smith would phone it in...but he carried this movie on his fucking back. Pretty much everyone agreed this was the best Will has been in a very long time.

- Almost any scene with Harley and Joker felt like it came alive from a comic book page.

- The biggest mistake made in the editing of this film is in the loss of any character moment period, this is what carries the movie, and any time it veers away from that towards the "plot" is an issue.

I don't even know what to rate it. Everyone enjoyed it, but agreed the plot was shit. Take away? WB need to get on a fucking standalone Harley/Joker movie, and keep Will Smith. Get him a solo Deadshot movie or something.

100% agree
B+ cinemascore. While better than BvS it's still not good. Most likely squad will have a very large drop next weekend.

But as I mentioned in the box office thread, it fits A and A- among the people this film was primarily marketed too

Which is actually ok, cause they were the ones driving the film to its crazy level of social media awareness


I've never seen watchmen. Don't think I will either because I always hear that you have to watch The directors cut. I don't watch directors cuts personally.

Perhaps I should say due to his recent films, I have no faith in Synder. He does deserve credit if he pulled it off in a previous movie

Lol, are you the guy from SuperHero News? I've only heard that mentality once before and it was from Hector.


I may just have to admit to myself that (SS major spoiler)
I'm a Snyder fanboy since the hypest thing that I thought happened in SS was when the Flash showed up. Then I learn that specific moment in the movie was shot by Snyder himself.
I may just have to admit to myself that (SS major spoiler)
I'm a Snyder fanboy since the hypest thing that I thought happened in SS was when the Flash showed up. Then I learn that specific moment in the movie was shot by Snyder himself.

Suicide Squad spoilers
mentioned it earlier, and now getting a better look, the effects of his speed are interesting. As if there's a distortion layer ahead of his physical body. Makes me wonder if there will be a science-y expiation behind it.


Is it me or was the BvS reception here purely negative and Suicide Squad is more mixed?

I totally see it, and I seriously think it's because despite this movies flaws there is fun to be had. Both times I went this movie had the theater laughing I think people really enjoyed the characters.


Saw it yesterday and enjoyed it a lot. It has some problems, mainly the plot being meh and some pacing issues, but nothing to consider it one of the worst movies ever made. It's a summer blockbuster film with solid characters and some good action scenes. People in my theater liked it, everybody laughed and had a good time. The (SS spoilers
Flash cameo made me scream like a little boy

Deadshot, Harley, Amanda and Diablo were the standouts, an Cap Boomerang comes close. I fucking loved him and wish he had more screentime. I liked Leto, nothing really memorable from him, but as an introduction to the new Joker it works.

So yeah, I liked the movie, I don't get the hate it gets. Maybe being so character driven, is they don't resonate with you the movie falls appart and turns to shit. I think it will do good numbers at the BO.
So is Leto's Joker bad or is this just the usual hyperbolism ? Would be really disappointing if true, the Joker on screen was never bad. People hate him. Nobody hated any of the Joker's.
Warning, a lot of negativity incoming but I wouldn't be this pissed if I wasn't a huge DC fan in the first place. this is just my honest opinion from the official thread:

Just came out of the theater. Not a single laugh from anyone during the movie.
I hated this movie so goddamn much, wtf DC / Warner? This might rank lower than BvS for me. I hated Snyder's film but at least it felt like his vision. It's not a vision I like but I can respect the movie for its ambition and its unwillingness to conform to the Marvel formula.
All the reports of Suicide Squad being retooled by the people who made the trailers (which were great) have to be true. The first 45 minutes were an endurance test for me, just a bunch of shallow character trailers cut to popular songs, it felt so incredibly lame and desperate.
Surprisingly, I actually prefered the end of the movie. Sure, it's completely generic and I would hate it in a better movie but at least here I was mildly entertained.

And I despised this Joker. I'm not a comic fan who can't handle when characters are portrayed differently on film. I don't mind as long as they're still interesting. But the moppy Superman and the serial-killer Batman from BvS are just not interesting characters. And neither is this mildly threatening mob boss with a strange fashion sense who's madly in love with Harley Quinn. Batman, Supes, The Joker, Luthor, they are the most important characters in the DCU and I hate them all. It has nothing to do with the actors btw, it's all in the writing. I just don't want this cinematic universe to happen anymore.

A couple of good things:
- Viola Davis nailed it, she's absolutely perfect and that's the Amanda Waller I always wanted to see. Kill everyone else in the DCCU, it's time for the Waller cinematic universe.
- The one scene that felt like it belonged in a David Ayer movie (mild spoilers): the quiet little moment where Harley drops her act for a little bit and then puts on a fake smile when she notices the Squad. They all know she's faking it but they humor her anyway. That was a real and subtle character moment and a true interaction between the members of the Squad.

I enjoyed it a tiny bit more than BvS but I respect it less as a film. Just a broken product assembled together by a bunch of scared executives.
So is Leto's Joker bad or is this just the usual hyperbolism ? Would be really disappointing if true, the Joker on screen was never bad. People hate him. Nobody hated any of the Joker's.

It's pretty disconcerting for sure. Joker is da gawd. 100% track record on film (Romero, Hamill if that counts, Nicholson and Ledger). Rare to find too much hate for their performances (....until the next joker comes along of course)

I don't think it's the tattoos either. Shit like that can be overlooked after a few minutes. People are just straight up finding the performance kind of generic and unentertaining from what I'm reading. Hopefully I enjoy it at least but while I think he looks fantastic personally I found him to be pretty wack in the two clips I saw. That's not a good sign. I was in love with the Ledger iteration from minute 1.

It sucks being on the outside looking in. I'm really curious. I've loved all the jokers before a hell of a lot....only a few days to go before I finally see it.
It's pretty disconcerting for sure. Joker is da gawd. 100% track record on film (Romero, Hamill if that counts, Nicholson and Ledger). Rare to find too much hate for their performances (....until the next joker comes along of course)

I don't think it's the tattoos either. Shit like that can be overlooked after a few minutes. People are just straight up finding the performance kind of generic and unentertaining from what I'm reading. Hopefully I enjoy it at least but while I think he looks fantastic personally I found him to be pretty wack in the two clips I saw. That's not a good sign. I was in love with the Ledger iteration from minute 1.

It sucks being on the outside looking in. I'm really curious. I've loved all the jokers before a hell of a lot....only a few days to go before I finally see it.
Maybe people would like him better if most of his scenes weren't cut from the film. I feel so bad for Leto, you can tell how upset it makes him.
Maybe people would like him better if most of his scenes weren't cut from the film. I feel so bad for Leto, you can tell how upset it makes him.

He's just not scary or intimidating at all. And his genuine love for Harley makes him too vulnerable. In the comics and TDK, despite having no powers, the Joker was always this illogical and inexplicably scary figure. There's never a reason behing his acts and certainly not a shred of affection for anyone (expecially not Harley) aside from Batman. I thought Leto would kill it the moment he was cast but he and Ayer just misunderstood the character.

Jack Nicholson managed to pull it off despite him having an origin story and being the murderer of Wayne's parents. But he did so because he's Jack Nicholson and he's charismatic and scary as fuck when he wants to be. Leto barely feels like a threat. Affleck's Batman would annihilate him.


Maybe people would like him better if most of his scenes weren't cut from the film. I feel so bad for Leto, you can tell how upset it makes him.

He can be upset. Fact is this isn't solely his movie. I felt he was featured just enough. Any more and you run the risk of him overshadowing everything else. And hey shit gets cut all the time. Ayer probably made that call. Who knows.


I don't feel that Joker is in it enough to really say one way or the other. And out of the few scenes he is in only one would be considered material worth showcasing Joker for.

Okay, so to put it another way, take Ledger's Joker and imagine the only scene he's in is the backroom meeting with the mob bosses. Now, take out the "magic trick". Would you call that conversation a good showcase for Joker? All you're left with is him talking. Some mannerisms are still there, to be sure, as is with Leto, but nothing that screams 'This is Joker!"


Can we agree that Warner is full.of shit calling this a director driven universe.

Let's be honest, all the that was cut, like abusive Joker and Racist Boomerang was done to pull in the GA.


that's a shame. you're pretty much missing out on 2 of the best ridley scott movies of all time then.

Just out of curiosity: I'm sure Kingdom of Heaven must be one, which Ridley Scott film is the second? Alien? Blade Runner?


I should be off to see Suicide Squad on Monday. Almost time to see what all the fuss is about.


Is there something to the fact that people who say they liked the movie often say the audience seemed to like it too and people who hated it often say the audience seemed to dislike it as well? Like, I never hear somebody say they liked it but nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, or vice versa. Is it confirmation bias or something?


Is there something to the fact that people who say they liked the movie often say the audience seemed to like it too and people who hated it often say the audience seemed to dislike it as well? Like, I never hear somebody say they liked it but nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, or vice versa. Is it confirmation bias or something?

I watched it with a friend at a 10am Saturday morning screening. There were maybe 50 people in the cinema tops (really big hall, Dolby Atmos), so I can't really tell if anyone else really enjoyed it. I hated the movie and felt it had no redeeming value. My fiend thought it wasn't that bad and was passable entertainment, he agreed that they wasted a lot of the characters and setting by not developing anything though.
Is there something to the fact that people who say they liked the movie often say the audience seemed to like it too and people who hated it often say the audience seemed to dislike it as well? Like, I never hear somebody say they liked it but nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, or vice versa. Is it confirmation bias or something?

Most of the reactions I've read mentioned that the audience was into the film and I myself believe that the movie will play better in general than BvS did.

But I'm not lying when I say that the theater was dead silent during the entire film for my screening. Some people might have enjoyed the film but they certainly didn't laugh at the jokes. I live in France and saw the movie with subtitles so maybe some of the humor just didn't translate well but in general, people are pretty receptive to comic book movies here. Deadpool, Civil War and even X-Men got a lot of laughs.


Is there something to the fact that people who say they liked the movie often say the audience seemed to like it too and people who hated it often say the audience seemed to dislike it as well? Like, I never hear somebody say they liked it but nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, or vice versa. Is it confirmation bias or something?

It's possible but when I mention it its to gauge perception. My theater in both showings i went to responded to the movie positively. After it ended it didn't seem like people walked out in utter disgust.


I've never seen watchmen. Don't think I will either because I always hear that you have to watch The directors cut. I don't watch directors cuts personally.

Perhaps I should say due to his recent films, I have no faith in Synder. He does deserve credit if he pulled it off in a previous movie

Why would you not watch a director's cut.


The normal theater I go to would make you think every movie ever is utter crap because they never laugh, cheer, applaud or react in any way. I went to a Drafthouse for SS (which is about an hour farther than my normal theater) and people laughed and there was some clapping after the credit scene. Was very weird to see since I'm so used to no reaction at all.


Can we agree that Warner is full.of shit calling this a director driven universe.

Let's be honest, all the that was cut, like abusive Joker and Racist Boomerang was done to pull in the GA.

I don't think they are

It's director-driven to a point... the problem is that point seems to come after everything else is done

So we end up with some producer-hacked release.

Either trust the director all the way or say it's gonna be a studio effort from the beginning.


Oh minor spoiler, but like how so far the DCEU films

Connect to the previous one by having some fallout from the end of the last film.
BvS from Bruce's PoV
SS showing some minor aftermath of Supes' death with the shirt and Waller putting together the team.


Oh minor spoiler, but like how so far the DCEU films

Connect to the previous one by having some fallout from the end of the last film.
BvS from Bruce's PoV
SS showing some minor aftermath of Supes' death with the shirt and Waller putting together the team.

So what you're saying is that Wonder Woman seals Hades away in WW1 and the secret base he is sealed in was the one destroyed in Suicide Squad right?


Oh minor spoiler, but like how so far the DCEU films

Connect to the previous one by having some fallout from the end of the last film.
BvS from Bruce's PoV
SS showing some minor aftermath of Supes' death with the shirt and Waller putting together the team.
Yep, that's great, makes them feel barely connected yet enough to make them feel part of the same stories. After confirming we're having present day parts in WW, I expect to have Bruce find her to get the League together.


Like, the movie is her recalling the events after opening Bruce's email? I would be piiiiiiissed.
I'm pretty sure it will be a flashback and it will start with Diana in Bruce's office at Wayne Enterprises
since we've already seen photos of vehicles bearing the logo on set
. Similar to how the Hobbit movie started with Bilbo telling his story to Frodo.
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