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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Saw the film last night. Really liked it. It got the feel of the Ostrander Suicide Squad down really well. Best live action Waller to date, Viola Davis killed it. All the characters felt like they were supposed to. Deadshot, was especially great.

Also, I don't understand how someone couldn't like the Joker, unless you were just waiting for a copy of Ledger. This was a pretty damned good interpretation of gangster Joker, similar to what we had in 1989 batman, but less cartoony. Honestly it reminded me a lot of Brian Azzarello's 'Joker' book, and some stuff like the Strip Club scene were ripped right from the pages of that book. Only thing I didn't like about him, is in what was cut. He needs those extra scenes of well, abuse against Harley to flesh out their relationship into the fucked up thing it is.


Is there something to the fact that people who say they liked the movie often say the audience seemed to like it too and people who hated it often say the audience seemed to dislike it as well? Like, I never hear somebody say they liked it but nobody in the audience seemed to enjoy it, or vice versa. Is it confirmation bias or something?
So, like BvS I saw this at midnight on Thurs. Both crowds were charged up, but it wasnt even close, the BvS one seemed waaaay more into it. I think people were just confused at how dull SS ended up being. Really muted reaction by the end of it compared to BvS.


Skwad: Well damn, I had fun with this. I even liked it.

Weakest movie of the DCEU? Sure. It's a bigger mess in terms of narrative, structure and editing than BvS theatrical, but the fun of it all - eg the camaraderie between the Skwad, (Smith and Robbie especially are as expected fantastic) - it still makes this craziness work, and unlike BvS TC I can see audiences forgiving the messiness because of that fun factor. Now that 140m domestic OW figure makes a bit more sense and I don't think we'll get a big second week drop and I guess A- CinemaScore.

May repeat myself in these but anyway the good: Smith and Robbie, I actually liked the mob boss gangster approach to Joker here so props to Leto for making it work, Courtney was funny and Diablo was cool as well. Katana though, I wish we could see more especially back story instead of being a couple dialogue throwaways, same for Slipknot (for obvious reasons). The interactions, the chemistry, the humour, you spend a great time with them all that you forget/cab excuseas an audience member the bad stuff. Also MVP: Viola. Bloody. Davis. Female F.U. with badassery cranked up to 11, absolutely fantastic.

So the bad stuff: first act oh my dear god that was, while at first enjoyable, but I didn't really like the way it was put together. (I see you Trailer Park - that all is definitely from their cut). Thankfully it's all evened out once the mission begins, making the rest of the film like an extemded third act is certainly an interesting choice, although it did not make sense story and plot wise. It's during the rest of the film - where you get more of Price's great score and less of all the pop stuff (looking at you again Trailer Park) that we see what Ayer was originally trying to make. This messy conflict of visions is there when you look closely but again, thanks to the characters it just works.

Also - biggest wasted potential is Enchantress: not to mention Cara hamming it up, I think a very interesting Mr Robot/Fight Club-esque dynamic of Moone v Enchantress could've been explored (and I liked the pairing of her and Flagg on paper) but no she's Gozer 2.0 in this which is serviceable and alright given what we get in most other CBMs....

Lastly - all the complaints on how "problematic" it is - um they're bad guys? And Harley tried to pull a knife on Bats underwater so, there.

And also lastly but spoilers
one too much Batman, just one cameo in the film would've been enough, but Wayne at the end was AWESOMENESS

So yeah, it's a hot mess but at least it's a good , even great B movie fun time. Can we get Ayer's cut pls

I've been trying to find this image after the original link stopped working. Thanks to Plywood's post in that Jared Leto thread, here it is. I wonder what version this person originally watched, the Ayer's cut or the studio's cut, before he watched the mishmash version?


I've been trying to find this image after the original link stopped working. Thanks to Plywood's post in that Jared Leto thread, here it is. I wonder what version this person originally watched, the Ayer's cut or the studio's cut, before he watched the mishmash version?

Tweet him?
Wasn't there a reddit post by someone who saw both cuts at test screenings that explained the differences?

Finally saw the movie. I enjoyed it a lot, but they really needed to flesh out some of the Squad. Not just bckstory, just more of who they are. Tone was just a tad bit too close to the Marvel spectrum for me, but it was a good time. If we could find a sweet spot, tone wise, between Bvs and SS, I'll be happy.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Cinemascore looks ok, don't think it'll have the steep dropoff BvS suffered.

Even with the rotten score, people seemed to have fun with it anyway as opposed to BvS which was completely joyless.


Joker was pretty bad. Not really intimidating, just weird. And not even the good weird. I hope he'll be better cause right now. Nicholson and Ledger still the best.


Joker was pretty bad. Not really intimidating, just weird. And not even the good weird. I hope he'll be better cause right now. Nicholson and Ledger still the best.

I can deal with the weird stuff. I just don't feel anything either way about him right now at this point. And I'd rather see a Joker other than this mob boss, coked up version of him lol.
I can deal with the weird stuff. I just don't feel anything either way about him right now at this point. And I'd rather see a Joker other than this mob boss, coked up version of him lol.

I think that's the part that made me just not like him even in his limited time. Leto played him like a heroine addict who might have just shot up. A bunch of his limited time he was just spacey.


I can deal with the weird stuff. I just don't feel anything either way about him right now at this point. And I'd rather see a Joker other than this mob boss, coked up version of him lol.

Yeah this while mob boss thing isn't doing it for me. I guess. I felt so weird during that entire club scene. I just don't think he's that memorable so far in this limited screen time. Hopefully that will change.


Gold Member
Rewatching BvS and I only now realise that the blonde girl introducing Lex during his library speech is Vicky Vale.


I think that's the part that made me just not like him even in his limited time. Leto played him like a heroine addict who might have just shot up. A bunch of his limited time he was just spacey.

And that kinda makes sense since he only has one goal during the entire movie. Yea I just don't know if I like seeing joker like that.

Put him in a batman solo and a truly psychotic, genius clown. I think Leo can knock that out of the park


I agree that an Affleck directed Leto would kill it. The guy has talent, the movie just didn't make good use of it.
Rewatching BvS and I only now realise that the blonde girl introducing Lex during his library speech is Vicky Vale.
WHAAAAT? Where was it confirmed?


Gold Member
WHAAAAT? Where was it confirmed?

Just an assumption. I checked the credits and didn't see any Vicky Vale. But Lex clearly calls her Vicky, she's blonde.. I dunno, kinda makes sense?

Anyway, I fucking love the Ultimate Edition. They really, REALLY need to release an Ultimate Edition soundtrack, there's so much stuff missing on the original OST.
Fuck!!! Set your expectations to zero and you cant help but like some of it...but I LOVED it!

Really unconventional filmmaking that I believe will resonate with audiences. It really is sort of videogameish, but thats not a slight against it.

I came out loving every character and how daring it was to suddenly expand the entire DCEU in such a huge way with the ensemble of diverse characters. I feel like Ayer breathed more life into this DC Earth than Snyder did honestly in terms of world-building and tone-setting.

I really enjoyed it. I loved Enchantress (but only when she was in her creepy form, the other one sucked), Harley, Deadshot and Joker.

Captain Boomerang didn't wow me like I was expecting to, Katana and Croc were paid dust, and El Diablo was meh.

I would have changed some scenes around, and admittedly the action was kinda mediocre, but overall it was a pretty enjoyable film.

I probably would have liked it way more with most of the deleted stuff added back in though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
From the box office thread.

Rth on BOT is saying Suicide Squad is looking at mid 30's for today, which would be horrendous drop of ~45%.

Man, if true us DC fans just can't catch a break.


I talked to 5-6 people from college. All of them really enjoyed it. What is happening with this film?

All of my co-workers that went to see it together last night loved it. They're all in their 20s.

I almost convinced myself to wait for the blu-ray but my wife really wants to see it and they said they loved it, so we're just going to go tomorrow.


I cannot wait to watch SS Monday. Sounds fun from what people have told me.

Reviews are what they are, everybody is different.

How does it treat Harley? Really nervous about that.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Why the fans? WB is the one that needs to deliver a quality movie, fans don't make films so I don't get your post.
Because historically bad drops and underperforming movies is bad for us DC fans that just want the films to keep flowing.


Just watched a video review complaining about Jai Courtney's Australian accent. Saying it was weird and such.

I wanted to comment saying that he's actually Australian and that's likely his natural speaking voice, but I refrained because ultimately, who cares.


Just watched a video review complaining about Jai Courtney's Australian accent. Saying it was weird and such.

I wanted to comment saying that he's actually Australian and that's likely his natural speaking voice, but I refrained because ultimately, who cares.

At a point you just have to ignore all the petty nick-picks. If someone is determined to find a fault in something, they will find fault.


Liked it, didn't love. Much like BvS (yet to see UC).

Can definitely tell stuff was rearranged/cut. Certain interactions/arcs felt chopped up. The Joker was def shorted.
The shithead captain of the guard storyline seemed like it was going somewhere.

I dug this version of Joker he just...wasn't given enough.

Enchantress was kinda...actually really hot. Which was weird because I don't like her actress. Actually find her kind of off-putting.

All the pop songs got a little grating, they seemed to drop that in the last half/third.

Waller was fucking vicious. Did NOT expect that scene toward the halfway point. She never wore the navy blue business suit though!

Deadshot was great throughout the whole movie.
Diablo was cool.
Harley was great.
Boomerang was a little underused.

Katana and Croc got screwed over. Maybe saving them for later movies.

It also seemed to be setting up Justice League alot more than I was expecting.
A pretty sizable chunk of the world's military capability was wiped out right? Bad timing with Supes gone Earth is looking primed to get the shit kicked out of it.

Hope we get the rumored SS2 and Birds of Prey movie.

One thing I was surprised about was the lack of allusions to other villains in Belle Reeves/Arkham.

Hoping for Mr Freeze. and Livewire next time.


Just watched a video review complaining about Jai Courtney's Australian accent. Saying it was weird and such.

I wanted to comment saying that he's actually Australian and that's likely his natural speaking voice, but I refrained because ultimately, who cares.

I think he just amped himself up more. Made himself more sound more ocker.


WB's own internals said 125 million for this weekend didn't it? I mean clearly that's on the low end for them but it seems like it was always a possibility.


Good. This should break enough to feel the DC brand has a power, but not enough for WB to take it was a good job.

But how many more failures to meet potential can Tsujihara helm before he's kicked off the boat entirely? MUTINY! MUTINY I SAY!


This is starting to feel like the way BioShock Infinite felt. Early in it's development we saw trailers and gameplay from a game that ultimately never made it into the public's hands. I'm sure someone is going through trailer footage and making something that showcases all the footage we saw leading up to the film that never actually made it into the final product.

I admire the director for standing up for his film, but I think he's just doing this out of solidarity or something noble or whatever. I feel like there's a whole different film that was made pre-Deadpool, post-Deadpool, and then post-BvS reaction.

I really, REALLY hope we get an ultimate cut somewhere down the line.

Again, I loved the movie, by the way, I'm just curious of how it was originally put together.


Suicide Squad gonna fuck around and have worse legs than BvS with no competition in summer. Amazing in some ways if it happens.

To be fair this Summer has been brutal for movies.

I'll say it again. While this movie is fun it's forgettable. The characters make the movie but they don't have the same impact as seeing Batman, Superman and WW in the same film imo.
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