I;ll take the code please. havent seen it yet.
I;ll take the code please. havent seen it yet.
I thought Fant4stic was ok as well. Maybe I just have a lower standard. The actors were ok, plot ok, action wasn't very good.
Saw SS last night for the second time. Enjoyed it again. Yes, it has some flaws, but overall it's a pretty enjoyable film. Those who claim that's worse than F4ntastic are crazy.
The first half is OK, even interesting. But after that time jump it's like watching another movie. I think the movie works (if it works in any way) best if you don't think about the source material. Also the action scenes were crap.
Watched Skwad again but with my mom this time (dont say nothin).
She called the baddies California Raisins with guns and I had to stop her from doing Enchantress' belly dance in the lobby. Also, she swears the movie would improve if Paul Hogan replaced Jai Courtney. Finally sbe suggested unsarcastically that the movie would be better if they sent the Suicide Squad to fight ISIS, which I somewhat agree with since that's ironically Suicide Squad #1. My mom didnt read it though, and neither did David Ayer appaerently based off some of the fudamentally wrong ideas in this story.
Great characters, nonsense plot, sloppily put together -- but still a good time at the movie theater.
LMAOOOO.She called the baddies California Raisins with guns and I had to stop her from doing Enchantress' belly dance in the lobby. .
Man, fighting terrorists would have been the teeth the movie needed to really make an impression. The movie was already fighting an uphill battle by humanizing bad guys so I think the story we got was just about right for an introduction. If you try introducing an ISIS-type enemy while passing it off as entertainment in these times you can easily send the movie into full on schlock territory which requires a set of balls and careful hands that WB doesn't seem to have right now.Watched Skwad again but with my mom this time (dont say nothin).
She called the baddies California Raisins with guns and I had to stop her from doing Enchantress' belly dance in the lobby. Also, she swears the movie would improve if Paul Hogan replaced Jai Courtney. Finally sbe suggested unsarcastically that the movie would be better if they sent the Suicide Squad to fight ISIS, which I somewhat agree with since that's ironically Suicide Squad #1. My mom didnt read it though, and neither did David Ayer appaerently based off some of the fudamentally wrong ideas in this story.
Great characters, nonsense plot, sloppily put together -- but still a good time at the movie theater.
The first half is OK, even interesting. But after that time jump it's like watching another movie. I think the movie works (if it works in any way) best if you don't think about the source material. Also the action scenes were crap.
Watched Skwad again but with my mom this time (dont say nothin).
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.
Top 5 probably.
Fuck....I'm almost shocked.
The good things are Joker and Enchantress. Leto went all in on the Joker, he just needed a better script. Enchantress was creepy as shit, and one of the few characters in the movie who actually used her abilities. She just went fucking ham in that one scene where she went crazy.
Everything else I didn't care for. Deadshot was better on Arrow, even fucking Katana was better on Arrow. Margot Robbie was ok, needed a better script. Couldn't care less about the rest of them. El Diablo was even more generic than he was in the comics, how is that even possible?
Batman's scenes were shitty, no build up, nothing iconic, just whatever.
Fire everyone, start over.
More like the general public is not yet convinced, we truly need a critical hit.
Especially if it had DCAU Hawkgirl.If this was the DCAU versions of these characters and stories, everyone would be pumped.
If this was the DCAU versions of these characters and stories, everyone would be pumped.
Especially if it had DCAU Hawkgirl.
The best Hawkgirl.
we all say we want this but that shit would get old pretty quick too honestly. unless you're one of those dudes who is all in on the mcu.
it just gets a bit boring and feels so...saturday morning cartoony. though there is a consistent level of quality that WB can't even come close to at the moment.
ah i see. yeah we're basically apples vs. oranges right now on this one bro.
I have no idea why Deadshot didn't shoot Harley, or why the team in general was fond of Harley. The only thing I could think of is because she was hot? Equally surprised Waller or Flag didn't put a bullet in her when she came back.
Deadshot specifically says he. The movie goes out of its way to point that out.doesn't kill women or children.
As for Waller and Flag,Flag is just a little bitch, he needs the team more than they need him. And same goes for Waller. They're in the middle of a warzone and their soldiers are dropping like flies. Executing her makes zero sense. Plus if they execute Harley they'll have the whole team revolt against them. El Diablo could've incinerated them all before they had time to press the explosive button.
but it was waller who gave the ok for deadshot to shoot her earlier, tho?
That's true. I'm sure Waller knows Deadshot's MO, she knows everyone's files inside and out so there's no way she doesn't know that Deadshot doesn't kill women. She tried to offer Deadshot money, I guess to show she's still in control? The only reason [I guess] Deadshot accepted is to buy Harley more time to get away. Deadshot knew Harley was planning to escape, and he seemed to like her so he has no reason to break his own code.
As for why she didn't shoot Harley herself: Waller and Harley don't meet again until the end, and at that point [considering everything that happened] there's little reason to shoot her.
and flag, though he is waller's doggie, i guess was just not doing his job .... or something.
well, then again, he's the guy that smashed the detonator even when he needed the team to rescue waller
so, okay.
my brain hurts >___< though >___<
Yeah we probably shouldn't overthink certain aspects, but I suppose Flag was in way over his head. He didn't really, REALLY knew what he was getting into, had to lead his special forces teams, babysit the Squad, keep Waller happy and of course his emotional involvement.
I think the point of thebar scene where he smashes the explosive devices is just that he kinda admits defeat. And at that point wins the respect of the Squad because he's more than just Waller's lapdog.
Flag treats the Squad like trash at the start, but starts to appreciate them as the mission goes on and at a certain point realises that the Squad are the only ones who can help him, so acting like an asshole won't make things any better for anyone.
I guess, lol.
Okay, I've seen Seppuku Squad for the 3rd time. I've seen it twice to get a firm impression of the film, and I think the film is mediocre. However, I found it was fun enough to enjoy my time with it. That said, this time a group of friends invited me to see it, and since my crush was going with them it was hard to turn down the offer (I'm a sucker, I know). They all love it. I know that they don't take films as seriously as I do, but I thought they must've found it's bad or boring or something. Nope, they all love it. And there was also another group of friends who had seen it too, and they all reported that they love it. They praised the musics, Harley's "cuteness", Enchantress's look, and the relationship between Harley and Joker. Among those people, the only criticism I've heard was from this particular dude who thought the part wherewas "lame"; he loves the film, nonetheless. Keep in minds that these friends of mine are only in their late teenage years (youngest ones are 16, while I'm 19 being the oldest one), so their taste in things are rather questionable. Why am I telling you this? Because when I look around it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't love the film, so I feel rather weird. Should I get new friends... (joke question, don't answer)Harley distracted Enchantress then cut her heart out
Get new friends, friends you can hate on Suicide Squad with.
Most of my friends and classmates love the movie as well. Ages range from 20-25.
Destroying friendships since 2013.
I ended a friendship after Man of Steel.
I ended a friendship after Man of Steel.
I don't hate the film. I think it's mediocre, but I had fun with it. It's just that the positive WoM around me is the complete opposite of what I expected.
Arrow deadshot is so shit compared to big willy. they should give him a bonus for salvaging what he could.
Arrow deadshot was evil and heartless the minute you saw him....
Will Smith wasn't even close to that....he was just Will Smith for the most part. I was waiting for him to turn into the Deadshot persona but it never happened.
I have no idea why Deadshot didn't shoot Harley, or why the team in general was fond of Harley. The only thing I could think of is because she was hot? Equally surprised Waller or Flag didn't put a bullet in her when she came back.
I have no idea why Deadshot didn't shoot Harley, or why the team in general was fond of Harley. The only thing I could think of is because she was hot? Equally surprised Waller or Flag didn't put a bullet in her when she came back.