Holy shit, why do the rest of you put up with his idiocy when it makes DC gaf look like terrible manbabies.
You know us
more than anybody else on GAF (given you're not a DC fan and are still a permanent resident of this thread, which is ok), so this part is a bit moot because you know very well
how we are like, and so it starts to sound a bit like concern trolling, which if taken at face value some of your posts, could be interpreted as. I don't think that's the case, so I'll side with you here into saying the discussion got well out of hand for all the wrong reasons, and there is no need for hostility.
That said, our guy, badass here, might take a deep breath and realize all he should have done was letting the thing die off and let whoever takes the L, take it by the weight of its own words. Don't fall for this, internet arguments are
fun, they make your heart race, bit by bit, anxiously making you hit the f5 so you could find a moment to strike the last hit to get your opponent down.. but in the process, you could lose the goodwill of bystanders who all they're seeing is two manbabies crying for their e-penis.
Just let it go fams.