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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Bay didn't get that much heat until Transformers. That's my explanation why Snyder gets the degree of hate he gets. His career is being entangled with nerd properties and certain types get territorial about it. That's not to say he's this great director unfairly judged by association; I mean, Snyder's worst movie is an original idea. But it's, you know, that whole George Lucas ruined my childhood thing.

That said, it's funny to have that contrast of how Snyder talks about it compared with others. He's somewhat humble about his take on these characters being but of the moment. Saying there'll be another Batman, Superman, etc. after his, and one after than, and on and on. No delusions of making the definitive versions of these characters.

There's fairly big difference in filmmaking philosophy as well. Bay is famously known for saying "I make movies for teenage boys. Oh dear, what a crime." He doesn't try to elevate film, he's purely concerned with the superficial without pretense. I'm one of the biggest critics of Snyder you'll ever come across but it's impossible to deny that he tries really, really hard to achieve an artistic vision. I believe that vision is almost always misguided but at least he aims high. Snyder genuinely believes he's making more than entertainment. People give Bay more slack because he doesn't act like he wants to do more than get butts into seats. The former method invites way more scrutiny.

What you're describing was also inevitable to a certain degree not just because he's working with a beloved property but also the increased exposure that comes with projects of this size. MoS and BvS are Snyder's highest profile and most expensive projects by a wide margin. Bigger budgets invite bigger marketing campaigns, which is partly why a flop like Jupiter Ascending tarnished the Wachowski's so much in public perception despite being preceded by a series of flops.


I saw the movie two days ago, but I fail to remember - Did we had exterior shots of the Arkham Asylum in Suicide Squad?
If yes, has anyone of you a screengrab avaiable? Honestly cant remember for sure and only find comicbook covers on google.
I saw the movie two days ago, but I fail to remember - Did we had exterior shots of the Arkham Asylum in Suicide Squad?
If yes, has anyone of you a screengrab avaiable? Honestly cant remember for sure and only find comicbook covers on google.

Very very briefly. I'll see if I can find it. It was pretty nondescript though.


Thanks a lot.

I actually consider it a failed opportunity that they didnt inteoduced Blackgate with SS.




Thanks. Its really a brief glimpse, I would have prefered if they had more Gothic influences and additional stuff like the Asylum from the Batman games. That said, there can be more since we havent investigated the area more

Because I think it would help flesh out the universe and I like a well known place more then a anonymous prison, while booth serve the same purpose - I always considered Blackgate as the place where the worst of the worst would be send to, where you go when you dont have real superpowers and are to sane for Arkham.


Thanks. Its really a brief glimpse, I would have prefered if they had more Gothic influences and additional stuff like the Asylum from the Batman games. That said, there can be more since we havent investigated the area more

Because I think it would help flesh out the universe and I like a well known place more then a anonymous prison, while booth serve the same purpose - I always considered Blackgate as the place where the worst of the worst would be send to, where you go when you dont have real superpowers and are to sane for Arkham.

But... Belle Reeve isn't an anonymous prison... and it does all the same stuff as Blackgate... and it's the actual HQ of the Squad in the comics
I've fallen off posting in a big way. Been so busy and exhausted I haven't even been able to see Squad :p

Fortunately looks like they don't need my money, so that's nice!
The Gotham in these movies is prolly gonna look like the photography in Se7en. The glimpse we got in BvS with the cops scene was very fincher-esque and Ben seems to be fucking with it too going by some of the shots in the Live by Night trailer

And I didn't remember that shot of Arkham in suicide squad but man does it look cool as hell. If that's what the exterior looks like then I'm down.


Damn, that's 7 months of filming already, and Im thinking they will still be filming the next 2 months. Movie must be ginormous.

This is what happens when you're still doing re-writes (maybe extensive?)...

Then again, I don't think they actually started filming the month after BvS either... they saw the bad press and saved face by not telling anyone.

It's also a bit worrying that they have so much footage to do... the problem with BvS was they made a 4 hour cut that got shredded into a 2.5 hour mess...
This is what happens when you're still doing re-writes (maybe extensive?)...

Then again, I don't think they actually started filming the month after BvS either... they saw the bad press and saved face by not telling anyone.

It's also a bit worrying that they have so much footage to do... the problem with BvS was they made a 4 hour cut that got shredded into a 2.5 hour mess...

Yeah, no way they actually started on April 11th or whatever the date was. The set visits at the beginning of July stated it was only the 30th day actually shooting. So in almost 3 months, they shot for 30 days.


This is what happens when you're still doing re-writes (maybe extensive?)...

Then again, I don't think they actually started filming the month after BvS either... they saw the bad press and saved face by not telling anyone.

It's also a bit worrying that they have so much footage to do... the problem with BvS was they made a 4 hour cut that got shredded into a 2.5 hour mess...

Just throwing this out there because of the misinformation. The four-hour cut wasn't a real cut of the movie but a draft with their favourite clips in linear order, sometimes doubling up with alternate takes, or the same scene with a different angle, and a little bit of head and tail for every shot. And let's be real, the 3-hour cut is the real movie here, and it's mighty fine; deliberately paced, structured evenly, and without the jarring cut-to-blacks.


Just throwing this out there because of the misinformation. The four-hour cut wasn't a real cut of the movie but a draft with their favourite clips in linear order, sometimes doubling up with alternate takes, or the same scene with a different angle, and a little bit of head and tail for every shot. And let's be real, the 3-hour cut is the real movie here, and it's mighty fine; deliberately paced, structured evenly, and without the jarring cut-to-blacks.

Was that actually true though? I thought the 4 hours was an actual "watchable" cut. I don't think they had double takes in it.


Was that actually true though? I thought the 4 hours was an actual "watchable" cut. I don't think they had double takes in it.

No it was probably all the raw footage they processed.

Most movies film more than they'll ever use.

Snyder just seems to be the king of it


Was that actually true though? I thought the 4 hours was an actual "watchable" cut. I don't think they had double takes in it.

Yea, the editor in an interview said the 4-hour cut was just all the footage shot. Which includes everything mentioned above.


Was that actually true though? I thought the 4 hours was an actual "watchable" cut. I don't think they had double takes in it.

A good "bad" example is Wake Up, Ron Burgandy which is essentially all the material/alternate cuts they had left over and decided to make it a "movie"


I think Zack Snyder reads NeoGAF.

He posted that picture specifially to piss off neogaf. He reads.

He will barely use that suit. It's just a tactical suit for tactical stuff.

Batman is not very tactical, as we all know.



Picking at some quotes from June from set visits

The second all new suit, which is being referred to as the Tactical Suit, isn’t even done yet. The scenes it appears in won’t be shot for another two months and as Justice League Costume designer Michael Wilkinson jokes in the article, “two months is like two years in costume development time.” But even in its early stages the Tactical Suit sounds like it’s going to kick some serious ass when if finally steps in front of the camera. Says O’Connell, “it will have a lot more armor than the classic suit, yet it’s layered in such a way that it looks streamlined and streak.” The new armor comes into play late in the film when Wayne realizes he needs to step up his game if he wants to play in the same league as the Parademons and Demi-Gods invading his dimension.

A big difference between the suits is that one had the addition of goggles that Batman would use to pilot a new vehicle. Wilkinson then explained:

“We loved the way, in the comic books, that Batman’s always drawn with these white flashes for eyes. So we played around with ways of doing that, and realized that they could sort of catch the light, to call to mind that classic age from the comic books.”
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