Who was it that said Cyborg would be featured in The Flash film? Some rumor right after Rick Fumuyiwa signed on.
That's the one clip I did watch and they had no business cutting that scene.I watched a few of those scenes. Goddamn that Capitol Hill aftermath scene. I cannot fathom why that was cut. Hearing about it was one thing but actually seeing it just blows my mind. That was a much needed character moment.
Been out of the loop these past few days. Is there something happening in London soon?
Been out of the loop these past few days. Is there something happening in London soon?
Batfleck prefers to do the breaking in person.Bloggers being invited to visit the JL set I believe.
Outside of that of course.Justice League is filming in London.
Bloggers being invited to visit the JL set I believe.
care to post some sort of review vs how you felt about the original cut?Saw the Ultimate Cut. Fuck Warner Brothers. Hacked the movie worse than Arkham Knight's PC port.
Batfleck prefers to do the breaking in person.
Saw the Ultimate Cut. Fuck Warner Brothers. Hacked the movie worse than Arkham Knight's PC port.
Saw the Ultimate Cut. Fuck Warner Brothers. Hacked the movie worse than Arkham Knight's PC port.
Good news! You hated the movie iircSaw the Ultimate Cut. Fuck Warner Brothers. Hacked the movie worse than Arkham Knight's PC port.
Good news! You hated the movie iirc
So, who's doing the ot in ot?
So, who's doing the ot in ot?
I want to! It deserves it. Any title suggestions? "Men are still good" is rounding my head.
Yes of course! It Will be up the 29thLets maybe wait until more of us have seen it lol
I want to! It deserves it. Any title suggestions? "Men are still good" is rounding my head.
care to post some sort of review vs how you felt about the original cut?
Justice League v Bloggers: Fall of the Tomatoes?
I hate you. I want to watch it too ):
Good news! You hated the movie iirc
So, who's doing the ot in ot?
Soon, brother.
According to director David Ayer, that method comes from a carefully constructed backstory, with every element of Joker’s look a key to understanding it - including those controversial tattoos. “A lot of it has to do with creating a character with some kind of history and footprint in our world,” Ayer tells us. “And not have this sacrosanct being outside of our continuum, our reality. If a guy like him really existed today, where would he come from? How would he do business? Who would he know? What would he look like? In my mind, I took a lot of inspiration from drug lords on Instagram. It’s a great way to understand the lifestyle of a villain.”
This is the key to Leto’s Joker; do a simple Internet search and you’ll see Instagram shots of customised golden guns (we’re shown Joker’s handgun, it’s customised purple, not gold, but you get the point), flashy purple cars (there’s no Batman hanging off them, but other than that they’re identical to Joker’s ride), and so many gang tattoos… It’s a real eureka Google.
“The tattoos tell a very specific story,” Ayer continues. “And eventually people will decipher them and understand what’s going on, but obviously they’re contentious, any time you do something new it’s contentious. There’s very specific stories and easter eggs in those tattoos. And even his teeth, there’s an entire story behind that which is absolutely canon. It’s putting his history on his body. This Joker is a little more working class, who I believe could live in our world.”
New Twenty One Pilots song for Suicide Squad:
Am I crazy or does Ezra Miller look a ton like Michael Jackson in that pick
(Late Michael obvs.)
Yoooooooooo we don't got to wait til Comic Con
Shit is popping off in London. They got all the big journalists on private jet to visit the Justice League set
gross. where's the young thug and rick ross tracks? i want to hear that stuff. this one will make a splash on the radio though.
Twenty One Pilots are huge, and I don't get it. Certainly not my thing.
non "aggressive" looking rappers who are white skater kids. the kids and alt stations love this stuff. that "good old days" song is legit worst of the year. but i'm not their target demo so eh whatever.
if i was in charge of this I'd have Joker blasting hail mary by 2pac as he was driving his lamborghini and have Kanye West's Black Skinhead in there for the joker too lol. And give harley quinn a janis joplin track. WB blow all your money on licensing fees.
Yoooooooooo we don't got to wait til Comic Con
Shit is popping off in London. They got all the big journalists on private jet to visit the Justice League set
non "aggressive" looking rappers who are white skater kids. the kids and alt stations love this stuff. that "good old days" song is legit worst of the year. but i'm not their target demo so eh whatever.
if i was in charge of this I'd have Joker blasting hail mary by 2pac as he was driving his lamborghini and have Kanye West's Black Skinhead in there for the joker too lol. And give harley quinn a janis joplin track. WB blow all your money on licensing fees.
Or longer. That Suicide Squad one was held for almost a year.Most of the time, set visit articles are held for months.
Or longer. That Suicide Squad one was held for almost a year.
Yoooooooooo we don't got to wait til Comic Con
Shit is popping off in London. They got all the big journalists on private jet to visit the Justice League set
That rumour was one of the "4chan leaks" IIRC before Rick signed on.
I had a dream that I was standing i front of the audience at the Sony Presser to unveal a game.
I was nervous as fuck though.
I had a dream that I was standing i front of the audience at the Sony Presser to unveal a game.
I was nervous as fuck though.
Was it a private jet? I got the impression it was a regularly scheduled flight. If it was a private jet it's interesting that many of them commented that Brad Pitt was also onboard.
It was rumoured well before that. Faraci talked about The Flash film being a 'buddy' movie when Seth Graham Smith fell off the film if not before.
I'm sure the private jet comment was in jest, but it was a BA flight actually haha. On an A380, no less.
Also, Faraci is here. And so is El Mayimbe
You're going to the set of JL?
if so......I'm not at all jealous.......
I had a dream that I was standing i front of the audience at the Sony Presser to unveal a game.
I was nervous as fuck though.