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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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I don't like the idea of ATT buying out Time Warner... this only means more hands in the pot. The goal posts moving once again.

As bad as AT&T might be, fresh minds/visions could really help.
DC to WB has been run one way for so long and has only slightly shifted very recently.
Honestly AT&T could break DC away instantly and have them going Marvel style where that just wouldn't work well for previous/direct WB heads.

Im not very hopeful of that but it at least keeps me neutral.
Maybe the dumbasses at Cartoon Network can get shaken up a bit.

I seriously can't picture AT&T spending all that money and noticing all DC's missed opportunity($$$) and not immediately trying something to correct it.
Its one of the easiest money milkers Time Warner has.


It's already been semi confirmed hat with the new deal that Jeff Bewkes would be gone after an amount of time for everything to get situated.

I think they leave John and Berg to whatever they're doing unless they see that they're not working, which won't be until Wonder Woman and Justice League.


Guys, the AT&T deal is over a year away from being 'rubber stamped' so it's going to be a long process, there's no need to panic now. In fact there's no need to panic at all. Bewkes talked about being happy with the executive structure of Time Warner's various branches as is which means AT&T are buying it as an ongoing concern.

I don't see any radical changes coming from this acquisition and I certainly don't see AT&T pissing off all said executives at WB etc by enforcing heavy changes on them.

AT&T paid the premium for Time Warner that they did because they want the company running as it is now.


Guys, the AT&T deal is over a year away from being 'rubber stamped' so it's going to be a long process, there's no need to panic now. In fact there's no need to panic at all. Bewkes talked about being happy with the executive structure of Time Warner's various branches as is which means AT&T are buying it as an ongoing concern.

I don't see any radical changes coming from this acquisition and I certainly don't see AT&T pissing off all said executives at WB etc by enforcing heavy changes on them.

AT&T paid the premium for Time Warner that they did because they want the company running as it is now.

Sad too see producers and scoopers clamering for Peter Chernin like he already has the job.
Man the only thing I absolutely need from The Batman is

Nightwing, Batgirl, Cass Cain, etc would be great but Catwoman is a necessity and for a late career/given up Batman Kingpin Selina would be a perfect fit(and would only need to be in for a couple minutes.).
Man the only thing I absolutely need from The Batman is

Nightwing, Batgirl, Cass Cain, etc would be great but Catwoman is a necessity and for a late career/given up Batman Kingpin Selina would be a perfect fit(and would only need to be in for a couple minutes.).

Taking Mob Boss Selina from the comics would be a brilliant move. Such a great storyline, and it fits the setting.
Hey guys. Uhh... I don't think that I've ever posted in this thread before. Ever. Sorry for what's to come, it's kind of a big thought-train that popped up in my head and I tweeted, but a succession of 140-character text boxes can only contain so much detail and this thought-train had a LOT of cargo, thus I'm making a more-detailed post about it.

This post concerns the Justice League movie, Justice League Part 1, and specifically, Superman. More specifically, how the hell they could possibly make his return a compelling part of the movie.

As I understand it, in the comics, when Superman died, they explained his return as him not having actually died, but entering a "Healing Coma" of some sort that was identical, for all intents and purposes, with human death. Then, after 4 pretenders to the Cape (some having a real fixation with wanting to be a literal Man of Steel for some reason, I mean, metal parts, what?) arrived, real-ass Superman came back with long hair and a new suit and they were all like okay there he is and Superman was back and death was forever cheapened in comics and most all pop culture storytelling from then on but I'm digressing for fun.

So how do you make that whole healing-coma thing remotely plausible, let alone entertaining? I mean, what the heck could Clark even do? You can't just watch him lightly snore in his coffin from time to time while Bats and Diana and EzraFlash and Cyborg and Aquaman are hangin' around outside.

Maybe Clark could... dream?

Picture it: Every so often, after Bruce has met somebody he needs in the Justice League and either made progress (The Flash!) or... didn't (Aquaman!), we cut to- KRYPTON?! What the eff? Why- Didn't- WE SAW KRYPTON BLOW UP IN MAN OF STEEL- Nope, it's fine, and oh look, Jor-El's flying on his H'Raka (The 4-winged thing, I had to google the name), and he lands and you get a better look and Oh What the Hell that's not Russell Crowe, THAT'S HENRY CAVILL, HOW IS KAL-EL ON KRYPTON?! He walks through the door to his home and SURPRISE, HIS FAMILY'S ALL THERE AND THEY SURPRISED HIM FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!

Yes, it's the fantasy from the classic story, "For The Man Who Has Everything."

And yeah, you could do it so instead of the Black Mercy alien latching onto him, it's either Steppenwolf or Darkseid himself doing the fancy evil thing of trying to influence him mentally while he's in stasis, and then when the fantasy breaks down as Clark realizes that it's a trick, SteppenDarks could be like "THIS IS YOUR BLACK MERCY, LIVE IN IT OR AWAKEN AND BE MY SLAVE AND MRRMRRMRR" and the driving conflict from there would have Supes being mind-controlled upon revival and doing bad things and the other members of the Justice League fight him off to snap him out of it. And then yeah, when he's back to his right mind, and SeidWolfy confronts him and is like "How was that utopia? lol," Cavill can look as homicidal as he wants with glowing red eyes and go "BURN." and we all know that it would be totally justified and it's another iconic comic panel brought to life and yay.

But instead, I'm pitching it as a vision quest. Lots of stuff has been said about the Superman that's been on the big screen for this film universe, how he's callous with the collateral damage that he brings in Man of Steel or that he doesn't smile enough while doing good things in BvS or in general in these movies, that sorta thing. Clark would be having this vision quest in his healing coma as a way for DC and WB to, not reset, but maybe... realign or course-correct the portrayal of Clark Kent and Superman in these films from now on?

"But how does that make sense," you ask me, "if we're seeing Kal-El on his home world? A Kryptonian is only as strong as a normal human man!" Exactly! We would see Kal as a normal father and family man, talking to Jor-El, raising his daughter and son, cherishing his wife, being the man who has good in his heart and does good because it's the right thing to do.

And every so often... he hears something.

Cries of pain. Calls for help.

He's getting better and better in his healing coma... His powers are slowly returning, and he's hearing the real world in his fantasy.

THAT's how he finds out that the Krypton around him, the wife he married, his two children, even his father that he's actually not outlived... none of it is real. And he himself has to make the choice to leave this fantasy, to save us in our fragile, real world. Because it's the right thing to do.

Kal drives to the Kandor crater, his teenage son Van-El is with him, heck this time let's bring cantankerous Jor-El with us too, we love Russell Crowe and maybe he can be kinda like his character from The Nice Guys in this dream scenario (no pun intended). They arrive at the crater, and Kal spills the beans. This Krypton is a fantasy, you're all my dream, I have to wake up and leave to save everyone on Earth.

Jor-El's like, "And people thought I was crazy when I said this shit was gonna explode?" But Van-El can see how serious his father Kal is, and even though he is seriously freaked out by this theory, he was raised right. He knows that when you gotta do what's right, you do it. Van says OK to his dad, they have a father-son conversation, have one last hug. Tears are shed. "Look after your mom and sister."

Jor-El goes like, "Well how are you gonna get to Earth? I know! You can take my ship, the one I was gonna build for you when we almost sent you there when this place was gonna blow up!" Kal talks him down ("How would I even fit?"), but thanks him all the same. Kal sees now in this fantasy, this is the man named Jor-El who did in fact sacrifice everything for his son to live.

So Jor-El and Van-El walk back, far back. Kal-El's alone in the center of the crater now. He kneels down... presses his fist gently on the desert ground... sand starts to float up around him... ZOOM! He flies up towards the sky! BOOM! He breaks the sound barrier! CRACK!! He breaks through the Kryptonian atmosphere!! He flies past countless moons and planets and too many stars and suns to count and he finds the Milky Way and BUSTS THROUGH and his eyes hurt so much he has to close them but he presses on and Pluto and Neptune and Saturn and Jupiter and Mars pass him by and as soon as he passes the moon it's one straight shot down to a familiar roof, a familiar farm and-!!




Breathe the free air! His lungs take in oxygen again, his skin feels the rays of the sun once more!! Goodness, look at his long hair!! Does he have a beard?!


Ma Kent heard the explosion come from the ground and she stepped outside to look, and she sees a flying dot zoom towards the city- and disbelief and fear melt into love and awe. And she cries tears of unbridled joy.

CUT TO METROPOLIS, Whoever's the Bad Guy is giving Batman and Wonder Woman and Flash and Aquaman and Cyborg lots of trouble, they're all on their last legs, Bad-Guy throws Lois Lane off a building because of course he does, LOIS IS FALLING AND THEN-


SUPERMAN FLIES IN WITH HIS BLACK SUIT he had it on this whole time come on he wasn't gonna fly there naked AND CATCHES LOIS!

He goes "Hey, Lo." Lois faints. "Hmm. Yeah." Sets her down safely at the Daily Planet rooftop, Perry says "Great Caesar's Ghost," Clark salutes, and he jumps, in one bound, and lands right besides his new Superfriends.

And now the fight is finally, REALLY on.

And we don't get to see it because this is when the movie CUTS TO BLACK and credits roll and that was Justice League Part 1.

So yeah, that's what popped into my head randomly a few hours ago. Hope that was a fun read.


Man the only thing I absolutely need from The Batman is

Nightwing, Batgirl, Cass Cain, etc would be great but Catwoman is a necessity and for a late career/given up Batman Kingpin Selina would be a perfect fit(and would only need to be in for a couple minutes.).

You already have like 4,5 live action selinas.

What we need is Batman as a father figure and batman doing stuff to deserve the World's Greatest Detective title


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I would totally be fine with this. Hey, and it's a chance for Superman to fucking SMILE.


I really want a black mercy episode but something along those lines would do as well. It would indeed be a way to kind of reset the Superman in a believable way. From the scenes we've seen it kind of looks like Steppen is looking for the body so maybe something like that happens

Why do people say this when he has smiled multiple times?

And I hardly remember Superman smiling in JLU, so I'm not sure why he has to in the movies.


Variety film reporter Justin Kroll was a guest on Meet The Movie Press and mentioned that The Batman will begin production in May of next year.

I'm not sure if this has been confirmed or not but I'm assuming that the film will shoot at Warner Bros' Leavesden studios rather than LA. Has anyone hard different?


Variety film reporter Justin Kroll was a guest on Meet The Movie Press and mentioned that The Batman will begin production in May of next year.

I'm not sure if this has been confirmed or not but I'm assuming that the film will shoot at Warner Bros' Leavesden studios rather than LA. Has anyone hard different?

Joe Manganiello said they start shooting next spring, so May would make sense.
You already have like 4,5 live action selinas.

What we need is Batman as a father figure and batman doing stuff to deserve the World's Greatest Detective title

Hey now, if it was all personal wants than this would be a major part

But as I think they will under-use the Batfamily(as always) im stating Catwoman in some form is the absolute bare-minimum necessity.
We need to start with an established existing Catwoman/Selina and not wait for a one and done appearance again.
If they went the Kingpin route they could just use typical Catwoman as the backstory and maybe she develops into a fulltime good guy over the course of the DCEU.


In a shared universe the bat family makes too much business sense not to use.

I'd put real money on Nightwing, Red Hood and Catwoman turning up at some point in this incarnation of the DCU.

Robin, I'm not so sure about. I feel like he did exist and the fact the Joker killed him basically puts to bed the idea that Bruce will ever recruit another to take his place.
I honestly don't believe we'll see much Bat Family. The dead Robin and maybe Nightwing. CBMs are always lowest common denominator. There aren't going to be a bunch of Robins etc running around.
I'd put real money on Nightwing, Red Hood and Catwoman turning up at some point in this incarnation of the DCU.

Robin, I'm not so sure about. I feel like he did exist and the fact the Joker killed him basically puts to bed the idea that Bruce will ever recruit another to take his place.

I agree with those three and Batgirl. Having Batgirl in the HQ/Sirens film in a no brainer.

If there is another Robin, I could sort of see them going with Damian and having him be reluctant but duty bound to care for him. We'll see how Logan handles something similar.
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