this generations Scarface
he's already been that. TDK Joker was all over kid's walls and shit.
this one looking more tony montana though for sure. tacky suits and all.
this generations Scarface
New Joker screenshots.
Karen Fukuhara is in the latest issue of Playboy. Va va voom!
I almost had a heart attack until I realized no more nudes....
I almost had a heart attack until I realized no more nudes....
When was the last time they had someone relevant do a nude photo shoot for Playboy?
Lindsay lohan
Apparently this is concept art for the Justice League from the BvS UC features.
Apparently this is concept art for the Justice League from the BvS UC features.
When was the last time they had someone relevant do a nude photo shoot for Playboy?
You think my brain works think of that after reading that post? Cmon now
Karen Fukuhara is going to be doing that to a lot of people come August.wut?
Me and tomorrow!So if there's going to be a UC OT who is doing it and when is it going up?
It's red with the Flash logo... not sure where I see an issue
By the way I love the costume look, just needs the lightning ears because he just looks naked to me.
Behold, The Flash!
Figured it was CG there.
Too much smiling!
It's really insane to see just how muchof the movie was green screened
did comic book visual jesus come through on the storytelling in the new cut or what?
So is the UC up for purchase yet on any of the services? It hasn't shown up on PSN or Google Play yet.
Absolutely beautiful.Think first time we've seen Gal in the actual cape
I know some people were hoping this would be a Kingdom of Heaven level improvement. Here' s the deal, it's not, but it's the biggest improvement an extended cut has made to a film since KoH IMO. It can't be at the KoH level simply because Scott's DC took a movie that some people literally hated it, and made them come around to it. The people that HATE this movie due to reasons like the tone, or decisions in how these characters are portrayed, won't be swayed. This movie will never be for them, that's all there is. But for everyone else, those who already loved or liked it, or those on the fence due to the critical flaws of the TC (pacing, editing, characterization, poor narrative development)...this is a very big improvement.
- Proper narrative flow
- Logical editing and scene transitions
- Vastly improved pacing
- Establishing of setting
- Restoring Clark's agency in the film as co-lead with Bruce
- Restoring Lois' relevance to the film
- A more clear and better executed build up of Lex's plan.
Where before it felt like scenes just ended and moved on to other non related scenes, the whole thing just flows naturally now because not only are the individual scenes allowed to breathe more, but the overall tapestry moves in a way that makes sense thanks to the restoration of deleted subplots.
The movie also gives us a much better sense of place. Like Batman's intro, instead of going straight to the chimney full of bats, the movie begins with the two cops in their car enjoying a football match between Gotham and Metropolis, followed by them driving off into a big establishing shot of Gotham city. Or when Clark goes the mountains, originally he's just there at the top, now we see Clark arrive at the base of the mountain as some locals comment on his climbing up, it's a much less jarring sequence of events.
One of the biggest revelations in this cut for me, was just how fantastic the lead up to the senate bombing is. You literally just see all these pieces falling into places, with Lex manipulating the strings in the background. There's this huge sense of build up that was utterly lacking before.
The additions to the ending were also really nice.All help to make the event seem bigger and more emotional than in the theatrical cut.The shots of Metropolis deserted, the offices of the Planet empty, as everyone is gathered at Superman's funeral. Pete Ross at Clark's funeral. The Priest from MoS is officiating Clark's funeral, the implication that Bruce paid for it...
Overall, the theatrical cut was around a 6.5/10 for me. This bumps it to an 8.5/10 for me personally. It's a more complete work and clearly what should have been what was released in theaters (or as close to it as possible)