Ezra Miller is great casting. We needed a stoner.
Flash & Cyborg costumes in that BvS ultimate edition concept art going around looked nothing like that at all on Justice League set visit
I know folks disagree but look at those BTS shots of Superman. All that muscle padding on top of Cavill's already buff physique makes him too buff. Man of Steel had a better balance.
Regarding the concept art for Justice League found in the Ultimate Edition.
dat perfect casting
Would kill for a costume like that for Halloween.
Does he?
I thought Thomas' sole motivation was making sure his son lived.
Yeah but what's more likely, this complete stranger that showed up out of the blue is a time traveling dimension hopper or he's not and he somehow uncovered intimate details about your life in order to manipulate you? Both are incredibly unlikely in context but one is substantially more probable.
The moment that really gets me is when they try to recreate the accident that created the Flash. Thomas doesn't ever go, "what the fuck is this shit, you're going to kill yourself with this nonsense." He just kind of rolls with it for no good reason. But what more, he casually agrees to try it again without objection after it fails spectacularly the first time! After Barry regains his powers, it makes a lot more sense to trust him, but not before that point. The only real explanation I can think up is Thomas just didn't give a damn anymore and figured the world was about to implode anyway so might as well indulge this crazy person in multiple suicide attempts to see if he's telling the truth.
Undeniably better. Not technically flawed or "broken" anymore. Makes it "decent to good". Your level of enjoyment might vary.So, consensus on the ultimate cut?
So, consensus on the ultimate cut?
I thought it was a bit better. I worried that the extras would make the oppressive bleakness a bit overwhelming, but they didn't. I liked it more than the theatrical version, although it's a marginal upgrade, not a total game changer if you hated it the first time*
* I may update this Larry Fong style if WB tells me to.
My main problem with the film is Lex. Nothing about Lex worked for me, and it didn't in the extended version either. Wonder Woman, however, remains great.
I thought it was a bit better. I worried that the extras would make the oppressive bleakness a bit overwhelming, but they didn't. I liked it more than the theatrical version, although it's a marginal upgrade, not a total game changer if you hated it the first time*
* I may update this Larry Fong style if WB tells me to.
My main problem with the film is Lex. Nothing about Lex worked for me, and it didn't in the extended version either. Wonder Woman, however, remains great.
I thought Lex's actions were great; he was truly the mastermind behind everything. But I did not like the PORTRAYAL of Lex by Eisenberg. Luthor is a smart, confident, well-spoken successful businessman with a dark conniving side. This version has him as a smart raving lunatic. I was thinking while he was giving his speech at the philanthropy banquet thing how absolute insane he sounds and it just didn't work.
Just got done with the UC. So good. It jumped straight to my 3rd fave comic book movie.
Everything about it is better. The editing and the pace are on another level compared to the theatrical cut so much so for me that even though its longer it didn't feel like it.
The Lois investigation made sense, Superman being blamed for Africa made sense and seeing Clark doing actual reporting was great. There was multiple scenes that I couldn't believe were cut out. Everything is woven together so much better. And because it felt better cut and paced to me things like thedidn't feel slapped in like they did before. And the UC did a much better job of showing Lex being the absolute cunt that he is.Laptop JL cameos
I look forward to watching both this and MoS the day before Suicide Squad comes out.
What are your other favourite movies?
I'm just going to leave this here.
What are your other favourite movies?
I'm just going to leave this here.
What are your other favourite movies?
I'm just going to leave this here.
What are your other favourite movies?
I'm just going to leave this here.
I know Vudu has them: are all these special features leaking? I though the digital copy is just the movie and not the features?
Spread the love. Even former fencers like it now. This was really a blessing. Usual suspects gonna hate though. I bet the ones arguing haven't even seen the UC.I hate you Ahasverus for making the OT. I don't have the willpower to stay out of it and I hate posting in there