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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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When it's been 4 hours and you know you should call your doctor.


Having watched the UC, you lied to me, antovolk. :(

Fuck the suits though for butchering the TC. Why did they cut two naked burly men? I'm not even gay and I'm salty. They also cut some action shots, Alfred dialogue, Lex dialogue, Jimmy Olsen, explosions, blood, violence, Batman being a dick and what else. They even cut Martha at gunpoint for some reason. I don't understand.


Anton, were you the one I was talking to many months ago in some SS topic about trailers and the process behind them? I can't remember if it was you I was talking to about that and I'm not about to go digging through old SS topics to find it.


What are your other favourite movies?

I'm just going to leave this here.

Love this. :)

Finished watching the UE a little while ago and loved it. I really enjoyed the theater version. Enough that I saw it three times and wanted to see it a fourth but couldn't find the time. This version though is much better and even though I enjoyed the theater version add me to the list of people a little upset or annoyed that this wasn't released in the theater.

This is the version they should have put out. I get why they didn't because of run times, possible issues with the IMAX footage and the length, etc. Next time you don't agree to a 3 hour run time and then change your mind at the last minute. I now more then ever believe that's what happen here. This is clearly the film Snyder set out to make and made. The movie is longer but with the footage put back in for plots and character development, and the rearranging of scenes it does indeed flow better and doesn't feel longer either. That's the big surprising thing for me. I though it would feel longer but it doesn't.

I can't wait for my physical copy to arrive so I can watch it on my TV. Though I have the digital version downloaded now so that will be watched a few times.


Reposting from the OT:

The UC really improves the first two-thirds. Pacing feels right and the editing isn't jarring and rushed. The only thing is that the film feels sooooooooo fucking long especially if you've seen it before because the final act is exactly the same with only a couple brief scenes at the very end. I was so bored during the final fight since nothing there is different and it still pretty much sucks. Everything leading up to the Batman/Superman face-off though is significantly better and more palpable.

I was pretty "meh" on the film when it released in theaters. Saw it twice and would have rated it a solid 5/10 but now I'd be confident in giving it a 7. Still not great, just good.

Superman is given some very necessary scenes and Batman for the most part is no different in this cut, but I still dislike Luthor's portrayal. The UC develops his plan more coherently but man, is he just not Luthor. At glance, I liked the new bit where
Luthor is unfit for trial and Batman tells him he'll be sent to Arkham, but then that just labels Luthor as basically a Batman villain who is just sent there because he's insane. He even looks worried when Batman tells him this as if he's scared. Luthor, in my mind, would react to that news in a confident manner and treat it as if it's all part of his master plan.


I was surprised that there was something taken out of the film. In the beginning when Superman shows up in Africa he comes down breaking the sound barrier twice I believe the way he normally does. That entire sequence is removed from the film. I'm curious as to what other things were removed. That's the most overt one I saw. There might be others simply due to things being put back in and rearranged.


Undeniably better. Not technically flawed or "broken" anymore. Makes it "decent to good". Your level of enjoyment might vary.

welp just like with Superman (everyone disliking it)...

the was a fucking awesome movie damn...

Ben was really fucking good as Bman damn, I'm sorry but the more pissed,gritty more violent batman was awesome. Him killing dudes didn't bother me at all, dude is just tired of this shit. I loved this movie dont understand the reviews at all, but I never seen the OG theater release. The only thing I didn't like was Jesse Eisenberg's performance he tried waaay to fucking hard and was really just trying to play the joker. I love long movies so at 3 hours its awesome for me.
I will say im a little sad about the OST wasn't as good as I'd hope still some awesome pieces in their.. was hoping a little they would use the Nolan theme for Bman.
Also this just shows you all these movies should be Rated R loved the violence.
Zack gets to much hate... bro did a good job.

1 question was the dude Bruce seen in the dream robin??

Also cant believe i didn't realize the Bruce's and Clarke's momma both where named Martha it was cool, i just didnt put it together until that scene lol


The UC fixes a ton of problems with the theatrical cut, but there are still a bunch fundamental issues that would have probably been fixed had they done another rewrite pass prior to filming. The film does a very good job hammering home why Batman wants to fight Superman, but does a poor job with the reverse. And while the UC is leagues ahead of the theatrical cut for at least attempting to provide some reasons, it's still half baked and under developed.

And again, most of the issues with the UC are the same issues shared by practically every comic book movie outside of the Nolan trilogy. It's just that those other movies, namely the Marvel films, can generally skate by them by having a less serious tone and a bunch of dynamic setpieces. But as I've said before, Batman v Superman is so serious (and lacks action for two thirds of the movie) that you have no choice but to take the film extremely seriously. Which means that you can't ignore the problems.
I bought the bundles on PSN, Google and Vudu and got nothing but that Dawn of the Justice League special. Pretty pissed I may have to wait until the blu ray to see the special features.
I could watch the special futures on the Vude website. Click on theatrical cut then on Extras.


The UC fixes a ton of problems with the theatrical cut, but there are still a bunch fundamental issues that would have probably been fixed had they done another rewrite pass prior to filming. The film does a very good job hammering home why Batman wants to fight Superman, but does a poor job with the reverse. And while the UC is leagues ahead of the theatrical cut for at least attempting to provide some reasons, it's still half baked and under developed.

And again, most of the issues with the UC are the same issues shared by practically every comic book movie outside of the Nolan trilogy. It's just that those other movies, namely the Marvel films, can generally skate by them by having a less serious tone and a bunch of dynamic setpieces. But as I've said before, Batman v Superman is so serious (and lacks action for two thirds of the movie) that you have no choice but to take the film extremely seriously. Which means that you can't ignore the problems.

its seriousness is one of the reasons I liked it.... I don't know for me as i said the post before some reason it just never occurred to me the Martha was a name for both their moms... I just think even though it wasnt SMs biological motha Bman just never even gave it a thought that SM had parents, he had the (he's an alien to much in his head) it does suck in a way though seeing how he is a detective he should have been able to figure out who SM was just like lex knew.. but yeah I just didnt like this Lex at all in this, he was just a socio a poor mans Joker..

I dun know Ive just always seen the DC universe as more serious and non jokey compared to Marvel, one of the reasons its a little different.
oh ok never like or cared about the flash so yeah was a little confusing.. Im not really a comic reader

All good! Yeah the Flash is known for his time traveling shinanigans, which a lot of the time causes more harm than good. It'll be interesting if that scene is followed up on.


well not really...yet
I really hope the WW movie works out, it's important for more than a few reasons. I think Gal was a really potentially standout casting and she just really radiates the character.
Ezra Miller talking The Flash, you don't know how much of it influences the character. Regardless, when he's saying Barry's so smart he's able to exploit his one power to vibrate through matter and time travel, that's exciting.

And like a broken record, let the actors inject some of their own personalities into the characters. BTS features are a lot of fun. Thankfully it sounds as if Ezra's energy is part of the Flash.


Gold Member
Man, the Ultimate Edition is SO GOOD. I really, really enjoyed it.

The Africa plot makes sooooo much more sense now. And the Senator subplot. And Lois actually being useful in this movie. And Clark doing investigating stuff. It adds so much context on the reason why both Bruce and Clark end up fighting.

I can't believe how poorly they chopped it up for the theatrical version.


Was thinking but they can easily address the whole Jimmy Olsen thing. They can simply say he was using the name and occupation as a cover which he was. They found out there was an actual photographer by that name and decided to use it in case anyone decided to do a quick search for the name. I really doubt a CIA operative would use their real name while on a mission and it's a built in out for them to use the name again in the future I think. It's surprising that all the people that complained about this after they found out didn't think about this.


Was thinking but they can easily address the whole Jimmy Olsen thing. They can simply say he was using the name and occupation as a cover which he was. They found out there was an actual photographer by that name and decided to use it in case anyone decided to do a quick search for the name. I really doubt a CIA operative would use their real name while on a mission and it's a built in out for them to use the name again in the future I think. It's surprising that all the people that complained about this after they found out didn't think about this.

I don't get why people have an issue with this at all... there exists a Jenny Olsen who's an accomplished writer at the Planet who's ahead of Clark. This Jimmy Olsen was a CIA operative that Lois didn't even know AND she had her life put in danger by Jimmy (something Jimmy would never do). You would think people would be clapping about upping Jenny's place in the workforce AND casting a woman yet it's Snyder so hack blah blah.
i saw it. i don't really like giving movies number ratings. (one movie I'll rate a 7 I like a lot more than another 7 etc.) but i guess if i had to this would go from a 4 or 5 to a 7 due to the ultimate cut feeling like a way more coherent film. changing it from a kind of crap superhero blockbuster to a pretty good (but overlong) superhero epic.

detailed my thoughts here:

I've never been that hot on Snyder. This might be my favorite film of his by far, he uses his strengths to good use in this cut. And he's got the benefit of some pretty good actors to work with too. I'd put it over Dawn of the Dead.


Is it in regards to BVS or is it about the upcoming movie?

Just about Wonder Woman in general. It does talk about BvS and the WW film but it's largely about her importance over the years and how she's changed. It's about 20 minutes long. Thought it was really good.


And after seeing the brief talks they had with Ezra I'm so pumped for JL. The guy already feels like Flash to me. All the stuff Grant says on Flash as Barry Ezra just blurts out like this is shit he talks about everyday on forums and slaps other nerds around with his superior knowledge of the intricacies of Flash's abilities.


Anton, were you the one I was talking to many months ago in some SS topic about trailers and the process behind them? I can't remember if it was you I was talking to about that and I'm not about to go digging through old SS topics to find it.

I only ever visit this thread usually, so don't think so :p
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