Agreed that Doomsday fight definitely could have been a lot better. Solid example of Zack taking the wrong lesson from the criticism of MoS; people complain about bodycount, so he just moves it somewhere that has no people. Though the bit where Superman's very first action is to get Doomsday the fuck outta dodge was good.
Honestly, it was mostly a choreography thing? The fight is really visually messy. Zod fight was super easy to follow, especially in comparison. Trying to juggle 4 combatants, one of whom can't even really participate is a challenge. Guess that's why Marvel prefers having their guys fight armies or 1v1, coordinating multiple heroes vs. one powerful combatant is tough.
On Bats, btw: this is something they're going to have to tackle at some point, and they might as well start working on figuring it out now. If y'all think Hawkeye and Black Widow stick out as underpowered, imagine being the one normal human contrasted with Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, even Cyborg. Giving him little guys to handle, or a weapon (like the kryptonite gas, but with more ammo) is definitely an option to consider.
Actually liked the idea from one of the fake scripts
That Doomsday was just programmed(and believe close to his comic origins) to walk a path of destruction
And Superman was trying to stop him before he reached the masses
Gives the movie/fight a ticking time bomb and a sense of urgency.
On the note of abandoned locale, I was gonna make a thread about this earlier in the year, but hate ranty threads.
I really hate this post-MoS world where everyone has to let you know that things are abandoned or mostly empty when heroes figh
Age of Ultron did it... then did it again with the climax
Civil War did it with the airport
This does it with the island, Metropolis and then the finale district.
Deadpool kind of does it.
Age of Ultron was TERRIBLE about it. There's an entire 3 minute scene devoted to having the Avengers sneak people out of the city, and then nearly half of the climactic throwdown is devoted to them sheparding civilians around. I could've shrugged it off after the first sequence, "yeah okay they successfully stealth-evacuated the city overnight" even if the timescale doesn't exactly work, but then they had to keep doing it all fight long, ugh.