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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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hopefully it's nearly as fun as his X-Men interview last year. McAvoy alone is god-tier during interviews. Probably the most likable guy in the whole genre.

wonder if leto shows up. if he shows up to comic con in full joker mode that would be cool.

What I remember most from the X-Men interview is McAvoy punching Fassbender in the arm hard. You heard it on the mics. But Fassbender is so fucking classy and such a fucking gentleman he shrugs it off.

BvS Conan special was great, too.
Agreed that Doomsday fight definitely could have been a lot better. Solid example of Zack taking the wrong lesson from the criticism of MoS; people complain about bodycount, so he just moves it somewhere that has no people. Though the bit where Superman's very first action is to get Doomsday the fuck outta dodge was good.

Honestly, it was mostly a choreography thing? The fight is really visually messy. Zod fight was super easy to follow, especially in comparison. Trying to juggle 4 combatants, one of whom can't even really participate is a challenge. Guess that's why Marvel prefers having their guys fight armies or 1v1, coordinating multiple heroes vs. one powerful combatant is tough.

On Bats, btw: this is something they're going to have to tackle at some point, and they might as well start working on figuring it out now. If y'all think Hawkeye and Black Widow stick out as underpowered, imagine being the one normal human contrasted with Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, even Cyborg. Giving him little guys to handle, or a weapon (like the kryptonite gas, but with more ammo) is definitely an option to consider.

Actually liked the idea from one of the fake scripts

That Doomsday was just programmed(and believe close to his comic origins) to walk a path of destruction

And Superman was trying to stop him before he reached the masses

Gives the movie/fight a ticking time bomb and a sense of urgency.

On the note of abandoned locale, I was gonna make a thread about this earlier in the year, but hate ranty threads.

I really hate this post-MoS world where everyone has to let you know that things are abandoned or mostly empty when heroes figh

Age of Ultron did it... then did it again with the climax
Civil War did it with the airport
This does it with the island, Metropolis and then the finale district.

Deadpool kind of does it.

Age of Ultron was TERRIBLE about it. There's an entire 3 minute scene devoted to having the Avengers sneak people out of the city, and then nearly half of the climactic throwdown is devoted to them sheparding civilians around. I could've shrugged it off after the first sequence, "yeah okay they successfully stealth-evacuated the city overnight" even if the timescale doesn't exactly work, but then they had to keep doing it all fight long, ugh.


I think the problem is that Zack was afraid of getting Man of Steel -like complaints.

Really I would have wanted the Doomsday fight to be Zod 2.0. Have Superman duke it out in the city, and be so concerned with saving people that it costs him the fight until Wonder Woman comes in and helps even the odds. Perhaps not the whole fight, but a good chunk should have taken place in Metropolis. They cheated themselves out of a few cool moments they could have had, like Superman directly saving a few pedestrians, and a crowd witnessing Superman's death.

There are only so many ways you can stage a fight that takes place on the middle of nowhere, and the Doomsday fight did about all it could do given that limitation.

I agree. There's a whole other conversation to be had about sacrificing the story that should be told for fear of criticism. The reason the ending to DoS had so much impact was because it took place right in the middle of Metropolis. Innocent people were everywhere. It was an important aspect to that scenario that is completely missing from the fight in BvS so the sacrifice doesn't hit as hard as it needed to for the narrative put in play.


I mean Superman could have done that too

I guess they just needed to deal with the threat immediately.

While WW taking the spear would have been the best option, the 3 heroes really aren't much of a team by this point so communication and coordination was going to be limited
I mean, like, BEST option would be Superman flies Doomsday into the sun or whatever while he's still weak, but then the President fucks that up.

After that becomes impossible it's all about least worst. Like, how does Superman holding down Doomsday so Wondy can stab him even work, logistically? Dude's stronger than him and also covered in spikes. Just give the spear to Wondy and hope she can finish it before Doomsday gets loose and starts tearing up Gotham? Maybe, but that's a lot of question marks.

Even though, again, I agree that the Doomsday fight isn't so great, I feel that the "but why does Superman have to stab him tho" complaints are really just asking for another movie, 'cause it makes perfectly good sense in this one.


I mean, like, BEST option would be Superman flies Doomsday into the sun or whatever while he's still weak, but then the President fucks that up.

After that becomes impossible it's all about least worst. Like, how does Superman holding down Doomsday so Wondy can stab him even work, logistically? Dude's stronger than him and also covered in spikes. Just give the spear to Wondy and hope she can finish it before Doomsday gets loose and starts tearing up Gotham? Maybe, but that's a lot of question marks.

Even though, again, I agree that the Doomsday fight isn't so great, I feel that the "but why does Superman have to stab him tho" complaints are really just asking for another movie, 'cause it makes perfectly good sense in this one.

If you want to really get into it, why didnt the spear go in deeper when he first stabbed him after flying at super speed. He shouldn't have had to stick around and get stabbed himself.
Given without drastically changing the story, I'd have had the Doomsday fight start as Superman vs Zod, with Superman whooping him like the pro he is now. Zombie Zod barely has his personality and all you get is him begging Kal to kill him, something about preventing doomsday. Over time Zod is mutating and becoming monstrous and Superman, again, a pro tries to end it once and for all, but by then he's overpowered. So take Doomsday out of Lex's equation. From there you have Wonder Woman and Batman join the battle. Ditch the nuke scene.


I really enjoyed the Doomsday fight, definitely would have changed it a bit though, because it could be hard to follow at times, especially initially when he's jumping around.


Given without drastically changing the story, I'd have had the Doomsday fight start as Superman vs Zod, with Superman whooping him like the pro he is now. Zombie Zod barely has his personality and all you get is him begging Kal to kill him, something about preventing doomsday. Over time Zod is mutating and becoming monstrous and Superman, again, a pro tries to end it once and for all, but by then he's overpowered.
This was a no brainer. I wonder if that's in the script and Snyder shot it differently.


Was it really super speed?
Wasn't he weak and hobbling

It may not have been super speed, but there was a huge force at impact. I will give in though, it may not have been enough force to get the spear all the way through Doomsday. He didn't die until Supes pushed it out the other side

Didnt Doomsday grabbed him right away?

Nah he had plenty of time to fly away.
What I remember most from the X-Men interview is McAvoy punching Fassbender in the arm hard. You heard it on the mics. But Fassbender is so fucking classy and such a fucking gentleman he shrugs it off.

BvS Conan special was great, too.

oh we gonna make this a thing now huh? lol.


Super Member
Given without drastically changing the story, I'd have had the Doomsday fight start as Superman vs Zod, with Superman whooping him like the pro he is now. Zombie Zod barely has his personality and all you get is him begging Kal to kill him, something about preventing doomsday. Over time Zod is mutating and becoming monstrous and Superman, again, a pro tries to end it once and for all, but by then he's overpowered. So take Doomsday out of Lex's equation. From there you have Wonder Woman and Batman join the battle. Ditch the nuke scene.
I really like this idea. Superman is forced into this situation again but decides he doesn't want to relive it. He has no idea what will happen if Zod continues evolving so he does it again out of compassion.** However, because it's Doomsday, Superman decides in a roundabout way that killing doesn't solve anything.

**Or he says no completely and Wonder Woman kills him. I dunno, she likes to fight.
Basically, Drake's like "Theatrical cut? Nah!" "Ultimate Edition? That's the good stuff!"

That other edit was just replacing the Ultimate Edition Blu-ray with the 4K version.
Relax, no one is taking away anything. Just watch the movies, like/dislike them and give your opinion. Yeah you have some shitposters who seem to force their opinion as the only truth, but ehh. Just ignore them.

In here you are safe though!

Anyway; which one of you lovely people will make me cool Zack Snyder avatar? I need one.
I have couple Snyder avatars I made back in the day I was crazy for the guy. I'll post some up when I get home.
On Bats, btw: this is something they're going to have to tackle at some point, and they might as well start working on figuring it out now. If y'all think Hawkeye and Black Widow stick out as underpowered, imagine being the one normal human contrasted with Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, even Cyborg. Giving him little guys to handle, or a weapon (like the kryptonite gas, but with more ammo) is definitely an option to consider.

I think it would be kind of cool if he acted as a field director of sorts. He could watch from a distance, maybe flying overhead, and help the others coordinate their attacks.


Age of Ultron was TERRIBLE about it. There's an entire 3 minute scene devoted to having the Avengers sneak people out of the city, and then nearly half of the climactic throwdown is devoted to them sheparding civilians around. I could've shrugged it off after the first sequence, "yeah okay they successfully stealth-evacuated the city overnight" even if the timescale doesn't exactly work, but then they had to keep doing it all fight long, ugh.

lol, that was kinda the point though, the Avengers are all about innocents first and probably always will be. In both Avengers films, there's an emphasis on civilians being in caught in the middle of the fray and needing to work around that. I think the only "there are no civilians!!1!" moment between the two movies is the building that's leveled in the hulkbuster fight. tbh, I'd prefer if Snyder tried to work civilians in a little more instead of having buildings be conspicuously deserted or keeping civilians conveniently gawking from a distance.


lol, that was kinda the point though, the Avengers are all about innocents first and probably always will be. In both Avengers films, there's an emphasis on civilians being in caught in the middle of the fray and needing to work around that. I think the only "there are no civilians!!1!" moment between the two movies is the building that's leveled in the hulkbuster fight. tbh, I'd prefer if Snyder tried to work civilians in a little more instead of having buildings be conspicuously deserted or keeping civilians conveniently gawking from a distance.

I think what he's referring to is that it undermined the threat of the villain. He was basically a minor annoyance until they decided to focus on him. And the few times they did engage him he was taken out without much fuss. The balance wasn't quite where it should have been.


I think what he's referring to is that it undermined the threat of the villain. He was basically a minor annoyance until they decided to focus on him. And the few times they did engage him he was taken out without much fuss. The balance wasn't quite where it should have been.

That's a fair criticism.
lol, that was kinda the point though, the Avengers are all about innocents first and probably always will be. In both Avengers films, there's an emphasis on civilians being in caught in the middle of the fray and needing to work around that. I think the only "there are no civilians!!1!" moment between the two movies is the building that's leveled in the hulkbuster fight. tbh, I'd prefer if Snyder tried to work civilians in a little more instead of having buildings be conspicuously deserted or keeping civilians conveniently gawking from a distance.

The first Avengers doesn't make a point of civilians outside of the Captain America scene. There were space worms cutting through and falling on top of skyscrapers and none of the team cared about that, hell Tony leads the one worm right back through the buildings. It was just nobody cared to complain about it.


On Bats, btw: this is something they're going to have to tackle at some point, and they might as well start working on figuring it out now. If y'all think Hawkeye and Black Widow stick out as underpowered, imagine being the one normal human contrasted with Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, even Cyborg. Giving him little guys to handle, or a weapon (like the kryptonite gas, but with more ammo) is definitely an option to consider.

Give him fear gas. I'm serious.


I don't get why they want batman to have the white eyes so badly. It's not like it's a batman exclusive thing. Pretty much all superheroes with masks HS white eyes.


The first Avengers doesn't make a point of civilians outside of the Captain America scene. There were space worms cutting through and falling on top of skyscrapers and none of the team cared about that, hell Tony leads the one worm right back through the buildings. It was just nobody cared to complain about it.
There are scenes of Hawkeye, Widow, Hulk, and Cap all saving civilians directly. Cap's entire stategy when he calls out orders is centered on minimizing civilian involvement.

That's not how this works, guek. You're supposed to tell me I'm wrong and then we argue about it for 3 days. :p

Something something your mother!
I don't get why they want batman to have the white eyes so badly. It's not like it's a batman exclusive thing. Pretty much all superheroes with masks HS white eyes.

True, but Batman is the only one with a striking visual of blending in the shadows with only his eyes visable. It's pretty iconic with the character, and no live action movie has done it. Closest is the UC with him breaking into Lex Corp.


well not really...yet
The Directors Cut is like an entirely different movie. Why is it that Snyder constantly gets screwed over in post production?
This is the 2nd time it's happened.

He knowingly made Watchmen the way it was knowing the theatrical release would be within a certain runtime, and prepared the longer versions for home video for the fans. This wasn't really an issue where execs were breathing down his neck.

Sucker Punch was a problem from the start as Snyder originally designed a hard R rated film, then WB only approved with the mandate to make it PG-13 and more fantasy elements. He complied, the film got fucked more in post as test audiences had issues with musical sequences, especially the ending, and most were cut, and then, due to the subject matter, his cut still ended up with an R (blu-ray extended cut) before being edited once again for PG-13

BvS yeah. Main issue seems to be simply that Terrio turned in a way over ambitious and long script, and WB didn't want a 3 hour movie in theaters, and there was no way they could reach a compromise other than cutting the film, which predictably was disastrous as it was not planned that way from the start unlike Watchmen.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Quick question; is there an IT-Gaf? Or something similar?


track is supposed to come out later today anyways. from the rip i heard a while ago this one is gonna be hella fun. could be a radio hit too if they play their cards right.

It's surprising how much I enjoy the two other tracks released so far (Heathens & Sucker For Pain), considering that they aren't part of my usual music tastes. They're pretty popular too; that twenty one pilots song is up to 14 million views on Youtube. I'd honestly never heard of the band before this.
Actually liked the idea from one of the fake scripts

That Doomsday was just programmed(and believe close to his comic origins) to walk a path of destruction

And Superman was trying to stop him before he reached the masses

Gives the movie/fight a ticking time bomb and a sense of urgency.

On the note of abandoned locale, I was gonna make a thread about this earlier in the year, but hate ranty threads.

I really hate this post-MoS world where everyone has to let you know that things are abandoned or mostly empty when heroes figh

Age of Ultron did it... then did it again with the climax
Civil War did it with the airport
This does it with the island, Metropolis and then the finale district.

Deadpool kind of does it.

Yeah that approach would have been better, it would have been more intelligent and realistic than the "empty area of the city" that both movies are pulling. Having Batman on crowd control, or seeing Superman/WW save a few people while the other tackles doomsday would be cool.

I atleast want to see the Flash have an awesome civilian rescue scene. This is still my favorite speedster clip between all the speedster portrayals right now.

I'm hoping they take more influence from the comics, Doomsday's design was still a little too abstract for my tastes.
i wonder how fast they make the flash in the movie. the quicksilver mansion rescue in xmen apocalypse was bananas. dude even saved a girl's goldfish. and he got really inventive with the rescue when he threw people out of windows and then set up bedsheets outside for them to land into.

i love speedster stuff where they show their own perception of the world. I wish the flash show did that, i've only seen it happen once in the entire series. I think it was the pilot or something. the show oddly lacks any creativity whatsoever with the flash's power. he's just zipping around, that's it.

edit: yeah i've mentioned it multiple times but it's getting absurdly on the nose with these movies announcing to the audience that the places are abandoned. i miss when these films ignored that or when audiences weren't so vocal about it. man of steel changed too much. the worst case was in age of ultron and BvS imo. actually the time anderson cooper says it is pretty normal though. that's the first thing that would be mentioned in a news report with these maniacs fighting and it fit with the rest of the presentation in the film.
btw does anybody kinda hope they continue with the supergod angle in justice league? i love the idea of him drastically altering the religious and existential beliefs of people on earth, that shit is fascinating imo. the montage of him rescuing people with the neil degrasse tyson voiceover and stuff was a top 3 scene of the movie.

i just hope he comes out of the grave ready to deal with it finally. let him talk more that's about it.

edit: my bad with the double post.


btw does anybody kinda hope they continue with the supergod angle in justice league? i love the idea of him drastically altering the religious and existential beliefs of people on earth, that shit is fascinating imo. the montage of him rescuing people with the neil degrasse tyson voiceover and stuff was a top 3 scene of the movie.

i just hope he comes out of the grave ready to deal with it finally. let him talk more that's about it.

edit: my bad with the double post.

No that shit is lame. Superman being a god analogue is the worst part of the film and spiys in the face of how Sci-fi Man of Steel was.
Meh I find it hella interesting. He can still be a hero too, and it doesn't negate the sci fi aspect at all (degrasse tyson even says how Superman challenges our belief that we're alone and superior in the universe). I always thought the Thor stuff in mcu missed out on a cool angle because of how blatantly they ignored such a plot point (Thor even has a basis in a real world extinct religion too)


btw does anybody kinda hope they continue with the supergod angle in justice league? i love the idea of him drastically altering the religious and existential beliefs of people on earth, that shit is fascinating imo. the montage of him rescuing people with the neil degrasse tyson voiceover and stuff was a top 3 scene of the movie.

i just hope he comes out of the grave ready to deal with it finally. let him talk more that's about it.

edit: my bad with the double post.

I also find it fascinating, but it a hard sell on an 250m dollar movie.
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