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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Meh I find it hella interesting. He can still be a hero too, and it doesn't negate the sci fi aspect at all (degrasse tyson even says how Superman challenges our belief that we're alone and superior in the universe). I always thought the Thor stuff in mcu missed out on a cool angle because of how blatantly they ignored such a plot point (Thor even has a basis in a real world extinct religion too)

Superman doesn't challenge my beliefs you can still believe in a religion and believe that we aren't the only sentient beings in the universe.

As for Superman I just want a straight forward film with a dude who's a reporter who happens to use his powers to do the right thing. DC can keep their movie if they want to keep pushing the god angle.
All I'm saying is there's room for both and I hope WB realizes that by making room to accommodate it.

Continuing on this angle shouldn't necessarily exclude going for a traditional superhero route too.


All I'm saying is there's room for both and I hope WB realizes that by making room to accommodate it.

Continuing on this angle shouldn't necessarily exclude going for a traditional superhero route too.

I don't really care if they go the angle, hell it could be interesting. That said the God angle is my least favourite take on Superman as it's typically at the expense of Clark Kent and usually ends up in the evil Superman territory.

Plus weve barley seen him being mainstream Superman so can we have that before we get another Oh noes the peoples think I'm a god moments.


Basically, Drake's like "Theatrical cut? Nah!" "Ultimate Edition? That's the good stuff!"

That other edit was just replacing the Ultimate Edition Blu-ray with the 4K version.
Weird, I thought all BluRay versions were the Ultimate Edition. WB are hacks, the theatrical simply should not be released. Less so in an enthusiasts format.

That this shot is actually from the movie leaves me in awe.

Weird, I thought all BluRay versions were the Ultimate Edition. WB are hacks, the theatrical simply should not be released. Less so in an enthusiasts format.

That this shot is actually from the movie leaves me in awe.


This along with some action screen in BVS and MOS prove that that Fox messed up big time with the DBZ movie. I am not sure if i will even mind if the plot of a live action DB movie is BVS level of bad if they can give me fighting screen and bean struggle like BVS and MOS lol.
I think it would be kind of cool if he acted as a field director of sorts. He could watch from a distance, maybe flying overhead, and help the others coordinate their attacks.

That's definitely the kind of role he should be in, but it doesn't make for particularly compelling watching, I feel.

lol, that was kinda the point though, the Avengers are all about innocents first and probably always will be. In both Avengers films, there's an emphasis on civilians being in caught in the middle of the fray and needing to work around that. I think the only "there are no civilians!!1!" moment between the two movies is the building that's leveled in the hulkbuster fight. tbh, I'd prefer if Snyder tried to work civilians in a little more instead of having buildings be conspicuously deserted or keeping civilians conveniently gawking from a distance.

I think what he's referring to is that it undermined the threat of the villain. He was basically a minor annoyance until they decided to focus on him. And the few times they did engage him he was taken out without much fuss. The balance wasn't quite where it should have been.

I mean, the fact that Ultron was such an utterly unthreatening presence certainly didn't HELP, but I really was more talking about time allocation. Like I said, it felt really, really forced, having a lengthy evacuation scene and then proceeding to devote so much of the big moment to... yet more evacuating. It ended up feeling more like a direct response to Man of Steel than anything else. "Look, internet! OUR heroes are taking logical steps to reduce civilian risk at every encounter!" Also just wasn't very well handled in execution either, most of the time there's 2 totally different types of scenes (rescuing civilians and fighting robots) as opposed to merging them like with Cap in Avengers 1.

Give him fear gas. I'm serious.

Hmm... now that could be interesting, but doesn't really solve how he's supposed to be a credible threat to someone like Darkseid.

Superman doesn't challenge my beliefs you can still believe in a religion and believe that we aren't the only sentient beings in the universe.

As for Superman I just want a straight forward film with a dude who's a reporter who happens to use his powers to do the right thing. DC can keep their movie if they want to keep pushing the god angle.

The idea of alien life (arguably superior alien life, at that) flies in the face of a lot of religious beliefs, tbh. Especially Abrahamic ones.


Amazon exclusive Harley Quinn gown variant figure: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ARGATQQ/?tag=neogaf0e-20

It says she'll be out August 15th. I guess that Katana, Boomerang, and the purple coat Joker should out around that time, too.

Deadshot, Harley Quinn (jacketed and unjacketed), Joker in a suit, and Batman are out now. The jacketed Harley and Joker in a suit seem to be Toys "Я" Us exclusives.

Preordered that gown Harley. Seems like the deadshot and jacket Harley are out of stock though. Gonna hunt those down


I feel there is a liiitle possibility that they are going to overxpose Harley.

They'll do it on the same level as the Joker I feel. She's a popular character and she's a female character. They have all the reason to overexpose her. People love the the character and Margot and the movie hasn't even been released. Easy way to make sales on merch.


Weird, I thought all BluRay versions were the Ultimate Edition. WB are hacks, the theatrical simply should not be released. Less so in an enthusiasts format.

That this shot is actually from the movie leaves me in awe.


The cinematography is god tier in this movie.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really curious how they'll handle Aquaman. How big is his role anyway?


Some new, always entertaining, 4chan gossip
lol. what if I told you I worked in WB at time BM v. SM was being developed, and while they were trying to attach Nolan as a producer just to give it credibility.

What if I told you that Nolan's notes on Goyer's final draft of BM v. SM began with "I have contempt for this."

Of course, I don't expect to be believed, bc such is the fun of 4chan. But that is the truth. Even Tsujihara read Goyer's final draft and realized how shitty it was, which was when they went into panic mode (4 months before shooting was set to begin) and how Affleck got to bring in his own writer.

If people knew just how bad a writer Goyer is (and what a grating personality he has, right back to the time he had to pay a bunch of bikers to keep Wesley Snipes from beating his ass on set of the one shitty movie he directed) I wonder how people would feel about him?
>Nolan is the fucking moron who enlisted Goyer to begin with on Man of Steel.

I'm telling you what was written on the page. I know, it won't be believed, which is the fun of here, bc no one would actually believe someone who shitposts here worked under Snyder.

But those were his words, will never forget them. "I have contempt for this..."

I've never been here before. If Goyer is hated, it's for good reason and it's amazing that slime can spread all the way to people who have never encountered him.
Never had any bad experiences w. Terrio, but Goyer is...neither a nice nor a talented person. Take it as you will.
>assuming you arent shitposting, how different is the final terrio draft vs the original goyer one

Light years. Not even the same movie. I think it ended up going to WGA for an arbitration (royalties involved...yes, I know, still use term royalties) and Goyer won simply bc he has been around a lot longer, despite Terrio having I think an award from them.

Was just watching movie over again. Snyder threw in/took out so many things....the man cannot read the tone of a script, and I suspect Affleck was too stressed with his marriage breakdown to set him straight.

Just one thing I noticed....in Terrio's original I saw (I mentioned this is another thread), after Clark jumps into bath with lois, the next morning, there was meant to be a shot of an old woman with a flooded bathroom and a cat lapping up water.

I don't work for Snyder anymore, but still work in industry so really can't say as much as I'd like, other than that he took what could have been a great movie and...seriously detracted from it.

As did the Studio, trying to set up f--king 19 movie on the back of this one. Snyder is a great visuals guy, but he cannot handle a movie with dialogue by a serious writer.

As per "Argo," terrio know to write like a director; i.e., "just follow what is on the page..." Still like the movie, hoping next one, with NO Goyer at all, will be better.

I'll add, Goyer's draft just made no sense. Terrio is the Harvard Eng. Lit major, so anything deep, anything of substance in there is Terrio (just like anything of substance in "Dark Knight" series was Nolan...Goyer does not think in terms of French Revolution metaphors).

I don't know how much they're going to change JL-part 1, put I do know Terrio does not want to write part 2, as he initially did, so I can only speculate.

How they ended up with Snyder directing these...he just doesn't have intellectual depth of someone like Nolan.

have all the drafts in a box somewhere, will go through this weekend and see how much I can give away without Snyder potentially figuring out who I am and blackballing.

When I say different tone, I mean it was an entire...for example Goyer never even dealt with the fallout from the destruction, he just went on as if nothing had happened.

Making Gotham and Metropolis sister cities joined by a ferry? That was also terrio, not in Goyer's script at all.

If they didn't like what Terrio came up with, they were going to ask Aaron Sorkin to write it, BTW.

I'll look, see if I can add anything without giving myself away to Snyder (on the unlikely chance this ever got to him) and being blackballed...

Which is why, when Snyder finally realized Goyer's script was garbage after both Nolan and Tsujihara said so, he handed in to Terrio sometime around Nov 20th and needed a first draft by early Jan.

lol, poor bastard worked literally non-stop to get a draft in, and then Goyer took him to the WGA arbiter and took half the money and credit anyway.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Stop, Ahasverus can only get so erect.

Bunch of bullshit.


While the UC makes the movie a competent one, it's obvious the script is stronger than the film is. Poor Da Gawd.

The rumor is probably false though, it was confirmed that Affleck didn't bring in Terrio, it was a coincidence.
Stop, Ahasverus can only get so erect.
Don't underestimate my power.


Some new, always entertaining, 4chan gossip

Terrio was brought on first...Goyer is a moron apparently even though he did write The Dark Knight trilogy lol... he'll never get that credit haha. So stupid to nitpick all the bad ideas and go, yup all the bad ones are clearly Goyer all the good ones are Terrio and whatever good ones that were bad in execution were Snyder's fault.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder who we will get after the first JL. No doubt that will be the last Snyder movie and probably Terrio as well. Maybe they'll give it to Affleck?


Terrio was brought on first...Goyer is a moron apparently even though he did write The Dark Knight trilogy lol... he'll never get that credit haha.
By the WG he could come up with the story and sill would have come out with the credit. Remember both Nolans worked hard on those scripts too, specially Luigi Nolan who is a crazy good writer.
Wonder who we will get after the first JL. No doubt that will be the last Snyder movie and probably Terrio as well. Maybe they'll give it to Affleck?
I think that against all odds Snyder will return.
Terrio was brought on first...Goyer is a moron apparently even though he did write The Dark Knight trilogy lol... he'll never get that credit haha.

Terrio was brought on around the same time this bullshit info says.

THR, December 2013: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/batman-superman-chris-terrio-write-666735

Jon and Chris wrote their Batman films. Goyer was more or less the lore expert in the equation. There are plenty of interviews where Jonathan talks about writing his draft and handing it off to Chris to make the final tweaks and changes based on what he wanted to do.


Terrio was brought on around the same time this bullshit info says.

THR, December 2013: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/batman-superman-chris-terrio-write-666735

Jon and Chris wrote their Batman films. Goyer was more or less the lore expert in the equation. There are plenty of interviews where Jonathan talks about writing his draft and handing it off to Chris to make the final tweaks and changes based on what he wanted to do.

Affleck was asked on set if he brought in Terrio and he said nope, Terrio was brought in separately and before.

By the WG he could come up with the story and sill would have come out with the credit. Remember both Nolans worked hard on those scripts too, specially Luigi Nolan who is a crazy good writer.

I think that against all odds Snyder will return.

I love Luigi Nolan... his take on Interstellar >>>>>> whatever the hell Speilberg was going to do to that.


I was just saying in the OT, but it's probably a better fit here.

It would be really cool to start off Justice League with another Knightmare sequence, where Batman is now dead. You could have Flash trying to send a message through time, as the rest of the remaining Justice League try to fend Darkseid off and just get wiped out. It's a common 'message from the future' trope, but it would be cool to see them close that flashback loop early, and establish Darkseid as a threat who can easily take down a weakened Justice League.


I was just saying in the OT, but it's probably a better fit here.

It would be really cool to start off Justice League with another Knightmare sequence, where Batman is now dead. You could have Flash trying to send a message through time, as the rest of the remaining Justice League try to fend Darkseid off and just get wiped out. It's a common 'message from the future' trope, but it would be cool to see them close that flashback loop early, and establish Darkseid as a threat who can easily take down a weakened Justice League.
JL will start with a history lesson. I think that ship has sailed.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I was just saying in the OT, but it's probably a better fit here.

It would be really cool to start off Justice League with another Knightmare sequence, where Batman is now dead. You could have Flash trying to send a message through time, as the rest of the remaining Justice League try to fend Darkseid off and just get wiped out. It's a common 'message from the future' trope, but it would be cool to see them close that flashback loop early, and establish Darkseid as a threat who can easily take down a weakened Justice League.

If anything it would confuse the audiences. The whole Flash thing probably needs an exposition scene anyway to make the GA understand. On top of that, didn't they say they want JL to be a pretty simple in story?
I was just saying in the OT, but it's probably a better fit here.

It would be really cool to start off Justice League with another Knightmare sequence, where Batman is now dead. You could have Flash trying to send a message through time, as the rest of the remaining Justice League try to fend Darkseid off and just get wiped out. It's a common 'message from the future' trope, but it would be cool to see them close that flashback loop early, and establish Darkseid as a threat who can easily take down a weakened Justice League.

I agree, but I don't think it's going to happen now.
I just thought about something when they finally decide to introduce green lanterns into this universe how are they gonna explain the earth almost being destroyed not once or twice but possibly three times before the green lanterns show up and the third time involves the army of Darkseid especially if they possibly already have one or possibly more lanterns already assigned to protect the sector earth is in.


Super Member
I just thought about something when they finally decide to introduce green lanterns into this universe how are they gonna explain the earth almost being destroyed not once or twice but possibly three times before the green lanterns show up and the third time involves the army of Darkseid especially if they possibly already have one or possibly more lanterns already assigned to protect the sector earth is in.
Hal/Parallax is Justice League 2's Big Bad. Believe
I just thought about something when they finally decide to introduce green lanterns into this universe how are they gonna explain the earth almost being destroyed not once or twice but possibly three times before the green lanterns show up and the third time involves the army of Darkseid especially if they possibly already have one or possibly more lanterns already assigned to protect the sector earth is in.

Off planet dealing with their own problems. Black Zero Event and Doomsday creation literally happen within hours. I don't have the comics knowledge, but I think that information would take awhile to get to them or for them to get back to Earth, correct?

I still think one of the Lanterns shows up at the end of Justice League with a warning that it's not over and the real threat is on his way.
I'm fond of the proposed setup where the guardians take notice of Earth becoming a hotbed for chaos and appoint a second GL to the sector. Maybe if they do go the paralax route, we find out Hal was off on a mission and the guardians hid information on Earth's danger. You know, like how crew on a submarine are kept in the dark.


I dreamed about the new Green Lantern movie last night in which the Lanterns never used their rings because they couldn't figure them out and I was screaming at the screen its fucking willpower idiots and then it slowly morphed into an episode of EastEnders. Weird dream.


I want to see a live-action DBZ movie made by Snyder.

Dragon Ball has roots as a comedy series and employs a lot of bright colors. Snyder would be a horrible fit.

But any world where Dragon Ball Evolution exists is already the darkest timeline :p


I dreamed about the new Green Lantern movie last night in which the Lanterns never used their rings because they couldn't figure them out and I was screaming at the screen its fucking willpower idiots and then it slowly morphed into an episode of EastEnders. Weird dream.

I'm pretty sure half the characters of Eastenders would be viable candidates for Red Lantern rings.
Off planet dealing with their own problems. Black Zero Event and Doomsday creation literally happen within hours. I don't have the comics knowledge, but I think that information would take awhile to get to them or for them to get back to Earth, correct?

Green Lanterns generally live and are supposed to be protecting the sector they are assigned to. Its kinda dumb to have all of these threats come from outside the earth and not have the Green Lanterns involved in some way especially if we find out a green lantern was assigned to sector 2814( the sector of space earth is in). Its gonna be literally years between when the Kryptoninans tried to terraform earth and when Darkseid's army invades.
I was just saying in the OT, but it's probably a better fit here.

It would be really cool to start off Justice League with another Knightmare sequence, where Batman is now dead. You could have Flash trying to send a message through time, as the rest of the remaining Justice League try to fend Darkseid off and just get wiped out. It's a common 'message from the future' trope, but it would be cool to see them close that flashback loop early, and establish Darkseid as a threat who can easily take down a weakened Justice League.

That would have been dope. Very terminator 2 esque. Frankly I think that's how the characters should have been introduced as opposed to those terrible clips in BvS

Sadly I don't see them ever revisiting that knightmare thread in the future so it's inclusion is baffling in BvS.
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