Recent casting rumors for JL have Colin Farrell (previously rumored for Constantine), Michiel Huisman (Daario 2.0), and Charles Dance (Tywin, glass eye guy in Last Action Hero)
Keanu Reeves as Constantine.
Recent casting rumors for JL have Colin Farrell (previously rumored for Constantine), Michiel Huisman (Daario 2.0), and Charles Dance (Tywin, glass eye guy in Last Action Hero)
Monster did look cold. Perhaps that's Patty's style. She promised Temischyra was looking surreal though.From what we've seen of WW it looks to have that accentuated blue visual signature that was prominent in Superman Returns and that Hansel and Gretel movie that Jeremy Renner was in. Hate that look.
More like classic and timeless. Film for life.Guys, I really hate the film grain. It bothered me a lot in Man of Steel. Makes the movie looks ugly and old.
Recent casting rumors for JL have Colin Farrell (previously rumored for Constantine), Michiel Huisman (Daario 2.0), and Charles Dance (Tywin, glass eye guy in Last Action Hero)
Curious to see the source, but
Which would make sense since HBO is owned by Warner so they already made contact.
I liked how they used Superman having parents as the way to humanize him to Batman. Having him say Martha just was kind of odd, I think it would have worked better if he had said my Mom, but I liked what they did here, using parental love to get through Bruce's anger.
I really loved the way Bruce’s motives play out with this surface clarity, but then the underlying subtext that comes to a head and breaks through in their battle, the fact he’s never looked at Superman as a real person or as a man before. Then suddenly Superman is vulnerable, he has a regular guy’s name and a woman who loves him crying over him, and a mom — his last words are basically “save my mother.” We see, very emotionally, how Batman realizes what he’s doing and that he’s the bad guy, a painful but very human revelatory moment.
Curious to see the source, but
Recent casting rumors for JL have Colin Farrell (previously rumored for Constantine), Michiel Huisman (Daario 2.0), and Charles Dance (Tywin, glass eye guy in Last Action Hero)
I don't care about nothing until they confirm a proper Man of Steel sequel. It'll be quite a while until I forgive WB for cutting Superman out of a movie with his fucking name in the title.
Pretty much. I just want a Superman movie that's a huge hit with good reviews.I don't care about nothing until they confirm a proper Man of Steel sequel. It'll be quite a while until I forgive WB for cutting Superman out of a movie with his fucking name in the title.
Pretty much. I just want a Superman movie that's a huge hit with good reviews.
Yes you can. I want less Batman.You can't have too much of Batman.
Yes you can. I want less Batman.
I have to agree there...there's too much Batman going.
We already got 3 excellent movies from Mr Nolan. That's enough.
I'm hungry.
By 2018 I'll be starving for a Batfleck movie. I cant wait.
Less Batman? Are you fuckers drunk?
October 2018 is Batman. Otherwise, Warner Bros is looking at 2020 for the Batman film. Ben has Justice League until October of this year, nothing at all next year, and Justice League 2 filming in 2018 to make the 2019 release.
Way less Batman is needed. Not just for the sake of someone like Superman. He'll be fine but the rest of the DC roster needs some time in the spotlight and Batman is hogging it all. Most of DC's roster is just as compelling as the Bat but you'd never know it because those fucking idiots only focus on promoting him and his cast.
By all means for ensemble movies balance that shit out but less Bats to the point of no solo flick? Noooo thank you.
so hot....don't kill me Batfleck
The Killing Joke is awesome, just bought the hardcover. Holy shit am I late and is it brutal. Definitely a classic! Wait for SS even harder now.
Count me in as another one who wants a MoS II. I love Superman.
People need time to be hungry for a proper new Batman film. Keep the people happy in ensemble films.
Wait it's out? Oh shit.
They're referring to the graphic novel
We hongry now. I wonder what a 2019 release would be like for the bat box office. Would the wait and constant batman teasing ultimately kind of hurt it or would the hype be that real.
I feel like Nolan has made it an instant 800+ million brand now tho. It wouldn't be crazy to expect afflecks movie to hit a billion.
I think that unannounced November 2019 DC film is 'The Batman'.
Frankly I'd be stunned if WB released such a big film in October. Just look at the types of films that are typically released in October bearing in mind that Halloween is one of the quietest weekends for cinema attendance for the entire year.
A Dark Universe film would fit perfectly into the run up to Halloween.
If Leto kills it as Joker and Affleck gets him in there, with changes in business since the Nolan days, I could see his Batman being the highest grossing. Maybe Iron Man 3 numbers.
2019 is fine. 2018, I don't know. Maybe in my mind Justice League at the end of 2017 and releasing a Batman film soon after is too close; overlap of marketing and such.
Why? It's a year out. Perfect time to drop a teaser for the film and start the marketing machine for the Batman solo film.
People need to look at the schedules and when stuff would need to filmed. Either Ben gets behind the camera next year or not until 2019 for a 2020 release. WB isn't waiting folks.
Not a chance in hell. The Bman movie is coming the soonest possible, there is an almost final script already, it's coming soon.They will for Affleck. Which means we'll probably have to wait until 2019 for that solo film.
I just need to find a way to cryogenically freeze myself for three years.
Not a chance in hell. The Bman movie is coming the soonest possible, there is an almost final script already, it's coming soon.
He has like 8 months to be satisfied.Not until Ben is satisfied with the script.
They will for Affleck. Which means we'll probably have to wait until 2019 for that solo film.
I just need to find a way to cryogenically freeze myself for three years.
Why? It's a year out. Perfect time to drop a teaser for the film and start the marketing machine for the Batman solo film.
People need to look at the schedules and when stuff would need to filmed. Either Ben gets behind the camera next year or not until 2019 for a 2020 release. WB isn't waiting folks.
How could it work in 2019 as the schedule stands right now?
Justice League 2 is releasing June 14, 2019. It will likely film 6-8 months in 2018 to make that date like every other blockbuster. Ben can't do both at the same time. 2019 doesn't work logistically as the schedule stands right now for a solo Batman film.
It's a year out if Batman is November 2018. Currently WB is sticking Fantastic Beasts in November, every other year. There's the October slot but Batman solo being a main event isn't the best fit. Releasing earlier in the year makes it a couple months from JL. We'll see what happens.
I don't think Snyder is in the best position to talk about the future of the DCEU at this moment. However, I could see Justice League 2 shifting.There's a change Justice League 2 will be shifted. Responding to questions at the set visit, Snyder's response to JL2's date was along the lines of "that I know of."
I don't care about nothing until they confirm a proper Man of Steel sequel. It'll be quite a while until I forgive WB for cutting Superman out of a movie with his fucking name in the title.
Less Batman, more Superman please.
"Nighty night, Batbreath!"
"Hope you've got insurance!"
"Batter up!"
Wait it's out? Oh shit.
Hah hah, my apologies. Just in the mood and hyped for SS. BvS has rekindled my DC love in general too. Definitely wish they had an app/service like MU though.They're referring to the graphic novel