Yeah, He's a big guyBut can he be intimidating when interrogating?
Yeah, He's a big guyBut can he be intimidating when interrogating?
No thanks. Frank Grillo isn't captivating enough to be a major villain. If he's cast in one of these rather he be a henchman or a character of less screentime. Marvel got it right tbh
The whole film is like that lol, it's charming on its weirdness.The branded merchandise of Suicide Squad still seems really weird to me
No thanks. Frank Grillo isn't captivating enough to be a major villain. If he's cast in one of these rather he be a henchman or a character of less screentime. Marvel got it right tbh
The branded merchandise of Suicide Squad still seems really weird to me
I don't think he's been given a big enough role to prove he can't handle it. I've enjoyed him in everything I've seen him. He was at least better as Crossbones than Callan Mulvey as KGBeast, though Crossbones was admittedly much more of an actual character.
Here's your fan-made edit of thee MoS and Bvs Metropolis scenes spliced together.
This is such a bad-ass figure
Why is Square Enix selling WW figure?
This is such a bad-ass figure
No RopeGuy cover
Well...he's right there in the third one.
I liked KG Beast in his minor role and wouldn't mind if they straight copied the horribly burnt > comic accurate costume transition of Crossbones. Reoccurring theme of the UC where you see him hovering around in scenes added tension. And his exaggerated accent is great. Drrrrop it. I'll keeel her.
Kinda worried about the OST for Justice League. Mad Max had like one cool track (Brothers in Arms) and maybe the MM theme. Other than that it wasn't anything special. Deadpool was just some noise with nothing special to it. All his other work isn't really giving me confidence. I wonder if he will be able to pull it off on his own. Wish they at least got a solid replacement for Zimmer to collaborate with Junkie XL. Stuff like Beautiful Lie, Day of the Dead, this is my world, not action oriented but more emotional. That is Zimmer, expecting we won't be getting similar stuff (at that level) for JL.
Not to mention he has to do: Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman and the JL theme. Good luck...
Zimmer did the all the JL themes. Junkie will just be building off his work for the movie and whatever original tracks he composes.
I'm watching Man of Steel (for like the millionth time) and that trucker just tried to shove Clark. Without missing a beat I laughed. I laugh every single goddamn time.
Also when that fisherman saved Clark from the trap and said "you're gonna get yourself killed" haha
no rope guy :'(
Yup: Hot Toys have a Wonder Woman figure?
Yup. :/I would love that Knightmare Batman but aren't they like $250?
There was a debate whether he did it intentionally to throw off suspicion or was aloof for a moment. Fact that the guy could push him implies it's the former.
"Too late,suckas!" - Jeph Loeb probablyBut if I was WB I'd be like "hmm...lets get Jon Bernthal instead" lol.
The ridiculousness of this would make me laugh so hardI liked KG Beast in his minor role and wouldn't mind if they straight copied the horribly burnt > comic accurate costume transition of Crossbones. Reoccurring theme of the UC where you see him hovering around in scenes added tension. And his exaggerated accent is great. Drrrrop it. I'll keeel her.
Or maybe superman was so fuckin classy and such a fuckin gentleman that he decided to let the fisherman think he saved him from it.
This made me laugh way harder than it should have.Or maybe superman was so fuckin classy and such a fuckin gentleman that he decided to let the fisherman think he saved him from it.
Or maybe superman was so fuckin classy and such a fuckin gentleman that he decided to let the fisherman think he saved him from it.