I still think it's weird that JL is shot in 1.85:1. I mean, any aspect ratio will do but... I'm afraid people might draw the comparison between this and The Avengers. Maybe I'm just overthinking this though.
Superman: "Yeah, you deal with this shit now. Let's see how that goes. Assholes."
Do you think they have an actor or actors to play the Green Lanterns or are they still deciding?
So was their a screening of SS at CC?
Speaking of Internet hyperbole lolFinally watched the WW and JL teasers (busy all day damnit!)
Wonder Woman: Gal slaying it. That moment with her on the field under a shower of bullets...omg. "what I do is not up to you" ...that lasso! Visually I love how it seems very varied. A couple of dodgy looking effects shots which im sure will be cleaned up, but overall, Im so incredibly excited for this.
Justice League: FUCK. I couldn't help but smile during the Bruce/Flash interaction. So perfect and fantastic levity. I was worried from comments that this was a quipfest, but as usual internet hyperbole is on level 10, it works, and as long as the humour is kept within contextual situations rather than just vomited out in every scene like MCU then it should be fine. Visually Im excited that it's 1.85:1. Have a feeling the movie is going to looke insanely larger than life. The Flash suit looks fucking cool as hell too.
Do you think they have an actor or actors to play the Green Lanterns or are they still deciding?
DC Directors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BEIjustiI8Any footage of the panels?
Shame, I'm seeing a ton of Facebook posts saying that Harley Quinn is dressing like a slut. Someone even posted roller derby Harley which makes no sense.
Shame, I'm seeing a ton of Facebook posts saying that Harley Quinn is dressing like a slut. Someone even posted roller derby Harley which makes no sense.
I hope, if they decide to include Wally West in the DCEU, that he is a kid.
Robin should be a kid, too. Aquaman should have Aqualad. Lex making Superboy. I doubt we'll see Arrow in the DCEU tbh.
Bam, Young Justice 2021.
Hell no to kid Robin. Batman would never risk a kid to face any Gotham's freak. It's just an unadaptable part of the mythos to the real World. Robin should start at 16 /at the very, very least/. 23 is the ideal.
Also Dick who is probably the only alive Robin must be a midfle aged guy in this universe.
I'll whip some up in a sec...Anyone got avatars from yesterday's footage? Would appreciate a Cyborg one.
This makes me feel slightly better, I'll sit here dreaming until it becomes a reality.
Who's the seventh?
Let's go even further.
Let's go even further.
You forgot Martian Manhunter.
couldnt find any pngs of him
Because he sucks.
Because he sucks.
Ok let's discuss the batsuit changes.
Besides the obvious new neck, there's also a new ears shape and more open eyes along with more pronounced frown. The suit somehow manages to looks slimmer AND more ripped. Do I see a new cape support shape? It seems very similar to the Arkham origins
I think it looks great now.
Anyone got avatars from yesterday's footage? Would appreciate a Cyborg one.
I see it's more colorful but that's all the difference I see.Supes looks great but then they've only slightly tweaked his BvS suit but its still a new suit. lol
And here's the rest of the Justice League:
And some Suicide Squad avatars I posted before that I don't think anyone's using: