I like Gustin. I wish the writers wouldn't fuck him up so often. I hope he'll be in the movie as an easter egg.
I see it's more colorful but that's all the difference I see.
Well, that and that he got 10 years younger.
Good man, Gustin. I'm happy he's happy. A lot of the DCTV actors seemed to think because they played the characters on TV they would be the roles in the movies which is just bizarre logic even as someone who really likes them in the roles. Glad Gustin isn't one of them.Grant chimes in.
Good man, Gustin. I'm happy he's happy. A lot of the DCTV actors seemed to think because they played the characters on TV they would be the roles in the movies which is just bizarre logic even as someone who really likes them in the roles. Glad Gustin isn't one of them.
Like when would they have the time to shoot and movie and season of a weekly TV show?Good man, Gustin. I'm happy he's happy. A lot of the DCTV actors seemed to think because they played the characters on TV they would be the roles in the movies which is just bizarre logic even as someone who really likes them in the roles. Glad Gustin isn't one of them.
Dude probably also recognizes Flash can pop in the movie universe and make perfect sense too. No point burning bridges.
Grant chimes in.
Look at Grant being reasonable.
The whole Flash situation has always being more about people being mad for him than any resentment on his part.
Looks great! The armor panels reminds me a lot of the New 52 suit.
The only issue I have is the color of the suit. I wish it retained the gray/black combo because as it looks in that shot it's hard to see and make out the emblem due to it blending in with the rest of the suit.
Supes looks great but then they've only slightly tweaked his BvS suit but its still a new suit. lol
People aka Amell. That dude was salty as fuck.
People aka Amell. That dude was salty as fuck.
It's going to be wig time soon for Henry.
I kinda wish I still lived in Miami now. I'm quite a few hours away now.
"Tell me. Do you ble..."
Not everybody is as nice as Superman to put up with Bruce's attitude.
This is me waking up everyday.
I live in Miami. This isn't that far away from where I live either. I'm going to be at work though.Anybody in Miami tomorrow? There's a Suicide Squad event with some of the cast and David Ayer.
I kinda wish I still lived in Miami now. I'm quite a few hours away now.
Lol, now that you said something, I can't stop staring at it O_OCavills biceps photobombing.
I've talked to a few people who were in Hall H. None of them heard Zack getting booed. I think we can say that was a lie.
Wasn't that around the time Ben got divorced? He looked pretty miserable.'s nice to see they are having a blast, last year's comic with the bvs cast was sour and serious.
Uff WW. Hot Fire!!!One thing I noticed when watching the panel.
Cyborg is huge.
Anybody in Miami tomorrow? There's a Suicide Squad event with some of the cast and David Ayer.
I kinda wish I still lived in Miami now. I'm quite a few hours away now.
Man, it's going to be rough for them to sell me on this version of the Joker. So far I'm sold on everybody but him. We'll see. I'm going to keep an open mind.
Really? I know initially everyone was against it, but I feel now most people have come around. Honestly the more I've seen the more I can't wait.
I know it's a different take. I know it's more in your face. But I think it'll be great really.