Xander Cage gave me a TDKR tag, so I'm officially more of a DC fan than you all now.
I'd watch it but can Cavill lose the mustache?What if JL has an after credit scene with Lois and Clark (with mustache) and Lois being pregnant, so that MoS2 is all about fatherhood (with that mustache)?
I'd watch it but can Cavill lose the mustache?
We're the salt of the Earth. And with earth I mean Neogaf off topic.Well when you have people like you and Ahasvrus tryna act cute folks get annoyed real quick
The music track in the trailer, do we think that's an Elfman or Junkie track? Maybe neither.
This is a tragedy.
BB also fucked up steelbooks for Logan and GoTG2, which is a damn shame.
This is a tragedy.
BB also fucked up steelbooks for Logan and GoTG2, which is a damn shame.
This is a tragedy.
BB also fucked up steelbooks for Logan and GoTG2, which is a damn shame.
Thought the assumption was that after Justice League Snyder was always stepping away. Three films in the same universe back to back is a lot for anyone regardless of the receptions being positive or negative. Once he stepped away from JL after the primary filming I figured that was going to be it. I do hope at the very least he does stay active for the action and cinematography to some degree. Like or dislike these films I don't think anyone can honestly say they don't look great and that action isn't way and above anything else in the genre.
Sure, but this was his last movie and we knew this for quite a while now.I just wished it was under better circumstances.
This too. It'd be nice to have him do another if this universe is still kicking in like ten years, but I'm fine with Zack moving on to other things. He's a versatile filmmaker going by his filmography. There's more to him than capeflicks.I don't mind if Snyder is no longer with the DCEU to be honest. 3 movies, that should be enough. The man contributed his best to the universe. It's time he moves on and does something else.
Pretty much.I just wished it was under better circumstances.
The Justice League premiere will be bittersweet, if he even shows up.
Maybe he won't, and that will be even bittersweeter.
I hope he won't.
There will probably be a lot of love from the fans if he does show up though.
But then there's the feeling of here's Snyder walking down the red carpet of the last DC movie he will be involved with, it's just sad.
But I hope he doesnt stop directing. I wanna see more Snyder.
I still would send him dailies and ask if I put the camera in the right spot.Whedon better leaves Snyder alone to spend time with his family and not bother him for something that is clearly out of Snyder's jurisdiction.
There won't be any love.
And he won't stop directing.
Yeah I'd don't mind he's gone. Despite really liking Man of Steel I felt BvS was a mistep.
I like BvS, but it was mistake tonally top to bottom. It's a great looking movie and many of the scenes are master class, but overall as a product it's just okay, at work it's meh.
I feel like he'll be right at home if he ever decides to come back... back to back to back DC films is a LOT for anyone...
I think he should do what he wants, if possible, a character that needs a massive reboot... it's so annoying to see millions of incarnations of Superman and people complain about DCEU Superman reboot as not being the one (there isn't lol one...)
I really liked BvS, but I would have taken it in a different direction. The Injustice thing is super bold... Death of Superman is super bold... Dark Knight Returns is even bolder... having an older Batman when your Superman is still a baby is something I'm still not on board with. They should be somewhat equals... they should have avoided the Dark Knight Returns angle for something later on something you do near the end of the cinematic universe... then again Marvel did their Civil War and turned it into an airport friendly sparring. We're never getting that crazy scale of a Mark Millar Civil War
I was going to ask, aren't they producing Batgirl? The article all this gossip is coming from seems like BS to me. I think the Snyders will be a part of this universe as long as they want to. They laid the groundwork much like Favreau did with the MCU and you still see his name pop up every now and then.
Winning cures everything, unless Warner Bros feel like Whedon is the one who potentially saves JL.