Lol it's such a weak argument I can't take anyone seriously when they say it. It's like they didn't watch Man of Steel.The inspirations did not feel earned.
Lol it's such a weak argument I can't take anyone seriously when they say it. It's like they didn't watch Man of Steel.The inspirations did not feel earned.
I can't see JL getting a good RT score, people still think Snyder kills babies for fun.Hmm. I feel like the RT score is gonna either make or break the JL's BO number.
Hmm. I feel like the RT score is gonna either make or break the JL's BO number.
It doesn't need a 90+ rating. RT doesn't really prevent people from seeing movies unless it's down in the, well, BvS range of scores.
Y'know, that dumb bit about Superman not being hopeful enough in the previous movies to justify that line from Bruce really put into perspective the false narratives being built up in people's heads about these films. You can provide a wealth of evidence to the contrary, and some crap like that is still going to emerge. It's like some people watch these movies only to satisfy an agenda or something.
If RT would have real influence on BO Suicide Squad and BvS would have bombed
what are you saying here? i never said I was the only one capable of thinking objectively. I'm very aware that all we're talking here is strictly opinion. I just know that we really have trolls now. Took me a year to realize it.Just because you felt a film capably presented a theme or character motivation to a satisfactory level doesn't mean that everyone who disagrees is creating a 'false narrative.'
Clearly you recognize you are much more devoted to and a bigger fan of Snyder's work than a lot of other people. That's perfectly fine. And of course there are some people who are unfairly harsh or critical about his work for various reasons. That's obviously true. What it doesn't mean is that everyone but you can't think critically or objectively. That's called delusion. Or an agenda, even.
Y'know, that dumb bit about Superman not being hopeful enough in the previous movies to justify that line from Bruce really put into perspective the false narratives being built up in people's heads about these films. You can provide a wealth of evidence to the contrary, and some crap like that is still going to emerge. It's like some people watch these movies only to satisfy an agenda or something.
That reminds me that I saw this on Reddit the other day..
what are you saying here? i never said I was the only one capable of thinking objectively. I'm very aware that all we're talking here is strictly opinion. I just know that we really have trolls now. Took me a year to realize it.
I take it literallyAlthough I don't agree entirely with people's criticism of Superman I can understand where they're coming from relating to the "Superman was a beacon of hope" line. It's more of a matter of wording I think..
During the BvS events we can't really say he was a "beacon" of anything considering how divisive people felt about him.
He wasn't exactly beloved by everyone, and Zack clearly lingered more on the people who hated/didn't trust Supes aspect ( False God scene, protesters at the congress scene, the failed hearing, does the world need a superman scene, clark watching a woman on the tv defaming him).
Sure there were people who liked him, but it wasn't nowhere near consensual, supes wasn't an america's sweetheart per se.
Although I think his sacrifice is the beginning of Superman's rise to his iconic status
I'm reading through Justice League Dark now and it's pretty interesting. It has me thinking of what they're gonna do with the film, especially since they already fucked up on Enchantress
I wonder if they can rope in a Batman appearance.
I just got done building two more DETOLF cases (I now have 5) to finally display all the Batman/Joker figs that have been sitting unopened for the past 2 years. I have all the Batman ones displayed, but took a break before doing the Jokers. I'm planning ahead this time to leave room for all the Justice League Batman figs, regular suit and tech suit from all the various companies. If they're showing up in stores now, I'll be on the look out for them.Found on eBay. These were shown off at San Diego Comic-Con. Not sure what stores they'll be available at. Still looking out for Mera and Parademon.
Based on some of the merch, Is it safe to assume Cyborg has a full armor mode that we haven't seen in trailers yet?
David F Sandberg has the best Twitter of all DC directors. Can't wait for Shazam news.
I remember seeing his mask on the first full JL trailer. That trailer was so much better than the recent one.Based on some of the merch, Is it safe to assume Cyborg has a full armor mode that we haven't seen in trailers yet?
Based on some of the merch, Is it safe to assume Cyborg has a full armor mode that we haven't seen in trailers yet?
Based on some of the merch, Is it safe to assume Cyborg has a full armor mode that we haven't seen in trailers yet?
Confession, I think the CC trailer was way better than the first and that's Come Together song was lame as shit and ruined it.
I've seen it before and it kind of hits the nail on the head as to why civil war is ultimately hollow and BvS isn't.
You're really pissing off OT with this Civil War crusade. lol
I've seen it before and it kind of hits the nail on the head as to why civil war is ultimately hollow and BvS isn't.
One respects the world it's set in and its people within and explores how both are affected by the existence of the heroes and how that itself affects the heroes too. Civil War only cynically pays lip service to the concept and essentially sees the world and people in it as nothing more than window dressing to serve the heroes motives, what happens to the people and places that are supposedly affected by the avengers is of no real importance to the russos. It's a cowardly movie.
You're really pissing off OT with this Civil War crusade. lol
MCU is incredibly shallow. What else is new?
The funny thing is the Snyder movies show the heroes doing more "good" stuff for normal people than any of the Marvel movies until Spiderman.
One core issue I have with the MCU is they are solely focused on giant threats, often of their own creation, and the only people they rescue are those in the path of the big bad.
All three DCEU movies routinely show heroes having hero moments.
I think the core of the issue is
1) Superman not saving his dad which is a dumb scene that should not have happened.
2) The Congressional scene is totally fine except for his facial reaction. Maybe it's the extended cut only that shows him saving people after, I don't recall.
3) All the scenes of the Kents telling him not to be a hero.
4) The total destruction of Metropolis fight scene with Zod was too much. Superman would have saved people and gotten hit doing so.
Batman straight up shooting people is his only real flaw. The branding = death stuff is explained better and is something he did because he was losing his grip and was not doing it with the intent of having them killed in prison, and the prison deaths were Luthor trying to sway him to madness anyway.
Wonder Woman is amazing and perfect in every way.
I think the DCEU is actually far closer to having good hero tropes of good people trying to do the right thing than Marvel does. Most of the plots of the MCU movies are them trying to stop a thing that they either directly or indirectly were the cause of.
Hulk, Captain America 1&2, and the original Avengers is, as far as I can recall the only ones where the bad guys motivation and/or power source is not directly an Avengers fault.
The funny thing is the Snyder movies show the heroes doing more "good" stuff for normal people than any of the Marvel movies until Spiderman.
One core issue I have with the MCU is they are solely focused on giant threats, often of their own creation, and the only people they rescue are those in the path of the big bad.
All three DCEU movies routinely show heroes having hero moments.
I think the core of the issue is
1) Superman not saving his dad which is a dumb scene that should not have happened.
2) The Congressional scene is totally fine except for his facial reaction. Maybe it's the extended cut only that shows him saving people after, I don't recall.
3) All the scenes of the Kents telling him not to be a hero.
4) The total destruction of Metropolis fight scene with Zod was too much. Superman would have saved people and gotten hit doing so.
The Metropolis and Smallville fights are definitely one of the missteps. Both scenes look amazing, but doesn't really feel like a Superman out to save everyone. Combined with Pa Kent's specific bent and you have a Superman that doesn't really feel all that heroic and BvS only somewhat deals with him, because it's partially concerned with setting up Batman and Luthor.
Like, you can dive into the minutiae of each and every scene, but you're still left with the fact that the average moviegoer apparently looks at MoS and BvS and goes... "That's not really Superman." And if you're doing "the Superman learns to be a hero", but are better executed versions across the decades or canon and Elseworlds-style books. That's an idea you can sell well. Snyder didn't really do that. (My thought is he was always more of a Batman fan, but yeah.)
I honestly has less of an issue with Batman given his general lack of caring for villains in previous films.
Wonder Woman is a good example of nailing the emotional beat. Wonder Woman absolutely kills some folks as a result of her actions in those films, but she overall feels more heroic. That's what Marvel does well that the DCEU missed until WW. Like, I literally listed all the folks Captain America outright kills in the beginning of Winter Soldier, but the audience is still left with a Cap that feels like a hero.
I had figured that out early on. Taking the scrutiny put on BvS and applying it to Civil War, then watch people go from the highest standards down to the lowest to defend whatever bits of fuckery must've happened in Civil War.What else is new? Wanna know a secret I actually find CW entertaining as a movie. I just think if you apply the same level of scrutiny people apply to BVS to CW, CW falls apart whilst BVS stands up to it. I think JL and Thor 3 surprisingly will be my favourite films of the year. The latter looks like the Heavy Metal magazine and Boris Vallejo movie I always wanted./ WW and Homecoming didn't really stick the landing on the third act for me. I got a bit bored during WW during the Ares fight and i dozed off during the Vulture fight. But before that I enjoyed most of the initial 2/3 of both movies.
The Metropolis and Smallville fights are definitely one of the missteps. Both scenes look amazing, but doesn't really feel like a Superman out to save everyone. Combined with Pa Kent's specific bent and you have a Superman that doesn't really feel all that heroic and BvS only somewhat deals with him, because it's partially concerned with setting up Batman and Luthor.
Like, you can dive into the minutiae of each and every scene, but you're still left with the fact that the average moviegoer apparently looks at MoS and BvS and goes... "That's not really Superman." And if you're doing "the Superman learns to be a hero", but are better executed versions across the decades or canon and Elseworlds-style books. That's an idea you can sell well. Snyder didn't really do that. (My thought is he was always more of a Batman fan, but yeah.)
I honestly has less of an issue with Batman given his general lack of caring for villains in previous films.
Wonder Woman is a good example of nailing the emotional beat. Wonder Woman absolutely kills some folks as a result of her actions in those films, but she overall feels more heroic. That's what Marvel does well that the DCEU missed until WW. Like, I literally listed all the folks Captain America outright kills in the beginning of Winter Soldier, but the audience is still left with a Cap that feels like a hero.
Metropolis I can agree with, but he at least tried in the Smallville fight IMO. He saved a few pilots (or 1) and there wasn't many civilians in there. He didn't do any outrageous property damage in that one either IIRC, mainly because he was the one being thrown around lol
I had figured that out early on. Taking the scrutiny put on BvS and applying it to Civil War, then watch people go from the highest standards down to the lowest to defend whatever bits of fuckery must've happened in Civil War.
The military part of the fight was one of the great spots, letting Clark interact with the soldiers and SVU.