Visual representation of me when I see critics taking Zack Snyder snipes while praising Wonder Woman:
I think a lot of us just don't like pile ons. I certainly don't and Zack makes good movies in my eyes. He doesn't deserve the Lucas treatment (neither did Lucas).People in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
The shots I've seen of him are downright disgusting sometimes and he seems like a genuinely good person so of course I have something to say.People in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
People in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
That has always been a weird criticism. I mean, I guess if it were by multiple different women, but it's from ex wives and he adopted some more. Not like he was sleeping around and don't know what a condom is.I think most of it is jokingly taken to the extreme opposite of what others post in a serious manner. Does the man deserve to have his intelligence questioned because he doesn't give an amazing interview? Does he deserved to be judged at all for having a larger than usual family?
People in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
He isPeople in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
People in this thread are way too obsessed with Snyder and what people say about him. Seems cult-ish. Can't imagine what twitter trolls add to that.
How professional. Same mistake I see gaffers making.One critic who took shots at Snyder has already made her Twitter profile private after it was pointed out to her that Snyder came up with the story, it's still part of his DCEU blueprint and his production company put up most of the money to get the movie made.
I think scarface is better suited for Ayer's sensibilities, with that said I second the suggestion of getting a female director and make the movie like a " superhero girl's night out" thing, get nightwing in there to be the token hunk and we're set.
Wonder Woman 2, any ideas?
1970s! Uhh fashion!!
Me from another thread said:Wonder Woman 2: Wonder Woman in the modern day. Now the current movie presents a problem as far as support characters go because Steve Trevor and Etta Candy will both be dead (or just old as fuck) by this point. So we're gonna cop out and use an ancestor. Following the war, Etta and Steve get married and have babies. Wonder Woman is sought by and becomes friends with Commander Leah Trevor, their direct descendant, who is in charge of a branch of ARGUS that handles "magical" threats. Also, for funsies, she's part Asian. Because that became okay eventually. As for our male supporting lead, we go with Lennox from the Azzarello run. He appears as a mysterious stranger who comes to warn Wonder Woman about a looming threat.
The threat this time is Circe, a disgraced god who wants revenge on the Amazons that helped seal her away on the island of Aeaea. Wonder Woman, in this movie, is doing her thing as an ambassador to man's world. She's joined by Phillipus, who acts as her security guard and advisor. While Diana is trying to bring people together, Circe's primary goal is to tear them apart and eventually, have the people of man's world destroy the Amazons. To do this, she uses Dr. Edgar Cizko, aka Doctor Psycho, to turn people against Wonder Woman and her people.
I think I'd rather Bigelow do her own stuff, but if she was really interested in making one of these, I'd give it a chance. Zero Dark Thirty is a favorite of mine.Is time for camerons ex wife to step up the plate and deliver a solid CBM.
Most of us (I hope) Praise Snyder in a jokingly way. But the out of left field swipes at him are just unprofessional and mostly lazy.
You know he would've been unfairly blamed if this thing bombed (like Suicide Squad)
I like Zack. I dig his style. But yeah, my praise for him is like a meme. It's funny. Based Snyder and all that.Most of us (I hope) Praise Snyder in a jokingly way. But the out of left field swipes at him are just unprofessional and mostly lazy.
You know he would've been unfairly blamed if this thing bombed (like Suicide Squad)
Some Trump fans are, like, literal nazis.
As bad as Sydner/DCEU zealots can be, that's just not a great comparison to be making.
Not that we should be surprised but the theme is in the movie
Also a clip!
And another
What happened to Guek?I like Zack. I dig his style. But yeah, my praise for him is like a meme. It's funny. Based Snyder and all that.
Many of his critics on the other hand seem to genuinely hate him for some reason. Unreasonably so. Guek (rest his soul) would get legit triggered when i'd big him up. It's weird when by all accounts, Zack's at least a good guy.
That's what i'm saying lol. They're actually that and more.
People here have compared this community to Trump supporters before. This is what comes from Snyder hate for some reason.
Sketchy rumor/speculation that this is Aquaman's suit. Allegedly posted by a guy visiting WB and deleted. But you got a wildly different trident and it's weird how there's an Aquaman statue in some hallway without anybody caring about photos. Who knows.
Nope. No thanks. No spoilers for me... I... Must. Resist.Not that we should be surprised but the theme is in the movie
Also a clip!
And another
I'm such a DC sucker. Those clips gave me more enjoyment than any movie this year.
Yes I'm high but that's just a coincidence
I didn't feel the dialogue in the second clip, "who are you?", "you will soon find out." And "as magnificent as you are, you are still no match for me." I'm not convinced about the placement of the theme song in that first clip either. But those were short clips, and I'm very excited about this movie.
Nope. No thanks. No spoilers for me... I... Must. Resist.
Give inNope. No thanks. No spoilers for me... I... Must. Resist.
I didn't watch it, worth it?Even more Enjoyment that Lego Batman
I didn't watch it, worth it?
It's the best movie featuring Batman since the dark Knight.
Not that we should be surprised but the theme is in the movie
Also a clip!
And another
These look awesome.Not that we should be surprised but the theme is in the movie
Also a clip!
And another
There's a clip I watched of Diana and Steve arguing that was really good.At one point Gal does this reaction of disgust when she finds out Steve was lying about something and it was amazing, lol.
There's a clip I watched of Diana and Steve arguing that was really good.At one point Gal does this reaction of disgust when she finds out Steve was lying about something and it was amazing, lol.
Where the link??
Let me break down my Wonder Woman 2 fan fiction
Set 5 decades after the first, with nice period clothing (more fashion please not because she's a girl though -- I just want amazing dresses like Bonds amazing suits)
Diana is banished from Themyscira for leaving, and is unwilling to reveal herself to the world of Man but still protects them from hidden threats
Her latest case is the theft of mystical artifacts around the globe by a shadowy female figure to quick for the human eye
On Themyscira, the Amazons receive the same news and are forced to suspect Diana -- sending a cadre of warriors led by Artemis to bring her down (a big juicy role for any actress) and Robin Wright can come too
Diana's pursuit of the thief runs her afoul of ARGUS who have been following her for years and were the first to get their hands on the famous photograph before it passes on to Luthor (the major male roles would be at ARGUS but I cant think of any characters...Luthor Sr.?)
the thief of course is Cheetah meant to frame Wonder Woman and guide her to her master Circe's lair where some magic shit can happen with her Godly blood
so we have this classic spy organization ARGUS backing her, badass Amazons hunting her, and Circe beast creations battling her in an epic adventure of intrigue and it all concludes on Circe's Bond villain island
Thats what I meant by female Bond film: more Amazons, more awesome woman vs woman action, more worldtraveling, more badass.