Nah BvS is black and white film.
As these other projects continue to take forever to get out the front door, Cyborg's chances of happening continues to astronomically dwindle. If you went back to 2014 and told Warner Bros execs that they wouldn't start filming a Batman film until 2018, they'd probably laugh in your face and tell you they plan to start filming in 1-2 years and release by 2017. They can't even get major characters out of the way, ain't nobody giving a fuck about Cyborg at that studio other than Johns right now.
I mean I know the perspective, but honestly The Flash is the only one that has had major production hurdles.
No, The Batman is on level playing field with the production hurdles of The Flash. If you consider it being the crown jewel, sorry folks but it is, of the cinematic universe, it's a bigger dumpster fire. It lost it's premiere director, it was being rewritten just a few months ago before it's production start date, said production start date completely scratched, major character cast as the villain of the film left in limbo, actor of the title character might want out, etc.
The BF was actually a really decent translation of the Robin suit for its time.
And yes, the B&R one was Nightwing inspired, but it also looked good.
I think Snyder will keep being a producer and might make another "big" DC film at a point in the future, like Flashpoint, Kingdom Come or something like that.
I'm one of those people and it's because it's a waste of time. There are dozens other characters that people have been clamoring for years and I find unfair that they're getting relegated because Johns feels fucking Cyborg is a anything else that "see we're not racist": the character.
Hell, what is he even doing there? Martian Manhunter is the superior seventh member.
I hope the Cyborg movie happens 1. because Ray seems like a nice guy who deserves a big break and 2. to spite everyone who keeps shitting on it. I don't even like Cyborg that much, but some people are practically praying for it to fall apart and not happen.
Eh I guess the reason I think of The Flash more than The Batman is they never gave a date or a window.
so yeah it has had some ups and downs, but more one of those projects I think of that stays influx until the studio settles on something
The Flash had a date, director(s) and cast ready to go at the end of last year.
... But why? Cyborg is a trash character. I'd rather watch a Danny The Street movie.
Yeah but the alternative is Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Shazam, Hawkgirl and... Plastic Man?... But why? Cyborg is a trash character.
All of which are more interesting than walking Tinman.Yeah but the alternative is Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Shazam, Hawkgirl and... Plastic Man?
Cyborg doesn't need a solo film. At least not yet.
This is why I was all for a buddy team up movie with him and Flash. You use the JL movies to expose his character and use the solo Flash, Batman, Aquaman, films etc to keep him relevant.
This in my mind would have lead up to a Teen Titans movie where he is their "leader" so to speak.
Jason Mamoa is a PoC.How much time before another white male/female DC film going to be announced before a PoC solo film?
I mean let's be honest here. I've never seen anyone on this forums call any of DC's black characters "interesting". And I find it kind of offensive suggesting Martian Manhunter as the "black stand-in" for black character on the team instead of Cyborg. Just because MM can turn black don't make him black.
Jason Mamoa is a PoC.
When you take into account the number of films DC are actually releasing, that's a damn good ratio. And who knows, if Black Lighting takes off on the CW, WB might release a Black Lightining film (he's the character I felt should have been on the Justice League for the New 52 push instead of Cyborg).
John chooses to be black on Earth. He black to me shit.How much time before another white male/female DC film going to be announced before a PoC solo film?
I mean let's be honest here. I've never seen anyone on this forums call any of DC's black characters "interesting". And I find it kind of offensive suggesting Martian Manhunter as the "black stand-in" for black character on the team instead of Cyborg. Just because MM can turn black don't make him black.
... it is?Oh wow, 1. We've reached a land mark here folks.
You and me know that's not happening.And who knows, if Black Lighting takes off on the CW, WB might release a Black Lightining film (he's the character I felt should have been on the Justice League for the New 52 push instead of Cyborg).
You're forgetting the obvious John Stewart. But Vixen, Black Lightning, Mr. Terrific, and Steel also come to mind.John chooses to be black on Earth. He black to me shit.
What black heroes worth a damn does DC have? Static? That's about it.
Fuck John Stewart. He's boring as hell. I like Vixen, I don't dislike Black Lighting. Mr. Terrific is cool but he wouldn't get a movie and fuck Steel.You're forgetting the obvious John Stewart. But Vixen, Black Lightning, Mr. Terrific, and Steel also come to mind.
John chooses to be black on Earth. He black to me shit.
What black heroes worth a damn does DC have? Static? That's about it.
How much time before another white male/female DC film going to be announced before a PoC solo film?
I mean let's be honest here. I've never seen anyone on this forums call any of DC's black characters "interesting". And I find it kind of offensive suggesting Martian Manhunter as the "black stand-in" for black character on the team instead of Cyborg. Just because MM can turn black don't make him black.
Marvel at least has interesting people to pick from. Fucking hell Prowler is a cool character. I'm black so of course I care about characters who look like me. I don't want some vanilla ass person on screen, the main reaspn I ain't a big Miles Moralas fan. T'Challa, badass. Sam Wilson, terrible past but badass. Luke Cage, great. Storm, when she wasn't with BP, great. I could make a whole list.That's true, but I also never heard of Black Panther before Civil War nor do I can actively think of black Marvel heroes. It's really not good looking.
Although not a hero, I am looking forward to Yahya in Aquaman, he got fit.
Don't forget Wally West. I really love him in the TV show.I disagree
Black Lightning looks good
People like Mr. Terrific
Static is the easy answer if they owned him...
Duke has potential. Need to do more with him
Aqualad from Young Justice.
Not really, no, there are tons, and I mean literal tons of uninteresting characters in comics, and most of them are white. In fact, I'd say most colored characters are above the median in how interesting they are.It just seems to me that PoC characters have to jump through hoops to be considered "interesting" while white characters can get a pass while remaining "vanilla".
Don't forget Wally West. I really love him in the TV show.
Not really, no, there are tons, and I mean literal tons of uninteresting characters in comics, and most of them are white. In fact, I'd say most colored characters are above the median in how interesting they are.
Cyborg is just the blandest motherfucker out there.
I could name a dozen of motherfuckers that are getting the spotlight that are more boring than Cyborg.
WhoI could name a dozen of motherfuckers that are getting the spotlight that are more boring than Cyborg.
Cyborg is the most boring son of a bitch who gets rub.
Yeah fuck you too.Superman to begin with, Jesus, when are they going to stop putting him in everything?
Cyborg is the most boring son of a bitch who gets rub.
Captain America and Aquaman ain't boring. At all really. Both interesting characters. To me anyway. John is just a boring ass motherfucker. Like Jesus christ he's like the J. Cole of comics.Captain America for one. Aquaman is another.
And how is Luke Cage great but John Stewart boring?!
Captain America and Aquaman ain't boring. At all really. Both interesting characters. To me anyway. John is just a boring ass motherfucker. Like Jesus christ he's like the J. Cole of comics.
Oh wow, 1. We've reached a land mark here folks.
I don't read comic books, how can he be boring with the set up he has? Sounds like a case of bad writers. Also, people loved him in Teen Titans, so I guess it's not all bad.
Stewart is just boring as fuck to me. Always has beenWhats more interesting about Aquaman or Captain America that John Stewart?! If anyone deserves a J.Cole comparison it's Luke Cage. Hell, I greatly enjoyed his Netflix series and would defend it to hell in back but he in the top 3 least interesting characters in his own series. He's as boring as all J.Cole albums and any Nas albums that ain't Illmatic, It Was Written, and Life is Good.
Get a PoC character. Get another female on the team. Get an interesting character (her backstory at least), unique visual power.
Jessica Cruz.