1) it's more about reinforcing the idea that death surrounds Superman in anything he does. This is true of the Senate blast as well. Anywhere Superman goes, death follows, Luthor is inspiring distrust and casting doubt on Superman.I am truly quite happy right about now. I managed to watch the Ultimate Cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the first time, and thought it was really good, part of it because I understood it better than the first time I watched the Theatrical Cut at the premiere in the cinema. That said, I am still left with some questions, that I hope you can help clarify for me.
01) The Nairomi disaster was a setup by Lex Luther to make it look like Superman slaughtered and burned this town and its innocent people. Seen from the citizens and the senate's perspective, is this supposed to look like Superman cares more about his one love, than the innocent families and town he burned down? Or is it supposed to look like a battle between Superman and mercenaries, where he saves his love instead of the other innocent people?
02) Why do Lex hate larger-than-life beings like Superman and Batman in the first place? Because they get to decide and have more to say than humans, and he wants to be above them?
03) Did Bruce Wayne's research lead him to scan the databases underneath the library which led him to the Russian? Or did it connect the Russian with Lex Corp?
04) The Flash sequence is a dream in his dream, or was that a true vision of Flash telling him about Lois being the key to the battle against Doomsday?
05) So Bruce wants the Kryptonian rock to take down Superman, but why don't he just help out Lex Luthor knowing he has the same goal?
06) Is Batman branding the criminals to lure Superman out (because Superman doesn't feel being judge, jury and executioner is just?)
07) I didn't get the whole Granny's Peach Tea glass scene that makes the senator uneasy? She knows it's Lex, and he's not there, is she thinking something's not right because he's been there with the glass and is now absent?
08) If the data from the databases at the library has these files about the metahumans, does the government know about them already?
09) Was it really that simple to create Doomsday? Mixing human blood with General Zod's blood?
10) Why did Superman fight Batman instead of just explaining Lex's plot and his mother being kidnapped?
I guess that's about it for now. If I can get to learn these answers I would like to rewatch the Ultimate Cut again afterward, so that I can understand it all better, before heading into Wonder Woman this May 31. Thank you.![]()
I am truly quite happy right about now. I managed to watch the Ultimate Cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the first time, and thought it was really good, part of it because I understood it better than the first time I watched the Theatrical Cut at the premiere in the cinema. That said, I am still left with some questions, that I hope you can help clarify for me.
01) The Nairomi disaster was a setup by Lex Luther to make it look like Superman slaughtered and burned this town and its innocent people. Seen from the citizens and the senate's perspective, is this supposed to look like Superman cares more about his one love, than the innocent families and town he burned down? Or is it supposed to look like a battle between Superman and mercenaries, where he saves his love instead of the other innocent people?
02) Why do Lex hate larger-than-life beings like Superman and Batman in the first place? Because they get to decide and have more to say than humans, and he wants to be above them? Or not necesarrily because he wants to be above them, but because he thinks it's wrong that the superheroes get to have so much power?
03) Did Bruce Wayne's research lead him to scan the databases underneath the library which led him to the Russian? Or did it connect the Russian with Lex Corp?
04) The Flash sequence is a dream in his dream, or was that a true vision of Flash telling him about Lois being the key to the battle against Doomsday?
05) So Bruce wants the Kryptonian rock to take down Superman, but why don't he just help out Lex Luthor knowing he has the same goal?
06) Is Batman branding the criminals to lure Superman out (because Superman doesn't feel being judge, jury and executioner is just?)
07) I didn't get the whole Granny's Peach Tea glass scene that makes the senator uneasy? She knows it's Lex, and he's not there, is she thinking something's not right because he's been there with the glass and is now absent?
08) If the data from the databases at the library has these files about the metahumans, does the government know about them already?
09) Was it really that simple to create Doomsday? Mixing human blood with General Zod's blood?
10) Why did Superman fight Batman instead of just explaining Lex's plot and his mother being kidnapped?
I guess that's about it for now. If I can get to learn these answers I would like to rewatch the Ultimate Cut again afterward, so that I can understand it all better, before heading into Wonder Woman this May 31. Thank you.![]()
I didnt realized Lex was ordering the death of the branded criminals.
Lex also killed Mercy Graves! Damn him all to hell!I didnt realized Lex was ordering the death of the branded criminals.
Yup, though only the UE made that apparent. Damn the theatrical cut sucked...
You know just because something is cut from UE, doesn't mean it exists in the TC. That's a real fallacy of thinking
You know just because something is cut from UE, doesn't mean it exists in the TC. That's a real fallacy of thinking
You know just because something is cut from UE, doesn't mean it exists in the TC. That's a real fallacy of thinking
This doesnt make any sense son.You know just because something is cut from UE, doesn't mean it exists in the TC. That's a real fallacy of thinking
I hate how if the film does well it will be an excuse to shit on Snyder as well as people bring reluctant not to give Patty her due cos Snyder helped with the action and stuff
Where's this idea that he 'helped with the action' coming from? Obviously as a producer and director of the early films he has established a certain aesthetic for the franchise, just like with the Marvel movies, but Jenkins has talked at length about how she wants the action scenes to feel, her vision for them - some of you are acting like he actively assisted her on stage.
Some people have created this narrative that if WW turns out bad Snyder will be blamed and if it turns out to be good he won't get the credit he supposedly deserves. All while not realizing that we basically have no idea what he did for the movie aside from producing and a general story credit. It has become like a sickness so it's better just to ignore it.
Some people have created this narrative that if WW turns out bad Snyder will be blamed and if it turns out to be good he won't get the credit he supposedly deserves. All while not realizing that we basically have no idea what he did for the movie aside from producing and a general story credit. It has become like a sickness so it's better just to ignore it.
Just freaking read this thread.
There are plenty of posts that would blame this on Snyder no matter what. Stop creating a narrative that people are creating a narravitve. In the end it's just baseless and a useless discussion. However, it exists and is not made up.
That's not 100% true, he also casted Gal Gadot, which according to reviews was a great thing.
But Honestly, Im not really living for this constant bringing up of Snyder by people who dislike him and support him. Its not something that can be painted as the actions of 'snyderites', cause a number of critics are doing it as well. This is Patty's work, I wish everyone would just focus on her and her team. That's its.
What is so funny, enlighten me.LOL
What is so funny, enlighten me.
Let's not fight in this thread. I think mcu movies usually ain't shit. There are a few good ones tho. And dcu ain't shit so far either....BUT I fuck with what snyder is doing
Love to glass rebel and all the other mcu dudes who dare venture in here. No fighting. Peace and love. It's only movies
What is so funny, enlighten me.
A few mentions of Snyder and about as many defending him in thread with hundreds of posts just to satiate your confirmation bias. It's super annoying that Snyder fans have started to stir up shit preemptively instead of just letting the damn movie stand on its own.
Let's not fight in this thread. I think mcu movies usually ain't shit. There are a few good ones tho. And dcu ain't shit so far either....BUT I fuck with what snyder is doing
Love to glass rebel and all the other mcu dudes who dare venture in here. No fighting. Peace and love. It's only movies
Sure, I can understand where you are coming from, and I also said that this is a baseless and useless discussion. I was just trying to make a point that blaming Snyder on this board is no rarity. No defending Snyder here, just pointing out.
And yes, this is all Patty and she deserves the credit, no matter how it turns out.
Edit: One point I'd like to add. I don't think there are any Snyder extreme fans in this community, most of us using Snyder ironically and are aware of his flaws.
I am truly quite happy right about now. I managed to watch the Ultimate Cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the first time, and thought it was really good, part of it because I understood it better than the first time I watched the Theatrical Cut at the premiere in the cinema. That said, I am still left with some questions, that I hope you can help clarify for me.
Edit: One point I'd like to add. I don't think there are any Snyder extreme fans in this community, most of us using Snyder ironically and are aware of his flaws.
Your sentiments tie into why I think WB wants a solo Cyborg film.Fuck John Stewart. He's boring as hell. I like Vixen, I don't dislike Black Lighting. Mr. Terrific is cool but he wouldn't get a movie and fuck Steel.
Sure, I can understand where you are coming from, and I also said that this is a baseless and useless discussion. I was just trying to make a point that blaming Snyder on this board is no rarity. No defending Snyder here, just pointing out.
And yes, this is all Patty and she deserves the credit, no matter how it turns out.
Edit: One point I'd like to add. I don't think there are any Snyder extreme fans in this community, most of us using Snyder ironically and are aware of his flaws.
First of all, thank you to all three of you for trying to help me out here. Very much appreciated.
I'm trying to figure out this whole ordeal in Nairomi. There were three parties there right? The press, CIA (who worked with Jimmy Olson) and who is this Russian? Is he and his men mercenaries or some kind of private military company? I know they get paid by Lex Luthor and work together with him to setup Superman.It's supposed to make Superman appear reckless and having no value for human lives. His relationship with Lois is largely unknown by the general public. Though key figures who do know of it would obviously see it the way you describe. Win/win for Lex.
Where is this mentioned? Because I must have totally missed out on this. So Flash warns of this future where Lois dies, and refers to her as the key, because she needs to stay alive to find and retrieve the spear. Or are you talking about the nightmare sequence?An actual glimpse of the future where Lois dies. The champion theory is that Batman follows through with killing Superman. Lex brings forth Doomsday and Lois dies retrieving the kryptonite spear (because Superman was killed and did not hear her drowning). When Superman eventually regains life he blames Batman for her death and his anger is manipulated by Darkseid and they join forces.
Why does he brand the worst of the worst though? Is it out of anger toward Superman?No. Batman only brands the worst of the worst he comes across. This was mentioned in some early material before the movie was released.
The sound of world engine?4) It's basically a setup for Justice League while also acting as a sort of fever dream of Bruce's. The face into the dream is the sound of world engine, tying into Bruce's trauma from the events in Metropolis shaping his fear of Superman.
Why did Lex invite Bruce and Clark? Does he know who Batman and Superman is at this point?3) The library is Lex's house. He's the one hosting the event gala. Bruce talks about needing to break into Lex's house when Alfred tells him it won't be necessary because he's already been invited to the event. He figures out the Russian which leads him to Lex.
Why does he brand the worst of the worst though? Is it out of anger toward Superman?
Why did Lex invite Bruce and Clark? Does he know who Batman and Superman is at this point?
I am curious where everyone stands.
I haven't seen these and Sucker Punch, so for me Snyder has been 4/4.I'm a fan of Snyders but I certainly don't think hes amazing or a God. I will admit that I like him mostly due to his style. BvS:UC is my favourite movie of his but I haven't seen Dawn of the Dead or the Owl movie.
Yeah, sandals would be ok. Still looks good though.I hate the heels, so impractical
It is gay.I watched Lego batman thanks to the recommendations on this thread.
Is it me or the movie is a bit... gay? Like, I say that in the best of senses of course, but I feel like it toys with the idea between Joker and Bman, and Alfred and Robin and the whole "two dads" and Robin being a bit.. flamboyant. Like the writers really wanted a gay Batman movie hahaha. I liked it! But I can see how it didn't fly with american audiences.
I watched Lego batman thanks to the recommendations on this thread.
Is it me or the movie is a bit... gay? Like, I say that in the best of senses of course, but I feel like it toys with the idea between Joker and Bman, and Alfred and Robin and the whole "two dads" and Robin being a bit.. flamboyant. Like the writers really wanted a gay Batman movie hahaha. I liked it! But I can see how it didn't fly with american audiences.
I haven't seen Lego Batman, but that's an interesting observation. I mostly avoided it because it looked like something made for children.