Well..at least it had action and emotional moments. Can't say the same about DD. I did have problem with character's decision in Flash's finale, but this little crappy problem doesn't change that this episode had a lot of cool moments. And most of all it was preceeded by plenty of great eps. The writers knew how to escalate the plot near the end, something DD writers have no idea how to acomplish.
I get it. You don't like DD. That's not what I'm arguing here.
The problem I have with The Flash finale is, at its core, the premise works: Eobard manipulates Barry into traveling back in time, something that many are reluctant to allow. The problem here is that they do allow it. Barry's dad says no, but can't do anything because he's in jail; Joe says he doesn't want it to happen, but tells Barry to do it; Iris says "do what makes you happy," because fuck it, why should she care about a potentially reality-ending scenario? Stein is unbelievable curious, and thus is willing to help on that front, but is also wary of the risks and thus is reluctant to proceed; Ronnie just seems to not care, I guess. Just sort of there; Cisco is extremely against it at all costs, but assists anyway for reasons I can't discern; Caitlin expresses a lot of worry about the loss of all the relationships that have been built up (and also doesn't know what a singularity is, but again, neither here nor there) over time; and finally, Eddie just doesn't give a shit.
The issue is that, if they wanted Eobard to manipulate Barry into going back in time, the writers should have crafted a scenario where Barry is so enveloped in rage and pain that he doesn't realize what he's doing. He's so focused on taking Eobard down, that he falls right into his ploy. You can still have a scene of him realizing he fucked up, and coming back, but it wouldn't be as powerful. Eobard is still a threat, so having him retreat to an alternate future or some such. Maybe having Eddie commit suicide could still work. A scenario in which Barry goes back in time and no one even has the chance to stop it is honestly what I feel is a far better approach.
My base point is that having Barry calculate and fully understand every risk and have full knowledge of what would happen at the outcome and STILL do it is mind-bogglingly dumb. Not to mention the fact that everyone assists him. And sure, those touching moments pay off, but the pay-off moment only occurs after a chain of stupid decisions, and one could arguably say that those moments amount to nothing because a reality-ending singularity shows up anyway.