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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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George Miller's cancelled Justice League: Mortal movie had Common cast as Green Lantern. Probably a mix of memories of that and wishful thinking from Elba fans. Stewart would be the best choice, but current DC leadership favors Hal Jordan.

I don't really see how Stewart would be any better choice than any of the other Earth lanterns. In terms of personality. I guess because of how no-nonsense he is? I'd think that Guy creates the best contrast to Barry and Oliver, but hey that's me. I'm not a fan of Guy, but he did have this panel:


Now that I think about it, he would hate Oliver so, so much.


George Miller's cancelled Justice League: Mortal movie had Common cast as Green Lantern. Probably a mix of memories of that and wishful thinking from Elba fans. Stewart would be the best choice, but current DC leadership favors Hal Jordan.

Lots of people grew up with DCAU John Stewart as well. Probably more people with positive memories of him than Ryan Reynolds Hal Jordan. Regardless of who they pick the personality and storylines will be an amalgam of all the characters so it isn't a huge deal.

After thinking it seems they've already established a plotline for Hal too. We know the test pilot has disappeared recently and that Oliver will be heading to Coast City in the past, so presumably Oliver would meet him in the flashbacks before he gets the ring while interacting with him as Green Lantern in the present or searching for Hal? Not to mention that Ollie and Hal (and Barry) have a pretty long history together in the comics so there's already a precedent for this particular teamup. Could be something special, except without much of a political slant.



Not Alan Scott. He's the only one I wouldn't want, only because his powers function completely different from the standard GL.

All I've heard on that is just fans wanting Diggle to in fact be John Stewart. Beyond that, has there been any actual rumor "sources'? Like, is the speculation rooted in something else.

The rumour is about the Justice League Green Lantern being Stewart, not the Arrowverse one who would be Hal Jordan. There have been rumours about the movie version of Green Lantern for a while, including the Arrow guys saying they can't use him for Diggle as there are other plans for the character, aka movie plans.
The rumour is about the Justice League Green Lantern being Stewart, not the Arrowverse one who would be Hal Jordan. There have been rumours about the movie version of Green Lantern for a while, including the Arrow guys saying they can't use him for Diggle as there are other plans for the character, aka movie plans.

Oh that I believe.


Well, there is no other rumour. Diggle Stewart was a fan wish, has been thought about and has been denied. Hal Jordan Arrowverse isn't a rumour either, there are just a couple of teases.

And the producers were pretty clear that they're trying to follow through on hints and not just say things they'll never be able to follow through with (although Supergirl mentions Superman a whole lot and he could be off limits). That much Hal Jordan hopefully means they're up to something. And if they get the green light to use Hal that's a big sign in John Stewart's favour for the big screen.

I like my theory. My theory is awesome. The flashbacks could be lighthearted for a change.
Think Hal will be in S4?

I hope not

Maybe as like, a small bit part? Like just pops up.

He's having coffee or some shit.

"Hi I'm Hal Jo-"


And then he sulks in his coffee.

I don't like Hal very much.


Think Hal will be in S4?

I hope not

Maybe as like, a small bit part? Like just pops up.

He's having coffee or some shit.

"Hi I'm Hal Jo-"


And then he sulks in his coffee.

I don't like Hal very much.
Considering Ollie and Hal are besties in the comics to the point of Hal resurrecting Oliver from the dead I think it's safe to assume that we're at least gonna meet him in the flashbacks since they take place in coast city.
My ideal Lantern situation is a Kyle/John buddy cop setup. The slacker artist and the rigid ex-marine learning the skills to be a great Lantern from each other.
My ideal Lantern situation is a Kyle/John buddy cop setup. The slacker artist and the rigid ex-marine learning the skills to be a great Lantern from each other.
Mad respect right here

Considering Ollie and Hal are besties in the comics to the point of Hal resurrecting Oliver from the dead I think it's safe to assume that we're at least gonna meet him in the flashbacks since they take place in coast city.
Yeah I figured. Can't wait for Ollie, Mr. Sheer-Force-of-Will, to get completely drained by a Lantern ring after trying to use it
you don't like fun

I do, which is exactly why I dislike Hal.

No, see, if he disliked fun he'd hate Kyle, or maybe Guy (depending on the writer). Disliking Hal is 100% congruent with a fun-loving attitude.

Because god, he's boring.




Yeah I figured. Can't wait for Ollie, Mr. Sheer-Force-of-Will, to get completely drained by a Lantern ring after trying to use it

This always felt like such a shitty way to make Hal and others seem more impressive. Because outside of their rings use neither of them have shown any sign of having more force of will than plenty of other characters.


Hi guys, just finished Flash and had a few questions I'm confused about, which I think are more towards the comic lore.

1. Eobard says he is born like 100 years or so from now. Does he just constantly time travel? Because even the newspaper he kept checking was from what, 2024? Does Barry not age then? He says they fight for centuries or something like that.

2. This version of the Flash was created by the Particle Accelerator. How is the original version of Flash created? Apparently that mask that popped out of the wormhole was the mask of the "first" Flash right? Goes back to my question of how the Flash is "created"

Now it's time to go back and finish the Arrow. Their crossover universe makes it hard to binge watch a show. I get spoiled if I don't go back and forth between shows lol.


Hi guys, just finished Flash and had a few questions I'm confused about, which I think are more towards the comic lore.

1. Eobard says he is born like 100 years or so from now. Does he just constantly time travel? Because even the newspaper he kept checking was from what, 2024? Does Barry not age then? He says they fight for centuries or something like that.

2. This version of the Flash was created by the Particle Accelerator. How is the original version of Flash created? Apparently that mask that popped out of the wormhole was the mask of the "first" Flash right? Goes back to my question of how the Flash is "created"

Now it's time to go back and finish the Arrow. Their crossover universe makes it hard to binge watch a show. I get spoiled if I don't go back and forth between shows lol.

1. Yes he is constantly time travelling. That's why he says they've been doing this for a long time, he's been fighting The Flash through time. It's not that Barry doesn't age - he does, but in the comics it's slower than normal - it's just that Eobard is constantly time traveling and OG Barry has at least once that we know of.

2. The original Flash was also created by Harrison Wells' particle accelerator, it just doesn't happen until 2019 in the original timeline. They haven't explained how the Jay Garrick Flash has been created yet, as he'll likely be the Earth-2 alternate universe Flash rather than the 1940s predecessor.


1. Yes he is constantly time travelling. That's why he says they've been doing this for a long time, he's been fighting The Flash through time. It's not that Barry doesn't age - he does, but in the comics it's slower than normal - it's just that Eobard is constantly time traveling and OG Barry has at least once that we know of.

2. The original Flash was also created by Harrison Wells' particle accelerator, it just doesn't happen until 2019 in the original timeline. They haven't explained how the Jay Garrick Flash has been created yet, as he'll likely be the Earth-2 alternate universe Flash rather than the 1940s predecessor.

So future Barry must also travel through time a lot since they have been doing it for centuries
2. The original Flash was also created by Harrison Wells' particle accelerator, it just doesn't happen until 2019 in the original timeline. They haven't explained how the Jay Garrick Flash has been created yet, as he'll likely be the Earth-2 alternate universe Flash rather than the 1940s predecessor.

Do we have confirmation of that? There's been no mention of any accident happening in the original timeline with the particle accelerator in 2020, only Thawne saying that it successfully went online.


Do we have confirmation of that? There's been no mention of any accident happening in the original timeline with the particle accelerator in 2020, only Thawne saying that it successfully went online.

Well I'm not sure about an accident specifically, but the particle accelerator directly correlates with Barry getting his powers. That's why Thawne needs it to happen sooner.
Well I'm not sure about an accident specifically, but the particle accelerator directly correlates with Barry getting his powers. That's why Thawne needs it to happen sooner.

I would have assumed it was an accident originally, as it lines up with Eobard (as Wells) blatantly ignoring Hartley back in the day.


16 episodes in the back half of the season is a bit weird. THR was reporting 15 too. No way the show running doesn't cross paths with Flash and Arrow so we're probably looking at Mon/Tues/Wed or Tues/Wed/Thurs DC TV lineup.

Also the next Flash/Arrow crossover is set for late this year, so presumably a Legends/Flash/Arrow event next year?


16 episodes in the back half of the season is a bit weird. THR was reporting 15 too. No way the show running doesn't cross paths with Flash and Arrow so we're probably looking at Mon/Tues/Wed or Tues/Wed/Thurs DC TV lineup.

Also the next Flash/Arrow crossover is set for late this year, so presumably a Legends/Flash/Arrow event next year?

If life is great, they'll air LoT twice per week during the Arrow/Flash break.
16 episodes in the back half of the season is a bit weird. THR was reporting 15 too. No way the show running doesn't cross paths with Flash and Arrow so we're probably looking at Mon/Tues/Wed or Tues/Wed/Thurs DC TV lineup.

Also the next Flash/Arrow crossover is set for late this year, so presumably a Legends/Flash/Arrow event next year?

They did talk about making a Flash/Arrow crossover around the holidays a normal thing, so maybe that crossover is what kicks off Legends of Tomorrow. We introduce them all again in the crossover, take a winter break, and then come back in January with three shows now instead of two.
I'm cool with yet slightly disappointed that iZombie is only getting 13 episodes again but at least this time around we don't have to wait nine months for it to come back.

If life is great, they'll air LoT twice per week during the Arrow/Flash break.

That's what I've been expecting though I though it'd only be 13 episodes, 16 gives them two full months of episodes, so I guess it'd start the second week of January maybe? That's assuming there isn't any breaks.

Well I'm not sure about an accident specifically, but the particle accelerator directly correlates with Barry getting his powers. That's why Thawne needs it to happen sooner.

But is it? Or did Thawne just want to super charge the lighting to get Barry accessing the Speedforce sooner? If Barry wasn't meant to get struck when he did in the original timeline how could Thawne predict the precise moment needed for it to happen five or six years sooner?


I'm cool with yet slightly disappointed that iZombie is only getting 13 episodes again but at least this time around we don't have to wait nine months for it to come back.

I'm dissapointed 100 isn't getting 16 again, but I'm just happy it got renewed at all :)


Patty Spivot confirmed?

But is it? Or did Thawne just want to super charge the lighting to get Barry accessing the Speedforce sooner? If Barry wasn't meant to get struck when he did in the original timeline how could Thawne predict the precise moment needed for it to happen five or six years sooner?

I'm not sure what you're saying here.


Barry always got struck by lightning when he did in the show, the difference being Thawne as Wells significantly accelerated the development of his powers.

There's been nothing to suggest that, but I mean I guess it's a possibility? Everyone else's powers - except Deathbolt - have come from the particle accelerator.
There's been nothing to suggest that, but I mean I guess it's a possibility? Everyone else's powers - except Deathbolt - have come from the particle accelerator.

Easiest answer for that would be they were going to eventually get powers anyway, we don't have an explanation for Deathbolt yet (and probably won't since he's dead) but it's possible the explosion activated their meta genes sooner.

Still, how would Thawne/Wells know when exactly to strike Barry with a speed force powered lightning bolt unless there's a record of when and where it happened in the original timeline? He had cameras set up but still that isn't enough especially when it was already going online that day.


Easiest answer for that would be they were going to eventually get powers anyway, we don't have an explanation for Deathbolt yet (and probably won't since he's dead) but it's possible the explosion activated their meta genes sooner.

Still, how would Thawne/Wells know when exactly to strike Barry with a speed force powered lightning bolt unless there's a record of when and where it happened in the original timeline? He had cameras set up but still that isn't enough especially when it was already going online that day.

If it's anything like the comic books, the lightning bolt was always going to hit Barry.

And I'm pretty sure they will pay off that Deathbolt tease. Seems like with Legends of Tomorrow we'll have more non-particle accelerated metas.
I think we'll get Hal on tv, mostly to distance themselves from 2011 GL, more people recognize John in pop culture (the amount of times I've heard "isn't gl black?") and he's Geoff John's favorite and Johns seems to have more influence/writing duties in TV than movies.

Personally I'd love to see Alan or Kyle.


So with Constantine cancelled, you guys think Matt Ryan is willing to guess star in Arrow or the Flash?

I would be shocked if he wasn't. Better question is if CW would be willing to let him.

And not feeling the Hawkgirl spin-off. I like the idea of he in team up..but whole show? Seems kind of weird.


Oversaturation much? I love DC, but this is a lot especially considering she'll already be starring in Legends of Tomorrow. I would rather her focus on one or the other, but I believe they can pull it off.

Well I imagine this is in the EARLY stage

And wouldn't be until the 2016-2017 TV season.

PRobably written out of LoT if comes to that


I wonder if they'll continue to introduce new heroes in later seasons of Legends of Tomorrow with the intent of giving them their own show. Would help to keep LoT interesting while also growing their tv universe but it might be too much.


Someone that I would really, really, really like no see on TV is Buddy Baker, a.k.a., the Animal-Man. It doesn't even need to be on his own show, so even one episode dedicaded to him in Legends of Tomorrow would be nice.


So since milestone bought back their properties does that mean we wont get static in these ever? because id love to see a live action static.
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