This, through and through. Honestly, let's start with a Superman beat'em up and work up from there.The only reason a Superman game doesn't work is because Superman for some reason, makes people overthink game design.
Arrow would make for awesome game if they would aproach it not so much as superhero game, but as hunting/survival one. Think Far Cry 3 with superhero elements.
Should I list the companies that tried and failed to make a Batman game compelling before Rocksteady?Aside from Kemco, the original Atari, Taito and Blizzard Entertainment.
Should I list the companies that tried and failed to make a Batman game compelling before Rocksteady?
A Superman game doesn't work because nobody of note has tried to make one.
Superman is smaller than Batman. Batman is their biggest hero. Considering there is also no specific Superman movie coming, it would be weird to make a Superman exclusive game. If anything, publisher mandate should point at Suicide Squad. It might even behave like the LEGO Batman franchise where they placed Superman in a Batman game but didn't make a LEGO Superman game. So, Superman from Rocksteady doesn't seem like a given.Making it an Arrow game instantly chops their Arkham audience in half, and that's generous. Bigger not smaller is going to be a publisher mandate
There's a Flash reference in the game too! "RUN" to Keystone City. Which is associated more with Wally and Jay than Barry, although the game universe is closely related with the DCAU so that isn't surprising.
It is stupid to do that because it is not what you claimed in the first place. It also seems to fail to take into account a lot of companies tried and succeeded at making compelling Batman games before Rocksteady. Just to name a few: Traveller's Tales, Ubisoft, Sunsoft, Konami, Clockwork Tortoise, Kemco.
Superman is smaller than Batman. Batman is their biggest hero. Considering there is also no specific Superman movie coming, it would be weird to make a Superman exclusive game. If anything, publisher mandate should point at Suicide Squad. It might even behave like the LEGO Batman franchise where they placed Superman in a Batman game but didn't make a LEGO Superman game. So, Superman from Rocksteady doesn't seem like a given.
I do think that rocksteady could make a legit Superman game, tho IT wouldn't play much like Arkham. What they did with Batman was sat down, figured out the essential aspects of the character, came up with a new way to translate those into game mechanics. Supes needs the same process.
Your avatar makes me sad that we'll probably never get a Blue Beetle game.
I suppose having him playable in Infinite Crisis was nice. :/
Your avatar makes me sad that we'll probably never get a Blue Beetle game.
I suppose having him playable in Infinite Crisis was nice. :/
I know ;_;
It was good while it lasted.
Jaime is tricky 'cause of the (by definition) basically endless option set. The Scarab has a toy for every occasion. Good game design is built on limits, so...
I'd do it as separate skill trees, letting players decide to level up and unlock new scarab abilities based on how they want to play. Gives a wealth of options and remains true to the character while within some reasonable game design limits.I know ;_;
It was good while it lasted.
Jaime is tricky 'cause of the (by definition) basically endless option set. The Scarab has a toy for every occasion. Good game design is built on limits, so...
He was playable in the Batman Brave and the Bold game WayForward did on the Wii.
I'd do it as separate skill trees, letting players decide to level up and unlock new scarab abilities based on how they want to play. Gives a wealth of options and remains true to the character while within some reasonable game design limits.
I still need to get that.
I held out to the very end for him to get into Injustice. Even hoped for DLC. Alas...
Batman Vengeance was a good game as was LEGO Batman,Hanging our hats on games like Batman Vengeance, Rise of Sin Tzu, and LEGO Batman games as compelling? At best they were mediocre licensed games that found a better reception because they had the titular character in it.
Moving goalposts...Stretching it back to Genesis era beat em ups, well that's 20 years ago and hardly relevant to making a game now.
That is like saying nobody of note made Batman movies before Nolan. But okay, Electronic Arts also made a Superman game in that period. This terrible game was released in 2006. EA is a lot bigger fish than handing off Batman to the dudes that made Urban Chaos: Riot Response and a publisher that was virtually bankrupt. The same can be said about Factor 5 whose Superman game got canned. Double Helix also tried to make one who were certainly in the same leagues as Urban Chaos.Much like your previous point about "Aside from Kemco, the original Atari, Taito and Blizzard Entertainment." nobody of note has worked on the Superman IP in 15 years, which isn't what I initially wrote but seemed implied if we're going to bust balls over minutae. Superman is not inherently impossible to make a game around, that's just lazy.
But who by his very nature is the most difficult character to design a game for as he should have no problem defeating bad guys and has a wide range of powers he should have access to to be a good version of it.Batman is the biggest dude in town but Rocksteady seem intent on moving on from that and the next biggest character available in their umbrella hasn't ever seen a great video game and is long over due.
Too bad they didn't make that Ninja Turtles game.So if not something like the flash I'd like to see Rocksteady tackle a lesser known DC character. Their recognition as the Arkham developers could help to boost the popularity of a lower tier DC hero. Really though there many directions they could go and I can't wait to see what they do next.
I just said that...I do think that rocksteady could make a legit Superman game, tho IT wouldn't play much like Arkham. What they did with Batman was sat down, figured out the essential aspects of the character, came up with a new way to translate those into game mechanics. Supes needs the same process.
This, through and through. Honestly, let's start with a Superman beat'em up and work up from there.
Rocksteady could make a good Superman game, assuming that they take the approach to Superman that they did to Batman and go "what does this character have to be translated into gameplay?" and work from there. Because that's EXACTLY what they did with Batman, and I'd say it turned out really, really well
Hey though, at least we got Bane, Barbara Gordon Batgirl, and Scorpion. You know, those characters we all wanted in our DCU fighting game.I held out to the very end for him to get into Injustice. Even hoped for DLC. Alas...
I just said that...
Hey though, at least we got Bane, Barbara Gordon Batgirl, and Scorpion. You know, those characters we all wanted in our DCU fighting game.
Whoops, was posting on my phone, must have missed that.
And yeah, no Jaime in Injustice was... uh, an Injustice. Apparently the producer had never heard of him ;_;
That roster was a bit lacking. Why some of those characters are there was beyond me. Like, Killer Frost and Raven? Sick. Batgirl and Bane? Why?
At least we got a WW villain at all in that game.Blue Beetle and Circe were my two longshot characters. I was cool with them not getting in, but to see fucking Bane and Scorpion? Breh...
"I'd rather take over Gotham than Keystone, at least you can see Batman coming!"
and people questioning why Bane is in Injustice
for real?
It's because of TDKR. It doesn't excuse my sheer disappointment at him, Batgirl, Scorpion, and Doomsday being put in that fucking game.
Lobo is pretty cool, so I don't have as much of a problem with him as I do the incredibly extensive Bat-Cast, but admittedly, he really doesn't fit well with the setting.The worst thing about Injustice was Scorpion and Lobo taking roster spots.
Scorpion was the only major offender in Injustice. Had no place as a paid guest character, just a quickie port.
8/30 of the cast being Batman centric was pushing it but I didn't find it overly annoying.
This is kind of cool
I assume the other three covers are indeed Flash, Supergirl, and Gotham?
Gotham really stands out like a sore thumb. Three supehero shows and then a cop cover. Even the way the cover is made is different with at least four actors amongst the comics, compared to the others where the main character is the only actor on the cover.
Bits of news:
Olie will get new costume and new vigilante indenity
CSI: Miami" actress Megalyn Echikunwoke has been cast as the titular character in the CW Seed's upcoming six-part animated series "Vixen, will premiere in Fall. Was that know earlier?
It is good to have that confirmed again. They told it at the original announcement, but they never showed anything else will premiere in Fall. Was that know earlier?
Bits of news:
Olie will get new costume and new vigilante indenity
CSI: Miami" actress Megalyn Echikunwoke has been cast as the titular character in the CW Seed's upcoming six-part animated series "Vixen, will premiere in Fall. Was that know earlier?
And Major Blood has signed to star as regular in Lucifer
Kevin Alejandro has joined Fox's "Lucifer" series as Dan, a LAPD homicide detective who is suspicious of Lucifer's relationship with his wife and his daughter.
Well they cast well.
She is CW hot and could totally play her in live-action, if/when they decide to pursue that
Part of the plan, Guggenheim says, is "reconstituting" the show, lightening things up a bit and revealing the new green-hooded vigilante tasked with saving Starling City.
Thank fucking god. Season 3 was like Batman levels of brooding, without the stoicism and a lot more angst.
If you can't see what that's a reply to.
Holy crap, that's one hell of a beard.
Looking forward to seeing some blurry, vertical-video teasers coming out of Hall H next weekend.
Holy crap, that's one hell of a beard.
DC/Flash GAF I need a favor, the OT's closed so this is the only place I can ask.
Can someone provide a clear 720p/1080p version of this shot, below was taken from youtube and has pretty bad artifacting. I need a clear one for wallpaper reasons.
Ollie getting a new costume, hmmmmmn. HYPE!