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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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Firestorm villain Tokamak, the Living Reactor cast for Flash episode 2.04.


I've had a weird DC renaissance in my life lately. I started re-watching BTAS on Amazon a couple months ago, which led to me getting into buying ongoing comics (previously I was a casual reader of the big trades like TDKR, Killing Joke, etc), which led to me trying to get into DC's TV shows.

So now I'm 10 episodes into Arrow Season 1, and liking it a decent amount. It obviously has a network television budget, and sometimes gets a little too CW-Sappy (I'm not into the Ollie, Tommy, Laurel love triangle at all.) But It's still a very fun and enjoyable watch. It feels like a TV adaptation of Batman Begins. I'm looking forward to getting through the first two seasons and then also starting on The Flash! So, I guess I'll be posting on this thread now and then! I'm going to give Gotham another shot when it comes on Netflix, but from the first two episodes I saw when it first started, I kind of think it's trash.

Oh, and I think Supergirl looks great too! Looking forward to that.


Jesse Quick cast for the Flash

TV Line reports that actress Violett Beane has been cast as Jesse Quick for upcoming episodes of CW's The Flash. The online trade reports that Beane's Jesse Quick will be featured in several upcoming episodes in the show's second season, and described as a "brilliant but quirky college student" who gets entangled in a fight between the Flash and Zoom.
I just noticed CW Seed has a feedback section. Be sure to tell them what you think about Vixen so far. The show isn't in their subject list so I put it under Video.
I see where this is going and I like it.

Here's my prediction and these will be HUGE spoilers if I'm right.
Jay is going to teach Barry to steal speed, Jesse is going to teach him the quick equation. He's going to steal their speed (and Wally?) and use the quick equation to stop Zoom. Just like how Wally did it.


watched the vixen ep,

I really hope that the intro was a training exersize as otherwise the flash moving so slow doesn't make sense at all @_@

also, it's a pretty cheap looking necklace, the focus on it feels odd (I know it's the source of her powers but the cop doesn't, and I have to assume that he hired muggers to go after it because if the muggers are going after it on their own that is even dumber @_@

I also don't get the point of trailers for the next episode when those are like 20% of the actual ep length lol.
watched the vixen ep,

I really hope that the intro was a training exersize as otherwise the flash moving so slow doesn't make sense at all @_@

also, it's a pretty cheap looking necklace, the focus on it feels odd (I know it's the source of her powers but the cop doesn't, and I have to assume that he hired muggers to go after it because if the muggers are going after it on their own that is even dumber @_@

I also don't get the point of trailers for the next episode when those are like 20% of the actual ep length lol.
You're saying that
a cop would hire muggers to steal a necklace that he was only willing to offer $50 for? Why? That means he's willing to pay a group of muggers far more than what was offered for the necklace. If he wanted it that bad, he should have offered a higher price. Plus, that means he followed them to ensure their location, then contacted muggers. Either that, or he contacted other officers to find them.

Now, maybe there's a chance you're right, but odds are, the muggers are simply after her necklace. And even if the muggers and cop are connected, it's probably via a separate channel, and not each other. If the cop wanted it that bad, he probably would have just stolen from lock-up.
It's not like they're all gonna be regulars.

Still a lot of (assumedly) major characters. Feels like they're going in super hard when they don't have to.


You're saying that
a cop would hire muggers to steal a necklace that he was only willing to offer $50 for? Why? That means he's willing to pay a group of muggers far more than what was offered for the necklace. If he wanted it that bad, he should have offered a higher price. Plus, that means he followed them to ensure their location, then contacted muggers. Either that, or he contacted other officers to find them.

Now, maybe there's a chance you're right, but odds are, the muggers are simply after her necklace. And even if the muggers and cop are connected, it's probably via a separate channel, and not each other. If the cop wanted it that bad, he probably would have just stolen from lock-up.

Still a lot of (assumedly) major characters. Feels like they're going in super hard when they don't have to.
it sadly makes more sense than
muggers yelling about her necklace and nothing else, no all your money, wallet ect, just GIVE US THE NECKLACE repeatedly. it's a cheap looking necklace no mugger ever would risk it for a necklace that looks like something you would pick up at hot topic for $20.
They just wanna use them before the film side tells them they can't. Just go all in while they can, and when they have more money.
it sadly makes more sense than
muggers yelling about her necklace and nothing else, no all your money, wallet ect, just GIVE US THE NECKLACE repeatedly. it's a cheap looking necklace no mugger ever would risk it for a necklace that looks like something you would pick up at hot topic for $20.

It really doesn't make any more or less sense. It's really just the show hitting us over the head with a hammer about how
valuable the necklace is.



It really doesn't make any more or less sense. It's really just the show hitting us over the head with a hammer about how
valuable the necklace is.

I suppose, but there are so many better ways than having
people randomly trying to buy/steal a cheap looking necklace.


Considering there are going to be so many cameos by speedsters, how about: The Flash Season 2 |OT| Just passing through - ?


That first Vixen short was not very good. I do hope this is leading to a role on Legends of Tomorrow for her though, I love the character.


The short is kinda interesting at the moment, but in the end, it will only matter if she shows up somewhere, no matter how good or bad it is. Was a lot more excited about it when I wrongfully assumed it would be like 6-7 real episodes.
One of those is not like the others :p

It would be good enough for me if they passed off Wildcat as the mentor to the show's Wildcat and aged him up.

Earth 2 brah.

This is probably the better instory reason. We're also missing Stargirl, which surprises me because that's one of John's original and favorite creations. I think she could be a big hit with audiences.

I gave Vixen a watch and it was better than I thought it would be. I was just getting into it then the next episode spash hit :(. I wonder if CW ever considered an animation block. Even though it's obviously not high budget animation I thought it was sufficient.

So these come out every week until flash or are we getting one today?
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