Hey, it's that or...
best Harley Quinn, right guys?
best Harley Quinn, right guys?
The Flash pilot originally had nods to Superman and Aquaman?
"That man" I thoughtWe already had a Batman nod in the pilot, everyone would have went crazy if we had Aquaman and Superman references as well.
ffs...wish they kept that shit.
ffs...wish they kept that shit.
If they can't pay off a tease I'd prefer they not even go there. I think they learned that lesson early on in Flash S1/Arrow S3. Which is what makes all the Green Lantern baiting suspicious.
They've been teasing Hal related things but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Alan Scott shows up on Flash or Arrow. They've been adding so many JSA characters.
I do not understand how these embargos's work. Is it only for certain heroes or does it include all characters who are known to be heavily tied to a hero. Also What about mantles? For example would a character like Val-Zod be off limits just because of the S on his chest?
I'm sure they could use Alan Scott if they want, and the shows are already leaning heavily on JSA and magical characters. Hal Jordan is an enigma because they're specifically teasing him. Alan, Kyle or Guy I would get. Hal who's Johns' baby and possibly a (co-)lead for the movie? Would be very surprised. DC's character embargo rules are always weird. Still surprised Waller is back.
We know the flashbacks are going to have something big too. They've been playing them very close to the chest.
I don't remember who put the theory together or where I saw it but Oliver is getting a love interest in the flashback played by Elysia Rotaru. She tweeted this after being on set.
Because the flashbacks are also supposed to deal with magic too and the character hasn't been given a name yet, they were guessing she'd be Zatanna.
...Which, I'd be totally cool with.
Things keep getting better for us :")
If she's Zatanna, that's interesting. More JLD/JSA please!
I'm sure they could use Alan Scott if they want, and the shows are already leaning heavily on JSA and magical characters. Hal Jordan is an enigma because they're specifically teasing him. Alan, Kyle or Guy I would get. Hal who's Johns' baby and possibly a (co-)lead for the movie? Would be very surprised. DC's character embargo rules are always weird. Still surprised Waller is back.
We know the flashbacks are going to have something big too. They've been playing them very close to the chest.
Why isn't Diggle showing off his mask?
Who knows, the backlash might be getting to them. Or we're really close to the truth and Will Smith is just that scared of Arrow-Deadshot. Harley is played by his girlfriend and obviously Jaden will play Ted Kord. Or they're realizing most of their movies are coming way after Arrow ends even.
If she's Zatanna, that's interesting. More JLD/JSA please!
best Harley Quinn, right guys?
At this point I think some of the reasoning behind cutting characters might be less because of movies and more because they realized they could shop the more iconic characters to different networks.
I think whether it's the rumored movie or a TV show, somebody at DC really wants to see Ted Kord on the screen as a leading man.
I blame Geoff Johns. Damn silver-age fanboy.
I blame Geoff Johns. Damn silver-age fanboy.
Why does he love silver age so much? I'm reading some issues of the silver age Flash (first Barry Allen issues) and they are average story-wise. I mean, Barry begins to fight his enemy very early in the story and there isn't much stuff after the end of the fight. It's like there is only the fight and the writer doesn't care about the lore. I hope this issue gets fixed in later issues.
He grew up during silver age. I didn't start reading DC comics until right around New 52 hit so I'm not so bitter about a lot of characters being shifted in favor of the originals, I still go back and read older books and enjoy them regardless of their canon status. Losing the JSA sucks though, It wouldn't be so bad if Earth 2 were a better book.
People blanket blame Johns & Didio but I'm guessing their creative process is more of a committee (I think Didio said he leaned on Rucka, Johns & one other person when he started at DC).
Haha he's not nearly that old.
Red Tornado!
Lawd they done my boy wrongRed Tornado!