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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns


Supergirl not being in the big crossover is a huge disappointment for me. I would be ok with it if they hadn't previously said all four shows would be part of the big crossover a couple months ago. I'm sure they probably couldn't figure out a way to get her on the same earth in time but even still they shouldn't have said anything about it if there was a possibility of it not happening.


Supergirl not being in the big crossover is a huge disappointment for me. I would be ok with it if they hadn't previously said all four shows would be part of the big crossover a couple months ago. I'm sure they probably couldn't figure out a way to get her on the same earth in time but even still they shouldn't have said anything about it if there was a possibility of it not happening.

It could still happen, scripts aren't written, and they can do more than one crossover. Wouldn't worry about it, it sounds like only the timing has changed.
It could still happen, scripts aren't written, and they can do more than one crossover. Wouldn't worry about it, it sounds like only the timing has changed.

What exactly did they say during the panel? During an IGN livestream with the Arrow cast earlier, Amell said the crossover would be starting on Monday, which would have to be Supergirl related, unless they're doing another in the spring.


What exactly did they say during the panel? During an IGN livestream with the Arrow cast earlier, Amell said the crossover would be starting on Monday, which would have to be Supergirl related, unless they're doing another in the spring.

Guggenheim said that Arrow's crossover would be part 2, the middle of the crossover. Always a chance he misspoke, he's not involved with Supergirl. Edit: CBR is saying its part two of four? So Supergirl is last but Amell said it's first? I'm confused.
Guggenheim said that Arrow's crossover would be part 2, the middle of the crossover. Always a chance he misspoke, he's not involved with Supergirl. Edit: CBR is saying its part two of four? So Supergirl is last but Amell said it's first? I'm confused.

Could start with Flash and end on Supergirl the following week. Some cross universe story that ends with the Arrowverse cast on Earth-Super.


I'll do a big round up of all the news soon, I think the cast and crew are still doing interviews and we should get panel videos.

Could start with Flash and end on Supergirl the following week. Some cross universe story that ends with the Arrowverse cast on Earth-Super.

Be a weird as fuck thing to promote, although it makes sense with the shooting schedules as Supergirl is a little behind and has one episode less.


Here's a pic Matt Letscher posted of his new reverse flash suit. He wasn't allowed to show the mask though for reasons even he doesn't know.

Glad to see he finally gets a suit made specifically for him. Last season he got a mask made specifically for him but it was still the same suit that tom wore outside of that.


Here's a pic Matt Letscher posted of his new reverse flash suit. He wasn't allowed to show the mask though for reasons even he doesn't know.

Glad to see he finally gets a suit made specifically for him. Last season he got a mask made specifically for him but it was still the same suit that tom wore outside of that.

Tom and Matt are different builds and the old suit was a little off on Matt. This looks like a perfect fit though.


Newsarama is claiming Prometheus has been revealed as Arrow's big bad next season:

Oh yeah I meant to mention that.

They said he's Prometheus in name only, an original character. Temper your expectations.

"He's a new character. He's our big bad for the year. We call him Prometheus [but] it's not the Grant Morrison/Howard Porter character," Guggenhiem revealed. "He's pretty badass."


None of Arrow's villains have been super faithful so them changing things isn't necessarily dooming him. If past seasons are any indication, it'll be up to the actor to really elevate the character.


None of Arrow's villains have been super faithful so them changing things isn't necessarily dooming him. If past seasons are any indication, it'll be up to the actor to really elevate the character.

Assuming the material he's given to work with is solid. Darhk was great... and then he wasn't.
I think Darhk was the weakest written Villian yet. No scratch that, both Ra's and Darhk are weakest written villains yet.

I'm not optimistic about Prometheus now :/


Darhk killed it as long as the writing is half decent. Slade had some pretty weak dialogue too. As long as the writing is passable the villain can work.
No storyline featuring Prometheus has ever been better than mediocre. This will be no different.

Man cut the legs out from under a great arc in Midnighter just by virtue of being that weak. Even the introduction in Morrison's JLA was lame, at least by that book's standards.

Oh yeah I meant to mention that.

They said he's Prometheus in name only, an original character. Temper your expectations.

This is actually the good news.


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone notice they added sleeves back to the Arrow outfit?
Yup. I actually like it more with the covered arms, makes mores sense too. The comics version I prefer the sleeveless, but live action should be covered. Bet it was also due to filming in Vancouver in 40° weather.


Reverse flash as an enemy of Legends of Tomorrow feells wrong considering how much more overpower he is from everyone else
WHAT IF the flashpoint minor diference is that now Diggle is named Steward ?

Probably not going to happen, since only his wife and "serious discussion time Ollie" call him John. He's Dig or Diggle in familiar conversation.

Of course, AoS pulled off the Skye to Daisy transition, so anything's possible.

You still need your revenge, Reverse Flash.

Can't believe you would let Barry capture you next season. Tsk tsk tsk.

He gets to sit back and watch Barry destroy himself. It's supervillain cheat day.
Hyped a bit to see where Flash goes, intrigued with how LoT is handled this year, Arrow still meh...

Okay, I see it now.

I do too. It's still gonna be weird seeing Olsen being much bigger unless they do some camera tricks.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Those were nice for what little footage they have.

I got a "We are Robin" vibe from the Arrow trailer, with Oliver training multiple new sidekicks with different talents.

Flashpoint has a lot going on. The character changes make me think it will be a pretty limited thing. I can't imaginr they'd go very long without the characterizations of Cisco and the rest that people know.

Legends has Darhk. Didn't know he was coming back. That was cool. Also, White Canary might have my favorite costume of all the CW shows. Looks great with or without the jacket.


Man I am keen for these shows to come back.

Legends is the least defined of the three, I have no idea where they're taking it apart from the "Guardians of Time" route. But you bet your ass I'll be watching.

Flash looks absolutely crazy. The whole universe is upside down. Matt Letscher's Reverse Flash steals the show every time.

Arrow is bringing in new blood which is just what the show needs. I really liked Echo Kellum as Mr Terrific and I'm glad he's getting a meatier role here.


I don't know. I didn't feel anything watching that.

What happened to you Arrow.

It was such an abrupt drop in quality going from S2 to S3. I was giddy every time there was a new episode for me to watch and nowadays I just watch a new ep when I get around to it. I still enjoy some things but its not anywhere close to how I used to feel about the show. Even S2 of Flash didn't quite grab me like S1 did.
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