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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns


how do you guys keep yourself entertained until october?

I'm rewatching recent seasons of Arrow and Flash with friends (they see it for the first time) and then I will watch Legnednds for the first time with them :)
Plus plenty of good shows will start next month.



Magneta from The Flash


#3.05 of Flash is titled "Monster".

Magenta originally was a girlfriend of Wally's with magnetic powers, who was a reluctant hero but they broke up and a while later mental illness drove her to villainy. Okay filler villain, worked well enough in the New Rogues.


Everyone is in a little bit of a different place. Sara has a secret agenda that relates to the death of her sister on Arrow last year. Rip is a little lighter. He’s no longer as burdened by the death of his wife and son. Ray is really enjoying being a time cop. He’s the one who aspires the most to be a hero, and he really likes this new gig that they have. Jax has come into his own, as the engineer and chief mechanic of the Waverider. He’s carved out a place for himself on the team that’s separate and apart from his relationship with Stein. Stein has become the theoretician of the team. And Rory is basically just trying to white-knuckle his way through the whole experience. He cannot, for the life of himself, figure out what he’s doing, as a member of a superhero team.
One of the things we did last year was try to give every character on the Waverider a storyline, in every episode, and it made the episodes too dense. So, this year, we’re doing what we call a roving spotlight. It will be like, “This is the episode that focuses on Ray and Nate and Rory,” or “This is the episode that focuses on Sara and Amaya and Jax.” Everyone is still in the episode, but not everyone is getting a storyline.
Marc Guggenheim on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2, Sharing Characters, the Legion of Doom and More

Ditching everyone needing a storyline is good, episodes in the first season were packed because of it.

Also some episode titles:

Arrow #5.04 = "Penanace"
Arrow #5.05 = "Human Target"
Legends #2.04 = "Abominations"



The general public isn't really going to care if she's on the team poster until the season starts and they actually introduce her. She'll be on a poster later.

Yeah. All I said was, that I just wanted to see her on that poster, and that's really all there is to it.


Marc Guggenheim on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2, Sharing Characters, the Legion of Doom and More

Ditching everyone needing a storyline is good, episodes in the first season were packed because of it.

Also some episode titles:

Arrow #5.04 = "Penanace"
Arrow #5.05 = "Human Target"
Legends #2.04 = "Abominations"

Well, Gotham did the same in S1, trying to put everyone in every episode. When they stopped doing that, it improved so much. Maybe the same will happen here.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Not giving every character a storyline in every episode will do wonders for Legends. Just have an A Plot and a B Plot and leave it at that. More than enough to fill 40+ minutes with that


People in robes are Savitar followers I guess.

Using that lame ass speedster so soon, when you've got great characters like Speed Demon still unused.

They need to chill with the speedsters man lol. They won't be the main villains right?
You know what I'm fine with the Rival, as long as it brings Jay, which judging from that promo there will be more of him.
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