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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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Unconfirmed Member
So wait, I wonder if that means if we find out who the real Jay Garrick is on Flash next week, he'll be apart of the JSA for season 2 of Legends? Cause that would be dope.


If they don't want to keep possible Flash Spoiler/theory that I'm guessing happens on the finale
Shipp as Jay Garrick on the Flash I hope he ends up in the JSA on this one.


It was an uneven first season, but overall I enjoyed it. I do love how ambitious the writers are with the direction of where the show is going next season. DC isn't afraid of allowing a decent amount of their roster on these CW shows and I think that's very cool.
Enjoyable finale but it was really, really rough getting there. Hopefully the second season is better and mini-arcs instead of one story that was stretched several episodes longer than it needed to be... Oh and there's less incompetence.

I was half expecting them to fail and the meteors being the reason for fuckery that would result in a new timeline with Earth 1, 2 and 3 merging with each other.

Weren't there talks of an Hourman TV show some time back?

Yeah, should've seen that one coming after those talks of an Hourman show never really went anywhere.
I hate to be "that guy", but that was easily my favorite finale of any Arrowverse show. It was very well paced, no one was insufferable, the action was great, and the cliffhanger came completely out of left field and sets up everything we've been waiting for in Arrowverse.

Sara handled the Laurel thing really well, she could've been a mess this entire episode, but she had her moment and moved on from it. Something I wish the writers would do with other characters (especially on Arrow).

I also thought the episode perfected the balance of humor and drama. I feel like these shows struggle with making it either too serious and awkward, or too cheesy and cringeworthy. All the quips (like Jax and Carter, or Mick and the Hawks) were very well delivered and actually funny.

A+. Show has been rocky, but for the most part I've enjoyed it more than Flash/Arrow this season (and Supergirl I suppose). Glad to see it go out with a bang.
Not necessarily

But it's just

Like they don't even address it at all in this episode

and it's the crux of the entire point of the series.

I mean, I guess the hand-wave could be that destroying the meteorites caused the Thanagarians to lose all of their recon data on Earth, thus pushing the invasion way back.


Heat Wave and Sara MVPs

Ray + Mick > Ray + Kendra too.

Not necessarily

But it's just

Like they don't even address it at all in this episode

and it's the crux of the entire point of the series.

Could be the JSA fighting the Thanagarians next season. We didn't really get time to learn too much about the threat in the future.


Guys, that was a great finale. Nonsensical but superfun time travel shenanigans, Vandal Savage finally being taken down in 3 satisfying ways, and each member of the ensemble getting a fitting send off for the season.

And that JSA stinger... daaaaaamn


What about the incoming alien invasion?

Well, according to Time Master Druce, the Thanagarians invade in 2176. So they can keep that on the backburner for quite a while.


Great finale! CW is slaying it with comic shows [well Arrow is still so-so]. Now the long wait for S2 begins.

triple kill


"My journey is only just beginning. I was renewed for a second season after all."




Holy shit DC let them have the JSA!


I want entire JSA team on the screen, but IMHO I really hope they at least bring Dr. Fate. His brief appearance in Smallville was awesome, but I want more of him.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow S2 |OT| Justice Society of Vancouver



great finale, not sad about losing the hawks. Maybe they can show up when the Thanagarians attack or some shit, but overall the show will be better without them.
I remember before the show first came out there was a trailer which showed a fight with legends + flash and arrow in some warehouse against savages soldiers in the future I think. Was that just a trailer or was that something that was meant to happen that got cut? I cant remember if that happened or not! but I don't think it did?!?


It's interesting how you can often see the "exit points" of a TV show in its season finale, where they show how things would end if the series were to finish, and then see how they branch off into setting up a new season.

If LoT ended now, the story would have been:
- Rip nobly sacrifices his life by flying the meteorite into the sun, thereby saving the world and stopping the future possibility of time travel
- Sara, wanting to avenge Laurel's death, goes back to Star City to fight Darhk in the Arrow season finale
- Kendra and future Carter live happily ever after
- Stein and Jax return to their families and jobs and remain on standby for other appearances in the Arrowverse
- Ray experiences an existential crisis and shrinks himself out of reality
- Heat Wave returns to a life of heists, but is empty without his partner

Another stray observation: Hourman specifically orders the team not to step on the ship. This could be a big hint that the show is going to drop time travel and keep its cast in 2016, which I've mentioned before that I'm all for. I'd still love the Wave Rider to go flying around the world though.

I remember before the show first came out there was a trailer which showed a fight with legends + flash and arrow in some warehouse against savages soldiers in the future I think. Was that just a trailer or was that something that was meant to happen that got cut? I cant remember if that happened or not! but I don't think it did?!?

That was never going to be an episode. It was test footage to pitch to the networks (although it was pretty much already a lock for the CW at that point).


Justice Society is (generally) the precursor the Justice League. Lots of the oldschool Golden Age heroes, other than the big guys like Batman and Supes (mostly). So you've got Alan Scott GL, Jay Garrick Flash, Wildcat, Sandman, that sort of guy. It also features some of those guys' families and legacies. It's a pretty big deal, getting them for this.

I'm wondering how they'll modernise some of these old school superheroes. There are a lot of cheesy themed characters from that era. I looked up Hourman and his power is gimmicky as hell lol.
I'm wondering how they'll modernise some of these old school superheroes. There are a lot of cheesy themed characters from that era. I looked up Hourman and his power is gimmicky as hell lol.

Tbh, going gimmick isn't the worst idea in the world. A big reason the team this season ended up looking so incompetent is because with their powers, it should've been dirt simple to take Vandal. Time travel alone gives them a ridiculous edge, then you throw in what people like Firestorm are (supposed to be) capable of?

Hourman having superstrength and toughness for an hour at a time is a lot easier to write around.


That was a fantastic finale, especially because of the three-way beatdown they delivered on Vandal Savage. Rip also turned out smarter than anticipated, with his plan to jump back instead of killing himself.
Justice Society is also finally here! Thank God.

Is Wentworth Miller gonna be in the next season or is he busy with new Prison Break?
He is going to be in the Arrowverse, with options to appear full time and in any of the shows.
Finale delivered in a lot of ways, static's reaction to Hawk exit was on fucking point. Favorite arc of this season was Mick's, I got misty eyed with his meeting Snart at the end there. JSA is super fucking hype.

Guggenheim on fire.

Oh, if only he would tie a similarly neat bow on Felicity's story.


A little disappointed with the finale up until the last 10/15 minutes.

Something just felt off about the whole thing, didn't really feel like a finale


A little disappointed with the finale up until the last 10/15 minutes.

Something just felt off about the whole thing, didn't really feel like a finale

They needed to start the entire final run an episode earlier. Have Snart die in episode 14, have them return to their time in 15 and execute the plan in 16.


Is there a chance that we could ever see Static in the Arrowverse? Does DC still own the rights to him?

It depends if you want to see Jaden Smith in the Arrowverse or not. They're supposed to be making a Static show with him.
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