Why dont they go back in time before his immortality and try killing him then as a team?
Why dont they go back in time before his immortality and try killing him then as a team?
That's not young Michael Ironside
That's not young Michael Ironside
Why dont they go back in time before his immortality and try killing him then as a team?
The description for episode six is out which include an appearance of.Oliver
I hope he grows his own facial hair for it and not use some fake shit.
I hope he grows his own facial hair for it and not use some fake shit.
You do know he's currently filming a tiny show of his own.
fuck you guys on? They said he will have the facial hair.
You might as well ask him to age 30 years for his cameo.
pssssh a TRUE actor would
it's the method way
Why dont they go back in time before his immortality and try killing him then as a team?
Jared Leto would do it.
StopMakingSenseMan between The Flash and now this, heroes really need to shut the fuck up when telling villains really important information when time travel is involved.
At least this time there was a thought behind it, Ray screwing up at the auction was just clumsily written.Man between The Flash and now this, heroes really need to shut the fuck up when telling villains really important information when time travel is involved.
Loved the episode. It is remarkable though that 24 hours after Oliver and Malcolm mention how Sara is fine because of Constantine, Sara is not fine.
Having watched Arrow first where they talked about how Sara wasn't effected by the Lazarus Pit bloodlust thanks to Constantine and then watching this where it seems like she was is weird.
That would be a good way to explain it.I like the explanation of Constantine curing the bloodlust only so far as that Sara doesn't need to do it to survive, but the insatiable desire to do so is still there.
I thought this was the best episode yet. Coincidentally, little Hawkpeople involved.
Sucks that Rip told Vandal Savage what to do.
I was thinking actually that, after slitting Savage's throat, he could have just dragged his ass to the ship and had Hawkgirl stab him there.Rip could have just shot him.
Rip could have gone back to that time after being captured and killed Savage like 5 minutes later.
And if he failed again he comes back another 5 min later.
And again.
And agaaaaaaain.
Time travel is fun![]()
I'm surprised by the reaction to this show. I love Flash, Arrow (except for season 3), and I'm even warming to Supergirl but I've hated all three episodes of this so far.
Way too many characters, way too much bad acting even by CW standards.
I like the explanation of Constantine curing the bloodlust only so far as that Sara doesn't need to do it to survive, but the insatiable desire to do so is still there.
Hawkpeople and Ancient Egypt scenes really need to end.
That Titanic reference was too perfect.
Hawkpeople and Ancient Egypt scenes really need to end.
Hey, one does not preclude the other!I prefer the explanation of Constantine being shit at his job
I'm surprised by the reaction to this show. I love Flash, Arrow (except for season 3), and I'm even warming to Supergirl but I've hated all three episodes of this so far.
Way too many characters, way too much bad acting even by CW standards.
They also really need to remove that one shot of Hawkman and Hawkgirl jumping at one another from the intro. It looks so bad.Hawkpeople and Ancient Egypt scenes really need to end.
People... Women/girls on Twitter saying how much they miss Carter and how great he and Kendra are together.
I'm at a loss as to why beyond sucking up to the actors/writers/whatever. He's had like 10 minutes of total screen time between showing up in the cross over to LoT and spent most of that time being a dick. I guess maybe those people are or were also Twilight fans.