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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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GAF really isn't the best barometer for what the general opinion is. Especially when it comes to certain frame rates or DC movies.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
I really wish Randal Savage's fate wasn't tied to Hawkman/Hawkgirl so those two could be jettisoned or at the very least a large reduction in their scene time.


I'm surprised by the reaction to this show. I love Flash, Arrow (except for season 3), and I'm even warming to Supergirl but I've hated all three episodes of this so far.

Way too many characters, way too much bad acting even by CW standards.
Yeah, same. I couldn't even get through the latest episode. I only like Captain Cold and Sara so that's probably why I think it's so terrible. And I mean terrible.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It would have been better if Snart didn't remember exactly how his dad got arrested and only remembered that it had to do with the emerald. Then after the fact he found out that fencing the gem was always how he had gotten pinched and the reason he became abusive to his kids afterward was because of Snart's visit.

I completely disagree

Card Boy

I like Arthur Darvill but i'm biased since i have seen him IRL and he was one of my favourite characters on Doctor Who. Sara is better in this than Arrow. Ray is not as good in this compared to his appearance in Arrow. Captain Cold is great in both shows he is in. Count me in with the hivemind that can't stand Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Professor Stein is great. Jefferson is ok, haven't seen too much to make a call. Heatwave doesn't get enough screentime and Captain Cold steals the camera when they are both on.

I feel Sara, Stein, Rip and Cold are the shows forerunners. Ray isn't as cool in this.


What do Captain Cold and Heat Wave's weapons actually do? I've seen them blasting shit for 3 episodes and not seen one frozen body or guy on fire.
Yeah my friend asked me why everyone was outraged that they killed off Carter and that was literally the first I've heard of it.
I didn't realise Carter actually had fans.

Apparently bland characters have large followings, even though it's a complete mystery 98% of the time as to why they gained so many fans.
Maybe it's because he looks non-threatening or something.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Fan Shipping in the modern era is so bizarre. Characters can literally be in one scene that is less than 5 minutes and fans will run wild for years about them being destined to be together.

In certain cases the less you see of a character, the more rabid the fans can become because they fill in the gaps and project onto that character.

The Hawks looked incredibly stupid to me in the promos for the Flash/Arrow crossover. But I actually ended up liking Carter there. He was a douche, but it was a type of character that we don't really see on Arrow or Flash. Oliver is the closest thing we have to Cocky Douche.

Carter in Legends of Tomorrow...boring. All he got to do was say "You'll remember soon enough..." ad nauseum. And them doing some dramatic jump fight 12 inches from each other makes me cringe every time I see it.

I think they both suffer for how they are connected to the central plot. Kendra doesn't know who she was...but we barely know anything about her current personality. I literally don't know anything about her character traits now or when she had her memories. Together, They just went in this soap opera amnesia victim cycle. Carter says something cryptic about their past, Kendra doesn't remember. Over and over.
With all this teasing of Vandal Savage and ancient Egypt I'd love to see them do a (watered down) Black Adam for a villain of Season 2.

Also Dr. Fate needs to be up in here, Nabu was in Egypt as well.


I think Black Adam is off limits and even if he wasn't BA is a character that should be properly represented as grand and powerful as he is.

This show is cute but Adam deserves better.


New video Fat Man on Batman. Kevin Smith endorses Bruce Willis for
Sgt. Rock
, and other spoilers. He'd also love to see The Question on TV.


... hard to do a non creepy Question in live action
I think Black Adam is off limits and even if he wasn't BA is a character that should be properly represented as grand and powerful as he is.

This show is cute but Adam deserves better.

Eh I think WB is backing off on the banlist concept. I was surprised to see Arrow Ep12
Katanna in full suit and mask
when previously it was rumored she would most likely not appear.

I'd love to see something like World War 3 when the team has to figure out how to stop Black Adam from destroying the world by discovering his past and gathering heroes from across the timeline, like the JSA and maybe even some LOSH :p.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I think Question could work if they basically make the mask look like a mask, ala Rorschach.

It'd be cool if they could get the same actor, Jackie Earle Haley, to play him, too. I always thought he did an undeniably good job with the character.


I think Question could work if they basically make the mask look like a mask, ala Rorschach.

It'd be cool if they could get the same actor, Jackie Earle Haley, to play him, too. I always thought he did an undeniably good job with the character.
Nah the blank face is important, I feel you lose something if it's clearly just a mask. Question in live action should look unsettling as hell.


Eh I think WB is backing off on the banlist concept. I was surprised to see Arrow Ep12
Katanna in full suit and mask
when previously it was rumored she would most likely not appear. .

It just means she isn't that important.
Ted Kord and some others are still on the banlist even if they claim it is gone.


Water is not wet!
First episode was rough rough rough. Plenty of times it tread from campy to cringe. Still a decent first showing. The next episode though.. its firing on all cylinders before the title card is showing. If the show keeps up this pace and attitude its a keeper.


Okay, so episode 3 has kind of shattered my suspension of disbelief with this show.
Vandal Savage clearly says he will heal after Rip slits his throat, implying that he doesn't reincarnate or what not like Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Why the hell didn't they just take Vandal's body and then drop him off in the Jurassic era or some shit where his immortality will run out due to a lack of Hawkman and Hawkgirl?
Okay, so episode 3 has kind of shattered my suspension of disbelief with this show.
Vandal Savage clearly says he will heal after Rip slits his throat, implying that he doesn't reincarnate or what not like Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Why the hell didn't they just take Vandal's body and then drop him off in the Jurassic era or some shit where his immortality will run out due to a lack of Hawkman and Hawkgirl?

Because then he eats a marmot or something and Isaac Newton ends up with about 80 fewer IQ points.


Renee is technically on Gotham...(in name only)
One of the reasons Gotham makes me so sad. :(

Choosing between Renee and Vic is hard. They're both so good, and I would hate to lose their relationship. Although maybe they could do an Earth-1/Earth-2 thing.
One of the reasons Gotham makes me so sad. :(

Choosing between Renee and Vic is hard. They're both so good, and I would hate to lose their relationship. Although maybe they could do an Earth-1/Earth-2 thing.

They fixed so much of the show im wishing they'd kill that Renee off( if she ever appears again) and have some family member with the same name replace her.
Could be her daughter, who'd care as long as they fixed that crap.


They need to specify exactly how Savage regenerates. As we know he can be brought back from being turned to ash, so something like starvation probably won't do the trick.
So here's a question - If Hawkman's soul left his body forty years in the past, when does he reincarnate? Is there going to be a new Hawkman waiting for them when they get back to 2016, or does he have to wait for the next go around with Shayera?
I don't understand why they didn't just take Vandal there and leave him floating in space or something.

Why not shoot him in ancient Egypt with a ray gun instead of sneaking up on him. Dude wasn't born immortal. And every time a plan of attack fails, why not go back further in time, instead of ahead? Oh your plan failed when he was 45 years old in the temple? Fine go back to when he's ten and blast him. Rip somehow bungling this is definitely a possibility since he and his team screw everything up, but hey, you can still strangle him in the crib.

Also can we get some clear temporal mechanics? Thus far it seems to be operating on Back to the Future rules for auto-infanticide but also every other crappy trope like elastic timelines ("The future is resisting the change! Dad goes to gaol anyway!").
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