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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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Episode was tight.

Rip Hunter should've killed the kid though. When in doubt, always kill the dictater tot.

Cold and Heat Wave is on point as per degausual. Same with Sara who didn't do much, but looked damn good doing it.

Futurama used the brother twist for drama in Luck of the Fryish, while Legends used it for comedy. Keep losing Ray. I thought the episode was really pushing toward a pregnant Kendra whammy because they kept showing her kid, but nope, Ray just got punked again. Flashbacks were the only things I didn't really like.

Rip = worst time traveler. Even the flash dicking around in the past with a "time reaper" (or whatever they were) chasing him, is still better then the guy who went to time traveling school.

Barry tho

Not really. Apart from one or two decent episodes I'd say it's been pretty consistently awful.

Living up to your tag.


This show would be a lot better if things actually happened in each episode and not just "Oh we failed again. Let's try the same thing and fail again in a different time".


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This show would be a lot better if things actually happened in each episode and not just "Oh we failed again. Let's try the same thing and fail again in a different time".

My thoughts exactly. I have no idea what they're even doing anymore since they can't kill Vandal Savage without Hawkdude. They're trying to slow his rise to power down, I guess? But if you slowed him down in 1980, wouldn't he just have a bunch of time to recover and put his plan back on track? Their mission is starting to seem stupid because Savage is always around, they're just popping in for a day or two and then jumping to another time period. Heck, I got the impression he doesn't even recognize and/or care about the other team members, aside from Hawkchick and Rip.

Even something like taking down his Lieutenants so the team can get a win or the illusion of progress would be nice.


My thoughts exactly. I have no idea what they're even doing anymore since they can't kill Vandal Savage without Hawkdude.

Hawkgirl can kill him solo.

Well I mean she can't actually because she's incompetent as we've learned, but if she lands the finishing blow he dies. Hawkman isn't needed.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hawkgirl can kill him solo.

Well I mean she can't actually because she's incompetent as we've learned, but if she lands the finishing blow he dies. Hawkman isn't needed.

Oh yeah, you're right. It just has to be her. Then they should do an episode where they seek out the best trainer or kung fu master in history or something. Perfect excuse for a Richard Dragon cameo. Obviously she doesn't need to kill Savage now, but considering how focused their mission is supposed to be, it doesn't feel like they've done anything. And at least Flash and Arrow have the benefit of being able to do episodes that veer off from the focus of the season. Here they're just bumbling around. Which, to be honest, didn't bother me much until this episode.

I liked the last one because it was very different and showed some of the dangers of time travel. I could barely stay awake during this one. Lol


When Barry fucks up time he gains a new friend, when Rip fucks up time he releases a population control virus 5 years sooner then originally planned. Rip is def the champion of fucking up the timeline.


Show seems to confirm that certain events are meant to happen, meaning for instance a nuclear explosion in Ukraine might have happened similar. They might have replaced Chernobyl.
Can't wait for them to bring on Sidney Palmer on Arrow. Needs to happen. Great choice on Jewel Staite being his family.
Killing Savage will probably make the who universe worse because time travel.
They need to do shit to prepare for his army, not prevent it. Prevent corporate takeover. Ensure the military strength and continuity of the US. Organize the metas into a society of sorts. Basically provide a counter to Savage at every turn. Those 8 morons and a single ship were never going to be able to stop Savage.


I'm not so sure this continuous villain throughout the show was a good idea. The stretches in logic are getting to be too much.


Rip is definitely the worse time traveler. Barry really doesn't know what the hell he's doing, and when he screws things up royally, at least things still manage to mostly work out... The singularity aside. (and most recently gained an additional ally out of it).

Rip has the knowledge and training on knowing how to not mess with the time stream, and yet 'caused global genocide to happen even sooner than it should have.


I just realized that Felicity has now twice indirectly caused the end of the world
1. Giving Ollie shit and breaking up with him right before they fight Savage
2. Hiring Ray's brother and creating an army of UltronAtom-drones for Vandal Savage
I just realized that Felicity has now twice indirectly caused the end of the world
1. Giving Ollie shit and breaking up with him right before they fight Savage
2. Hiring Ray's brother and creating an army of UltronAtom-drones for Vandal Savage

Don't worry, on his final death bed, Savage will still ship Olicity as well.
I just realized that Felicity has now twice indirectly caused the end of the world
1. Giving Ollie shit and breaking up with him right before they fight Savage
2. Hiring Ray's brother and creating an army of UltronAtom-drones for Vandal Savage

Bwahahahaha. Kill Felicity, Save The World. Tim Kring would be so proud!
Don't worry, on his final death bed, Savage will still ship Olicity as well.
"You have defeated me, Shayera. Why? Why must you despise me so? I did this all for you. I've loved for for an eternity. I've loved you almost as much as Oliver Queen loves Felicity. We could have ruled the world together."


Rip is definitely the worse time traveler. Barry really doesn't know what the hell he's doing, and when he screws things up royally, at least things still manage to mostly work out... The singularity aside. (and most recently gained an additional ally out of it).

Rip has the knowledge and training on knowing how to not mess with the time stream, and yet 'caused global genocide to happen even sooner than it should have.

Barry lucked his way into not drastically screwing things up multiple times. He's not a better time traveler because he's lucky.

Rip didn't kill anyone who wasn't going to die anyway.


Barry lucked his way into not drastically screwing things up multiple times. He's not a better time traveler because he's lucky.

Rip didn't kill anyone who wasn't going to die anyway.

Barry also doesn't have 7 people who could whoop his ass, guilting him into saving the boy. Rip should dropped "I TOLD YOU SO"s to everyone at the end of the episodr.
Barry also doesn't have 7 people who could whoop his ass, guilting him into saving the boy. Rip should dropped "I TOLD YOU SO"s to everyone at the end of the episodr.

Rip should have traveled back to 2016 gotten Oliver who would bring Diggle along and then you can do a duet of WE FUCKING TOLD YOU SO! Btw Sara your sister is dead.


Imagine if Rip would have gotten 2013 Oliver to help him out?
Shit would get done!

Of course Rip's crew are still the worst time travelers.
... seriously, they would let Hitler live!


Not sure about this episode, it felt like the first few episodes where nothing they do can seem to stop Savage. It's just too hard to write a time-travelling story where they chip away at Savage's power over the ages, because it has to take so many variables into account. It's either victory or stalemate and we know our heroes won't win until the season finale (presumably), so a lot of these skirmishes and standoffs seem pointless.


Firestorm should be able to wipe everyone out no problem. All he is is essentially the DC version of Human Torch here.


I thought the drones were going to be omacs, or whatever the things Brother Eye used in one of those Criseses.

I'm losing interest in this show. They just bumble around being incompetent. Meanwhile, the one hero who could end it by simply stabbing the bad guy is written to be so awful at fighting and emotionally incapable to make it possible. I thought the plot was going to be stretched thin working of the really basic premise, but I figured the writers would adjust and add complexity to their mission. I mean, right now all they have to do is have hawk woman stab a guy and they can't accomplish it. Still.


Why can't Firestorm incinerate Savage and then they just dump his ashes at the end of time or something?


Why can't Firestorm incinerate Savage and then they just dump his ashes at the end of time or something?
Realistically can't travel that far in time + space rock magic ensures that he can't be killed by conventional means.


Realistically can't travel that far in time + space rock magic ensures that he can't be killed by conventional means.

But I thought he could? He was killed in Arrow. They don't even have to kill him, they could just render him unconscious.

We don't know the limits of the Waverider yet. It's also a spaceship. Why not dump him on an uninhabited planet sometime in the far future?

The Light

I like this show but what happened to man Savage? Dude was so ruthless with the blades in the crossover. The last time he participated in such savagery was when he took hawkman out.


But I thought he could? He was killed in Arrow. They don't even have to kill him, they could just render him unconscious.

We don't know the limits of the Waverider yet. It's also a spaceship. Why not dump him on an uninhabited planet sometime in the far future?

If you start picking apart the show it completely falls to pieces. After Rip slit his throat, why didn't they just bring him to the ship and lock him up? As soon as Kendra woke up from her injuries they could've killed him.

That's why I think having the same villain this entire time is a terrible idea. They've written themselves into a corner in which they have all these resources, can travel through time, and yet they can't actually do anything to progress the plot because they need to keep the show going.


People wanted scheming Savage after the cross over.

Imagine if Rip would have gotten 2013 Oliver to help him out?
Shit would get done!

Of course Rip's crew are still the worst time travelers.
... seriously, they would let Hitler live!
There is a very good story where a time traveller caused baby Hitler by killing baby Hitler.
I'm really ready for Firestorm to do more than just shoot lame fire balls that never really seem to do anything. It's also as bad as Cold's gun apparently having a stun/"slightly chill" setting.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm really ready for Firestorm to do more than just shoot lame fire balls that never really seem to do anything. It's also as bad as Cold's gun apparently having a stun/"slightly chill" setting.

I can't even remember the last time he froze someone...other than himself.


Why not just lock Vandal Savage in a cage/metahuman chamber until the rest of time?

I knew Rip wouldn't kill the kid. I'm sorry but I wouldn't have hesitated. In all reality, EVERY SINGLE THING Rip has done has completely caused everything he's trying to stop. In fact, he's even accelerating some events.

Kill the little hitter. I wouldn't hesitate if I was sent back to kill Hitler as a toddler. You're saving millions of lives by killing one soon to be evil baby. You gotta do things like Thawne. He didn't care who died or who he killed because in his time, they've long been dead.

I knew he wouldn't kill him, after the date rape drug on Jax, and the throat slit in another episode, this show has toned down the "realism". After all. It's a CW show

Like, how many seasons do they think this show can survive on just chasing Savage through history, failing every time, giving him his actual rise to power? What's their goal?

Rip Hunter reminds me more of Booster Gold. Fucking failure of a super hero.

And how is it Sara was in the position to have her throat slit by Vandal Savage? She's basically Ra's al Ghul tier and Savage all of sudden, out of nowhere (I didn't see a scene or fight sequence leading up to that) Savage has her from behind, ready to kill her lol

I like this show, believe it or not. But they really need to make some progress instead of recycling the plot every episode.


Yeah, i'm starting to get tired of this show. The effects in that last fight were awful. Roy is a massive pushover, and Kendra (Kendra's Shyera right? From JL/JLU? Or is this a different Hawk Girl?) is damn near worthless and annoying. Her bit about feeling like she's cheating on Hawk Man with Roy was fine, and then she's like "but no big, I'm sure we can make it work!" Really? Really?? Just the fact that Roy thought that was ok irks the hell out of me.
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