So do
Dr Fate
Martian Manhunter
So doandDr Fate. Chesthair even made a quick joke aboutMartian Manhunterin the last episode.martians
Yeah but Martian Manhunter is already David Harewood on Supergirl and Fate is possibly tied with Constantine, who knows with that stuff. Alan Scott has been the rumour for a while now.
Oh shit you're right, I forgot about Supergirl. I just wonder ifwould be off limits due toAlan ScottDC's Green Lantern movie plans, even though Scott isn't a member of the Corps
Oh god please tell me the Time Masters aren't behind Savage
Oh god please tell me the Time Masters aren't behind Savage
Nah.!Savage is behind the Time Masters
Nah.!Savage is behind the Time Masters
I finally caught up with the latest episode last night and while I enjoyed it (Ray and Kendra's back and forth aside), I was transfixed by the final battle. Not the amazing GC or young rip going to sown on Pilgrim.
The battle was in a warehouse with randomly placed plastic rainwater tanks (the sort that collects rainwater from your home's gutters if you live somewhere that has regular droughts)
Rip Hunter's multiple attempts to stop Vandal Savage through time travel make Savage aware that time travel is possible, thus Vandal Savage at some point after conquering the world looks into time travel and found the Time Masters
I posted that theory months ago.
We will certainly believe you on that.Sod knows, is in one of the arrowverse threads somewhere, I assume this one.
It will be Superman to fuck with viewers.
Rip Hunter's multiple attempts to stop Vandal Savage through time travel make Savage aware that time travel is possible, thus Vandal Savage at some point after conquering the world looks into time travel and found the Time Masters
Sorry Supergirl, you can't have him, but Legends can!
Although Patrick Adams looks nothing like Supes.
Rip Hunter's multiple attempts to stop Vandal Savage through time travel make Savage aware that time travel is possible, thus Vandal Savage at some point after conquering the world looks into time travel and found the Time Masters
LONDON 2166 Rip (Arthur Darvill) takes the team to London in the year 2166, three months before his family is killed.  He believes this to be their final opportunity to take out Savage (Casper Crump) who is, unfortunately, at the height of his power. However, the team discovers two key elements to defeating him Savages daughter (guest star Jessica Sipos) and the means to kill Savage once and for all: competence. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Sarah Nicole Jones & Ray Utarnachitt (#113). Original airdate 4/28/2016.
Big new episode tonight.
#1.13 "Leviathan"
Episode Promo
The daughter's name is "Cassandra", doesn't appear to be Scandal Savage. Sorry.
Why dont they travel back and save Laurel?
I really hope Arthur Darvill stops trying to act next season and just hams it up like Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. Also, he needs to drop the downwards tilted head pose, it's ridiculous.
Mm, Uncharted 4