I think fetch quests are perfectly justified in this case, though. And I'm generally not a fan of them either.
Zombie survival game and all.
Zombie survival game and all.
There's NeoGAF steam community group, and you can also use the Steam OT for giving out steam id. And can't wait for this game. I have US key, so I'm hoping to get the game unlocked on tuesday ^^Akkad said:So is there a Steam topic where we can exchange ids to play together? Steam id : Namo1977.
i see why it's like fallout.The perfect Dark said:
The perfect Dark said:
That's not a glitch. THIS is a glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYdCvN-ukRYThe perfect Dark said:
spindoctor said:Does anyone know when the review embargo lifts for all the other sites?
Done. Try now.TenshiOni said:TheNamelessOne: I can't respond to your PM because it's saying your message cache is full. I think you need to delete some stuff.
Closing Comments
Dead Island probably won't win any game of the year awards. It's got visual bugs, the controls take a bit to feel normal, and the presentation in general isn't up to snuff. But the game gets a lot right. There is a huge world to explore, thousands of zombies to kill, and tons of side quests to take. Here on the other side of a 25-hour playthrough -- where I skipped a lot of side quests after Act 1 -- I'm anxious to get back into Dead Island, and despite the game's flaws, that's not something I say often.
Kabuki Waq said:game is only a 6gb install for pc? I expecte more for an open world game.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=30592711&postcount=370The perfect Dark said:Is there a new game+ ?
will you be able to do all the sidequests you missed after finishing the main story?
The M.O.B said:Another tidbit
-Game contains a NewGame+ after you complete the main story.
-You keep your levels, items, money and the enemies are tougher.
DMPrince said:
Weenerz said:Game is #1 top seller on Steam currently, took down Deus Ex. Hopefully people are buying this.
cleveridea said:the more deep RPG games with long single player campaigns that are made the better. I have no interest in COD, MMORPG, facebook games etc.
You can get it for 21£ right now at GMG.Xater said:The game seems cool but the technical issues to me make this not a day 1. I#ll pick this up when it is below £20.
TheNamelessOne said:You can get it for 21£ right now at GMG.
TheNamelessOne said:You can get it for 21£ right now at GMG.
Amazon.co.uk has it at £27.99/32euro.SLV said:If only it were like that for everyone, its 42.45 Euros for me :/ Wich is about 37 Quid
Phonomezer said:No mention of the screen tearing which is odd, because it's the most offensive screen tearing I've seen in a long time.
KenOD said:Just how annoying are these "annoying escort missions"?
I'm totally with you. I love games I can get totally lost in; Deus Ex has been an extraordinary experience for me. I had no interest in Dead Island before (I am so zombied-out), but impressions here and IGN's review have made me curious, at the very least.cleveridea said:nice! We already know Deus Ex sold very well across many countries, but this game isnt a high budget Square Enix game with high production values and marketing budget.
the more deep RPG games with long single player campaigns that are made the better. I have no interest in COD, MMORPG, facebook games etc.
Wow, they got their ass kicked by that Thug zombie.Definity said:Finally came across some co-op footage. PS3 version.
Liquid Helium said:After seeing this game described as fallout with zombies I'm in. I imagine PC is the best version? If I buy from Green Man Gaming can I activate on steam?
Definity said:Finally came across some co-op footage. PS3 version.
lmao them getting beat down by that one big zombie was awesome, I especially liked how he kicked him over the rail and into the water lolDefinity said:Finally came across some co-op footage. PS3 version.
Shurs said:That part on the bridge looked like the least fun experience possible.
There's nothing I hate worse than "sponge" enemies.
I saw some earlier footage where a zombie took 10 shotgun blasts at close range before going down for good.
Maybe I will hold off.
Definity said:Finally came across some co-op footage. PS3 version.
The M.O.B said:That's because they were doing it wrong, they kept slicing its body and legs, and then when they finally jump an sliced they chopped its head off instantly killing it. If they had concentrated on attacking the head part it would have been over a lot sooner. The person controlling it kept doing head kicks which are week. :/
Definity said:Finally came across some co-op footage. PS3 version.
Marty Chinn said:So I've got two computers that I could possibly run it on. The first is:
Laptop - Core2Duo T9400 2.53ghz, 4 GB RAM, GeForce 9600M w/ 1GB RAM
The second is:
2008 iMac - Core2Duo 3.06ghz, 2 GB RAM, GeForce 8800
How will this stack up compared to just playing it on a 360 or PS3?