Lobby up.
Now here is something really interesting. Online retailer Play-Asia has listed Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round for the PC. Dead or Alive 5 Last Round is the latest update to the Dead or Alive 5 series and according to the online retailer, the PC version will be released alongside the console versions.
Now this could simply be an error from Play-Asias part, therefore were marking this story as a rumor. And as with all rumors, you should take it with a grain of salt.
Still, its worth noting that back in April, Tecmo Koei asked PC gamers to show their interest on the companys games on both its FB and Twitter pages.
Hmmm, I'd get the PC version, but I really don't believe it (same for that old rumor about how it was coming on PC because it was going to be on new arcade hardware).
DOA6 though, I can see that happening.
in case some don't really follow TN's twitter:
pic of the marie rose mousepad
Vote for the character on the life size tapestry of the super collector JP only edition. You need a Gamecity account though, but at least you can see the top 3, so far, is Kasumi > Marie Rose > Ayane, and that the new character is 6th.
the consoles have a ftp version though, so really, there's no reason for the base to be split unless people don't actually own the console to play it on
Hmmm, I'd get the PC version, but I really don't believe it (same for that old rumor about how it was coming on PC because it was going to be on new arcade hardware).
DOA6 though, I can see that happening.
in case some don't really follow TN's twitter:
pic of the marie rose mousepad
Vote for the character on the life size tapestry of the super collector JP only edition. You need a Gamecity account though, but at least you can see the top 3, so far, is Kasumi > Marie Rose > Ayane, and that the new character is 6th.
Wow if it made it to PC that would be insane...
If you got the free to play version on ps4 like warframe I am sure you can still play online. F2p games are the exception on ps+
That is actually a REALLY good question, heh. F2P games (and general any online modes without matchmaking) are free on the PS4, but if upgrading meant you got locked out of online play without PS+... that's just weird. But then if you don't need to buy PS+ to play online, that hurts Sony's business model... or maybe they're just willing to let it ride as DoA5U/LR is pretty much the only F2P/retail hybrid on console right now?Wait... You're right.
But if I bought the full digital game, would online play still be free? I wouldn't be able to get CF any more because I'd technically have upgraded the game to the full version.
I'd be better off sticking with CF and not buying the full version if that's the case?
It'd almost be like I'm getting punished for upgrading the game. I guess even if I still bought the full digital version and found out I need PS+, I could do whatever I wanted in the full game (like story mode), then perhaps I could uninstall it and then install CF to use that to play online for free?
That'd be a waste of money buying the full version then, but I wonder if that's actually possible. Beginning to wonder now if they would make the full game's online free. Seems unlikely, but then it'd just be better for me to simply get CF instead if it isn't.
At this point I'm sure even they don't know. This will be there first F2P game on PS4 right? Hopefully you don't need PS+, but I'd bet a lot of money you do.
With CF it should be that you don't need PS+ at all. I don't think Sony allows F2P games to be behind their paywall. I don't think anyone's in any doubts about that. It's just how they handle the full LR online - free or not? Because I'd be better off not upgrading from CF to full game if I can play free with Kasumi in CF. If I need PS+ in full LR, no point in me buying it.
With CF it should be that you don't need PS+ at all. I don't think Sony allows F2P games to be behind their paywall. I don't think anyone's in any doubts about that. It's just how they handle the full LR online - free or not? Because I'd be better off not upgrading from CF to full game if I can play free with Kasumi in CF. If I need PS+ in full LR, no point in me buying it.
Speaking of last round. I think I'm just going to get the PS3 version. So $29.99 gets you Marie Rose, Phase-4, Nyotengu, the two new characters, and a bunch of previously released DLC right?
Is it an upgrade or completely separate game?
Can open one nowShin when you on for a robby lad?
Anybody else?
Teaser on the DOA Facebook page:
The new male character?
So it's Genra. Oh well, probably the best out of the three it could possibly have been (Raidou and Shiden - am I missing any previously playable male characters?)