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Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate |OT| The ninjas are free; the swimsuits are not.


Are they done with costumes? I want more :(

Someone posted there was at least 1 more set (though I can't confirm) and you would have to think we will get the WO outfits sooner or later.

Ok I feel ready to start fighting online but can't find any opponents on the 3 platforms... is this game dead?

Was on last night and had no problem (ps3). What is your NAT setting on xbox/ps3 and when searching are you keeping it to 5 bar connection and the lowest grade possible? Opening up the search options usually helps or playing in lobbies. I haven't had problems recently with throwdowns though.


Discussion time!

Since I missed out on DOA 1, 3 and 4, are the Critical Bursts/Launchers and the Power Blows some of the most unique additions to the series? Has there been anything else majorly different that's been added to the series over time? As far as I'm aware, teleporting was added to Kasumi's game in DOA5, too (correct me if I'm wrong), so that seems like a substantial moveset change (again, argue otherwise).

I'm curious as to what could happen with DOA6 with these things in mind. Do you think the CB/Launcher/Power Blows will be a mainstay of DOA now? Has a company ever added such big and unique moves before, only to do away with them completely in the next game? I know Street Fighter tends to have a different style for each numbered entry, but DOA seems to be a different case. But do you think it's entirely possible they would remove these systems entirely from DOA6, or are they here to stay now?

Would love to hear some thoughts from those that have been with this series all the way through, and please detail any other unique changes to movesets or the fighting system in general throughout the series. Since I only played DOA2 and then DOA5/U, the big noticeable changes to me are the CB/Launcher/Power Blow and things like Kasumi's teleporting. Have any other characters received very different movesets over time, and do you think it's possible they could be altered in big ways again for DOA6?

I don't feel like Critical Burst/launchers/ or powerblows are game changers. All they do is promote the stun game and artificially reward a player for the opponent guessing wrong several times. The attacker is still at the mercy of guessing and the defender still has the opportunity to escape at several points. It is still very stun and guessing oriented, and they continue to have the habit of giving players tools to get around the stun game and taking it away in expansions/patches. I hope that DoA6 takes arcade player feedback and decides to fix some of the problems that have been plaguing DoA since the 2nd one.

I believe Kasumi had teleport stuff in DoA4, although she did receive more moves out of it. DoA5 doesn't play very different from pasts DoAs at all, imo.


Ok I feel ready to start fighting online but can't find any opponents on the 3 platforms... is this game dead?

It is very quiet, however I find I get more matches by just playing arcade mode and leaving the throwdowns turned on. I even won a couple.

Also got a PS2 -> 360 pad converter today and plugged a Saturn PS2 pad in. Such a huge, huge improvement it's not even funny. Named DOA5U as one of my favourite 20 games from the generation on my blog. Such a shame they released it so close to the next generation. All people are talking about are Xbone/PS4 unsurprisingly.


I think the CB and the PB will remain in the next DOA, I really really like the CB, the sound when you do it is so good and then that combo.

They might remove the PL, I don't see players use it, most likely they use a PB for an easy damage.

I want these additions to remain in the next DOA and receive more guaranteed damage, and more stages like DOA 2,3, and 4.

And yes, all these additions are new.


I think 2 changes to the counter system and we are golden. But I do like what these things add. I think in tag criticalburs tinto powerblow can be key. You can smoke people with a full powerblow.


Originally, they were going to make the backgrounds more interactive than ever before (Cliffhangers were supposed to be the thing that made 5 different from the others). They added it in only the first few stages revealed (I'm guessing it wasn't received too well).

It's not that uncommon; SNK has a tendency of changing things up in all of their subsequent games just to remove them in the next. Most recently was an attack clashing feature in KoF XII that was dropped in XIII... there are a handful of other examples I could name.

I believe Critical Burst is going to stay intact, but Power Blow may be expanded into power moves in the Strike-Throw-Hold dynamic. Power Launchers seem unnecessary and I could see those being removed. I also think any feedback for 5's arcade release will be taken into account for 6.

Can't make the next tournament, I work every night this weekend. I actually practiced quite a bit and the flow of this game is becoming more natural (since I'm so much more used to other 3D and 2D fighters). :(


I just think power launchers need a bit of tweaking. I seen it used a bit. I used it twice myself. But it's tricky. I think such things should not be counterable but either avoided or blocked.


Power launchers don't really net you more damage than a lot of the characters highest launcher and the timing on juggles is tricky, so it's not really worth going for.


I find it usefull for Tag more than singles.
I don't think they need to be removed just retooled.

I don't play much tag, but there are already loops that are really simple that are much easier than anything you'd do off of a power launcher. I'd only use it if I wanted to style on somebody.

I agree they shouldn't be removed. I actually like that there are juggles in this game that take timing and skill, it's just not worth doing those combos unless you're showing off.


Pretty much what I use it for is styling on someone.

I'm about to put some of my ideas on this game on FSD so they can send it to Team Ninja. I can add what you guys say on gaf too.


Someone posted there was at least 1 more set (though I can't confirm) and you would have to think we will get the WO outfits sooner or later.

Was on last night and had no problem (ps3). What is your NAT setting on xbox/ps3 and when searching are you keeping it to 5 bar connection and the lowest grade possible? Opening up the search options usually helps or playing in lobbies. I haven't had problems recently with throwdowns though.

That other set has been confirmed to be sports gear:


No idea if we'll get more after that though


I dont want to be too cynical. Maybe it will be really good?

Hey who knows, there are plenty of different options they can choose from. I'll be happy as long as it isn't like the cheerleading set though. I don't just want a pallet swapped uniform for all the girls.


Tag is really fun. Just the styling combos need to do more damage. If you can pull off the loop I mean why not?
Tag is already screwed up enough due to tag cancels discombobulating all of the frame data (which isn't tuned the best to begin with)... although it may be for the better as certain stuns give guaranteed launchers in tag. The biggest issue with the tag modes previously was all of the dumb infinities that were in the mode, so the loops should scale to shit. What is this, an anime fighter?


Well given when they move to dimensions and 4 they had ditched the tag underpinnings of the system it's quite obvious tag never got quite the love it could have gotten. I love the loops personally.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Sports costumes are up on JPSN.



I think they're no worse than the other 200-300 costumes in the game.. A lot of it is cookie cutter customization-type stuff, but without the benefit of actual customization. Maybe in DOA6 they'll do it right


Video of the sports DLC. (With some notice about the ninjas at the end...?)

It's just an ad for the F2P version. It also mentions the game's been downloaded over 500,000 times. That kind of explains why ranked was such a wasteland last time I played, at least compared to TR :p For reference it took TR less than a month to get 1 million downloads, and 3 months to get 2+ million
It's just an ad for the F2P version. It also mentions the game's been downloaded over 500,000 times. That kind of explains why ranked was such a wasteland last time I played, at least compared to TR :p For reference it took TR less than a month to get 1 million downloads, and 3 months to get 2+ million

I really think they need to advertise this game more or place it somewhere better in the PSN store. You have to really search for it.
I really think they need to advertise this game more or place it somewhere better in the PSN store. You have to really search for it.

This I absolutely agree with. I've not seen enough push for this AT ALL. It's a full fucking fighting game for FREE and it's just not getting the push it needs or deserves. I checked again on the EU store and the only place Core Fighters is hidden away in is the Demos section - which also gives the wrong impression about it. This is no demo ffs.


Somebody really hates mila :(

The only thing I don't like about most of the mila costumes is the headgear. Generally speaking I don't like headgear on anybody though.

Some of the new ones are ok, but not different enough from what is already offered that I feel like buying them. Would maybe get 1 or 2 if they were 99 cents each like the Santa stuff or cheerleading ones (I know they aren't).

Oh and I am not getting the fat thing on these costumes. Helena looks like a woman in that picture and so does Hitomi. Neither looks fat at least not to me.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Does anyone know what the 'Victoria' means on the clothes Mila wears? Anything in particular?

Maybe it's referring to the Roman goddess of victory?

But with this game being Japanese, it likely means nothing. :D
I only just realized the skirt on the tennis costumes is literally the cheerleader outfit's skirt recolored. They couldn't at least change the texture so it's not the same exact stripe? What embarrassing DLC.


Learning Hitomi Currently. She's such a good tag Partner with Ayane with their launch knock back antics. I just need to work some critical burst shit with them and it's over.
Somebody really hates mila :(

Well, at least she has a sole sexy outfit in her red bikini. Her Halloween outfit was something a joke-character (like Dan) would wear. Poor Mila.
Has anyone noticed any nipple-bumps on the outfits? Ive heard people say TN have added them in this time.


Well, at least she has a sole sexy outfit in her red bikini. Her Halloween outfit was something a joke-character (like Dan) would wear. Poor Mila.
Has anyone noticed any nipple-bumps on the outfits? Ive heard people say TN have added them in this time.
I did notice the nips and I applaud TN. I like her Halooween outfit.s She's my pumpkin.

For some good matches watch this stream. We currently have 3 monster players on:
You might learn some things.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Can you buy the costumes separately? I only saw the pack on PSN.
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