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Dead or Alive 6 | OT | Mastering Jiggle Combos


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.



  • Platforms:
    • PlayStation 4 Pro
    • Xbox One X
    • PlayStation 4
    • Xbox One
    • Steam

  • Release Date:
    • March 1st 2019

  • Developer:
    • Team Ninja

Fights in Dead or Alive are based on a triangle system: strikes beat throws, throws beat holds, and holds beat strikes. When you land an attack of one type that beats another type, like landing a strike when an opponent tries to throw, that attack becomes a Hi Counter attack and does even more damage.






The Break Gauge – the first super meter ever for the series – gets charged with every attack landed or taken, and by blocking. Once it is full, players can perform either the Break Blow, a flashy and highly destructive special attack, or the Break Hold, a useful counter attack that deals low damage but works against high, low and mid attacks. Both are executed with the Special button; for Break Blow simultaneously press forward, or press backward if you want to perform the Break Hold.


A special attack meter new to the series. Use the Break Gauge to execute new tactics such as a Break Blow or a Break Hold.



Fatal Rush is a powerful combo attack of up to four neatly animated punches and kicks making a first time player look like an expert.


The new DOA CENTRAL mode is open! Customize your favorite characters before joining the fight!


Hidden Garden

Road Rage

Lost Paradise

Forbidden Fortune

The Throwdown

DOA Colosseum

Chinese Festival



A. P. O


The Muscle








this is my first OT and I did it on my phone so be kind

Special Thanks to iconmasterX
For Thread OT Sub-Title
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
best viewed on the Dark theme, but should be ok for all themes


Enjoying the game! The graphics could've been a little better (too many jaggies for my liking on some of the stages) but the characters look good. Story mode is kinda silly, Doa Quest is cool and the tutorial system is pretty good! The gameplay is fun , the framerate is pretty steady and the loading times are great (much better than Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur VI)!


Gold Member
I'm having an issue where a few characters can be selected, but the rest of them (plus the arcade mode) still need to be installed. It says the game is 30GB and nothing is in Notifications. I am use to this, but not when I can't see the download progress. I even took the disc out and reinserted it. It's so weird.

Nice OT.

Edit: It took some time, but now everything is there.
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Darkness no more
I’m really hoping the costume unlock method gets patched into something that isn’t really stupid.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Gotta get that "Maximum Entropy" title. Perfectly describes my fighting game skills.



I'm waiting for it to install on my Xbox One now. Can't wait to get into this tonight!

I really hope costume unlocks are not as bad as they sound. That's going to suck.

I did notice that installing this game on the Xbox is different than other games. It required me to go to the Microsoft store and hit the download button which starts a download for each individual character on top of a 2.4 gb patch and the 26 gb disc install.
This has got to be the worst costume unlock system ever, it's like its only purpose is to punish you for not buying DLC costumes instead, my goodness!

The game seems to have some input delay, everything just seems slightly sluggish and harder compared to DOA5 Last Round.

I watched some Twitch streams last night. I think Phase 4 and Nico would look better with bigger butts. They were a little flat.


I think this is a poor release.
Beaten story mode, and it's straight trash, much worse than DOA5.
Arcade mode is just lame with zero thought put into it.
Unlock system is the worst of all fighting games.
Graphics are kind of rough around the edges on some stages.
Netcode needs work. It's bad!
Season pass is a huge ripoff.
Input lag on base ps4 version is unacceptable, and when you combine it with the poor netcode, good lord...I got a chance to try out a friend's xbox one x version, and it feels smoother in this aspect.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It truly is the worst unlock system of any fighting game ever. Correcting this or not will be the most basic test of listening to the concerns of the fanbase.


I think I'm just gonna buy this because I love 3D fighters, despite the stupid unlock system...

What I'm more concerned about is losing out on characters because I didn't pre-order the game. What exactly is the deal with that? If I just buy the game on PS4 right now, what characters will I be missing?


This is a terrible unlock system.

I completed the first quest and got 300 costume points which unlocked a costume that only cost 100 points.

So, do I just lose those other 200 points? I can't earn the points again by replaying the quest. I still have to buy the costume after unlocking it and it's random what costume I get points for? This is pretty stupid.


Seriously, WTF is with this costume unlock system? I beat the rookie arcade course and got 1 pattern part towards a costume that costs 750. Just one point. Is this seriously how this game works? What am I missing here?
The unlock system sucks but on the flip side, I think it was designed to give us things to unlock weeks/months after we first start playing it. Just enjoy and don't worry about the costumes.
I just found out Christies dominatrix outfit has a thong in the back. Thats more revealing than it has been in the past, which is good news. This is the only visible thong in the game though, AFAIK.


I wonder how long the outfit takes to unlock? I bet its not easy.
What I'm more concerned about is losing out on characters because I didn't pre-order the game. What exactly is the deal with that? If I just buy the game on PS4 right now, what characters will I be missing?
I'm assuming at this point if you buy the game digitally on PS4, you won't receive the DLC code for Nyotengu. That said, I'm not sure if it's regional, but if you can find a physical copy, I believe Nyotengu & the Kasumi costume DLC were provided as vouchers in the game case (again, I'm not completely certain about this).

Also, Phase 4 is currently only available through the $80 Digital Deluxe Edition; the character, along with the other related content, will eventually be offered as standalone purchases. Unfortunately, you can't obtain the Digital Deluxe Edition content as a separate $20 upgrade, meaning you'd still need to buy Nyotengu as DLC for $3.99 (for clarity, even with the Digital Deluxe version, Nyotengu was a preorder bonus).

Can someone explain to me why the unlock system is so bad? How do you unlock costumes?
You need "costume parts," acquired by playing certain game modes (particularly the Quest Mode), which are used to unlock the ability to purchase costumes. The issues are 1) costume parts are acquired randomly for specific costumes (e.g., you might be using Kasumi, but you'll earn 200 points for Eliot's costume #5); and 2) the drop rate suggests people will be grinding for some time to unlock everything. There are also the issues of losing points, by having more than are necessary applied to finish unlocking a costumes (e.g., 200 points applied to a costume that only requires 20 more points), and to a lesser extent still needing to purchase unlocked costume with the separate in-game currency.
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I'm assuming at this point if you buy the game digitally on PS4, you won't receive the DLC code for Nyotengu. That said, I'm not sure if it's regional, but if you can find a physical copy, I believe Nyotengu & the Kasumi costume DLC were provided as vouchers in the game case (again, I'm not completely certain about this).

Also, Phase 4 is currently only available through the $80 Digital Deluxe Edition; the character, along with the other related content, will eventually be offered as standalone purchases. Unfortunately, you can't obtain the Digital Deluxe Edition content as a separate $20 upgrade, meaning you'd still need to buy Nyotengu as DLC for $3.99 (for clarity, even with the Digital Deluxe version, Nyotengu was a preorder bonus).

You need "costume parts," acquired by playing certain game modes (particularly the Quest Mode), which are used to unlock the ability to purchase costumes. The issues are 1) costume parts are acquired randomly for specific costumes (e.g., you might be using Kasumi, but you'll earn 200 points for Eliot's costume #5); and 2) the drop rate suggests people will be grinding for some time to unlock everything. There are also the issues of losing points, by having more than are necessary applied to finish unlocking a costumes (e.g., 200 points applied to a costume that only requires 20 more points), and to a lesser extent still needing to purchase unlocked costume with the separate in-game currency.
What? That’s some bullshit


Well I bought the game, decided I don't really need Nyotengu or Phase 4. I really like 3D fighters and so I'll get my fun out of this game.

Which is evident by how fucking fun it can be. I am sad this DOA seems to be dead on arrival (wish it had at least gotten a spot at EVO) because I just played ranked a ton and had a blast, slowly getting better at the hold system and figuring at some Kasumi combos in training.


Gold Member
Great OT TGO TGO - it's so well put together it's actually making me consider DoA. I'm not a fighting player really but it looks like it's really easy to get into then has deeper layers based on movement. Any Gaffers streaming?


Darkness no more
On Monday they are putting out a patch to increase costume parts from arcade, time attack and survival.

Translated tweet: [Operation] We will perform emergency maintenance from around 3/4 (Monday) 10:00. After maintenance, we will strengthen the content of the currently costume costume design drawing drop 10 times campaign. In addition to the rank match, we will increase the maximum amount of acquisition even more in arcade, time attack, survival than now.
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The ruins of Zak Island as one of the stages is pretty funny.

I just found out Christies dominatrix outfit has a thong in the back. Thats more revealing than it has been in the past, which is good news. This is the only visible thong in the game though, AFAIK.


I wonder how long the outfit takes to unlock? I bet its not easy.

She had a thonged dominatrix type outfit a lot like that in DOA4.
The ruins of Zak Island as one of the stages is pretty funny.

She had a thonged dominatrix type outfit a lot like that in DOA4.

She did have that outfit, but I dont think the back of it exposed as much of her butt as this one in DoA6 does.
Its been a while, so I could be wrong, but usually I remember stuff like that :)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
In reply to that increased drop rate announcement, all the Japanese fans are still pissed and saying just get rid of the whole blueprint system, especially the randomness, and just use a game currency. Some of them are offended that they are trying to turn the main fighting game into a gacha, particularly as it isn't even money that moves it like a real gacha but you just have to devote your life to it. If you want outfits that have for the entire series been just basic inclusions, you have to let it consume your whole existence.

I kind of wavered on whether I should return the game or not, but after some more thought, I decided this game is the final limit for KT with all the bullshit they did to Musou games lately. This is their last chance. Do they listen to their fans, or do they stick to their absurdity? If the latter, my purchase of this game is my kiss goodbye to the publisher after 3 decades. My standards aren't even all that high; I don't even have much problem with DLC. For example, I think Bandai-Namco has been doing very well. But when you do stuff like this, you demonstrate that you don't give even the smallest amount of consideration to player wishes, but rather you see them as dogs that need to be trained. A company like that deserves to die.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I like the randomness but I'm a weirdo fan of randomizers
Consider that because it randomly distributes points across all characters, the random unlocks come after major time investments.

So first there is the 200 price costumes. You will have to play to build up enough points to reach the end of all 200pt bars before those begin randomly unlocking. Then you start progress on the 500 bars, on to the 1000 bars, and there are multiple of these for each character. So the first wave will start unlocking only after building up 200 x # of characters in the game, then the next wave will be the exact same costumes in different colors.

Repeat that 2-3 times to finish color variations and then you can start progress on the 500pt costumes, so you have to build up 500pts x # of characters in the game before those start randomly unlocking, then repeat again for each color variation. Now after all of that time playing, perhaps the player is getting weary. Maybe things will ease up?

Nope. It scales up to 1000pt costumes. So if this game has not become like heroin to you, there is no chance in hell you'll be up to the time investment. On top of all this, there is absolutely no way to even give them money for these costumes. If you like the classic costumes from past DOA games, which were default or easy to obtain, most of which are now in the 1000pts range, you'll have to go through this.

I have never seen such disdain for the fans of a series. After all this, knowing the high stakes for survival of the franchise, the political opposition now threatening it, pushback from FGC organizers, yet the fanbase rallying to show support and give hope for a future to the franchise, and they do this? Even what the Musou games did monetizing individual weapons was not as bad because if you went with it you would spend far less time working at a job for money to buy them outright. KT has become sickeningly arrogant to the point of even being nonsensical in regard to their own interests. Not even EA would do this.
I suppose it's nice the costume parts drop rate will be increased in some modes, but the larger concern is the overall method to unlock costumes was clearly a conscious decision. Had the drop rate actually been seen as too low, accrual would have been increased in the day-one patch. Much the same as the current campaign that increases the drop rate 10x in ranked matches, I won't be surprised if the Monday changes to Arcade, Time Attack, and Survival are modest at best.

In general, the costume unlocking mechanic is off-putting: it punishes people for wanting to use a specific outfit, by forcing them to waste an unnecessary amount of time. At the very least, the game from the start should have offered several unlocked costumes, if not one version of each costume, and tasked players with grinding for alternate colors and accessories.
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Gold Member
Man I can't believe you made the OT on a phone, well done! I've enjoyed what little I've played so far, the costume unlock system seems kinda lame though. I miss the old way of just doing story or like the last game, doing Tag Team unlock runs haha. I still hope in vain that they will add motion controller "support", we miss the jiggle when we wiggle.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I hope they add more free content because if not then whats the currency for after you've unlock everything?
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Darkness no more
The Monday patch will just take existing rates and multiply them by 10 for the other modes. That's not going to help much.

"Maintenance of the game will take place on March 4th (Mon) 10:00 JST, which will multiply the amount of costume parts earned x10 in Arcade, Time Attack and Survival modes.
*Gameplay will not be interrupted during maintenance.
*Activation hour may differ between platforms."
You have to wonder. What kind of thought process went through their heads when they came up with this shit and green-lit it too.
The original campaign offering 10x costume parts for ranked matches runs through March 14th. If microtranslations suddenly appear mid-March, allowing players to pay to unlock costumes, you'll know exactly the thought process that went into these decisions.


They're making more progress with Cheat Engine in terms of fixing the broken unlock system.

They still say that it's a mess though, but being able to move all the outfits 1 point away from unlock would help quite a bit.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
How are graphics compared to doa5 on 1X?
Night and Day difference
From clothing to Hair, partical effects right down to how clean the game looks.
Everything is a step up while maintaining the general style of DOA.
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