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Dead or Alive Ultimate screens + Gamespot impressions


works for Gamestop (lol)

DOAU now features a few significant adjustments that were made to its fighting system. The free-movement system is now modeled after Dead or Alive 3's simple system, which let you make your way around the ring by double-tapping up or down on the controller. Furthermore, the counter-hold system is now patterned after Dead or Alive 3's as well, which offers players more counter options than DOA2's more modest system.

Although the team is still perfecting some of the onscreen elements for the online bouts in DOA, the game was perfectly playable. Admittedly, playing an Xbox conversion of a game online isn't exactly mind-blowing, but the one we played still performed admirably. You won't be able to manipulate the camera when you're just watching a fight like you can in DOA2, which is mostly due to the fact that such functionality--at the height of DOA's original popularity--would have caused Saturns across Japan to explode (because the old 32-bit systems weren't big too on camera manipulation).

We said it before, and we'll say it again: Dead or Alive Ultimate has all the makings of a must-have game if you're looking for some online fighting action. A meaty assortment of modes, leaderboards, and support for an audience of up to seven other players all add up to a promising title that will be worth a chunk of your time when it ships. Dead or Alive Ultimate is currently slated to ship this October for the Xbox, so look for more on the game in the coming months.





















Chili Con Carnage!
Team Ninja certainly like spreading the love between IGN and Gamespot, seems IGN get the ninja gaiden scoops while Gamespot gets all the DOAU info.

We said it before, and we'll say it again: Dead or Alive Ultimate has all the makings of a must-have game if you're looking for some online fighting action. A meaty assortment of modes, leaderboards, and support for an audience of up to seven other players all add up to a promising title that will be worth a chunk of your time when it ships. Dead or Alive Ultimate is currently slated to ship this October for the Xbox, so look for more on the game in the coming months.

damn right.


I hope Itagaki spent some time fixing the tracking when you sidestep, because it's almost worthless in DoA3.

And please some bigger stages in Tag Team mode. Being against the wall is such a disadvantage.
Hero said:
I hope Itagaki spent some time fixing the tracking when you sidestep, because it's almost worthless in DoA3.

And please some bigger stages in Tag Team mode. Being against the wall is such a disadvantage.
sidestepping is supposed to be worthless on all but the most linear attacks... Block or DH... :D

on all the tag levels you start on even ground... if your back's against the wall, it's your fault... the wall is there to reward the person who manages to get their opponent there to use it...

besides, in DOA2, there's no free hit after a wall stun like in DOA3... less to worry about...

the two things i really hopr Itagaki fixes are...
(1) Arcade Holds being there, and a settable option for online matches...
(2) fall damage killing people... it didn't in DOA2, it did in DOA3...


sidestepping is supposed to be worthless on all but the most linear attacks... Block or DH...

on all the tag levels you start on even ground... if your back's against the wall, it's your fault... the wall is there to reward the person who manages to get their opponent there to use it...

besides, in DOA2, there's no free hit after a wall stun like in DOA3... less to worry about...

the two things i really hopr Itagaki fixes are...
(1) Arcade Holds being there, and a settable option for online matches...
(2) fall damage killing people... it didn't in DOA2, it did in DOA3...

The sidestepping in Soul Calibur 1 trumps DoA3's system. No excuse for this, I'm sorry.

And also, some of the tag team stages in DoA3 are ridiculously small. The one with the chain fence and the audience in the background is so tiny any attacks will put the other person in the wall. The 'free hits' against the wall are gay, and I hope to god you are right in the fact that they won't be in here. I've lost a full health meter thanks to that junk.
like i said before, the sidestepping is supposed to be worthless... it's DOA, not SC, TK, VF, (insert game here) or any other series, it's DOA... you're not supposed to sidestep, you're supposed to counter... if you know how to FSD, then you can actually sidestep quite a bit anf even get behind your opponent, but that't a whole other story...

and tag mode is pretty broken anyway... it's not very hard for someone to be able to do a near 100% tag combo with the way the physics work in the first place... 1 on 1 is where it's at... the free hit against the wall is a reward for getting your opponent into a wall and being close enough to capitalize...
"DOA is such a horrible fighting game IMO."

Single Player I agree somewhat. Multiplayer though is a blast. That's why I'm really looking forward to this. Since online play is the focus.


Chili Con Carnage!
Subitai said:
Now, I wonder if GS will actually endorse this game with a good review in a few months.

I dunno, Kasavin (who is well known as a fighter fanboy) gave DOA3 7.9, saying...
"Once you get past its graphics--and you will--you'll find that Dead or Alive 3 doesn't offer much of anything that hasn't been done in other 3D fighting games"
(which was a fair enough comment i thought)

DOAU is going to offer something thats never been done in any fighter, 3D or 2D, so it'll be interesting to see what he has to say.


I know there's going to be a megaton of complaining, whining, bitching, and general cry babies when this game hits Live.

1. Arcade reversals are back.
2. *Most* people who think they're badass at DOA, suck at a national level.
3. *Most* people (some in this thread included) think DOA should "play different" to make it easier for them to win.


So long as this actually makes its October date and Tekken 5 doesn't get pushed up, I'll be playing this for a little while. Well... until Tekken 5 hits. :)


DoA is played on a national level? I'm pretty sure as far as the tier of fighting games goes, DoA is no where near the popularity level of SF, SC, VF, KoF, or even Tekken.

I didn't say the game was horrible. It's okay. But there are enough valid points to keep it from being on the same level as Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur.
Hero said:
DoA is played on a national level? I'm pretty sure as far as the tier of fighting games goes, DoA is no where near the popularity level of SF, SC, VF, KoF, or even Tekken.

I didn't say the game was horrible. It's okay. But there are enough valid points to keep it from being on the same level as Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur.
Tekken is more popular than SC... and VF's popularity outside of asia isn't very high... but yeah, DOA isn't as popular as those series as far as fighters go...
morbidaza said:
Where? I didn't think this game had any!

I thought it was about Ryu's' adventures in the safari....

Somebody refresh my memory, what were arcade reversals?

Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F


Gas Guzzler
If Hitomi is in DOAU, does this mean Brad Wong will also be in it?

A fighting game just isn't complete without some drunken kung fu.


a very spiffy Arcade mode. Itagaki chose to showcase arcade mode, which proved to be surprisingly addictive. Up to eight players can join a room online, but only two can play head-to-head at any time. It works just like an arcade, where the winner of a match gets to keep playing as the next person in lie steps up to the challenge. Win and you can play forever, lose and you're gonna end up waiting your turn behind all the other hopefuls.

Don't worry about the wait, though, as those hanging around for another match can fully observe the entire bout, even moving the camera to get the best angle on the action. While it may sound boring to have to watch and wait, it really is like being in an arcade -- yes, I wanted to play again, but I certainly was willing to watch others play ahead of me. Voice communication works for all here, so spectators can egg on combatants to keep things lively.

Lisa Lashes said:
Is this a spin-off of DOA3 or an all new game altogether. As in a sequel like say SC to SC2?

It was originally meant to be a compilation of a port of the Saturn version of DoA1 + agraphically upgraded port of DoA2 with online play. Originally it wasn't going to have any DoA3 features. Of course the upgrades to DoA2 proved pretty expansive. And now we have one confirmed DoA3 fighter and some DoA3 features, plus lots of new stages.


Thanks DSD. I never understood the fuss about this series. I rented and played DOA3 and saw it as nothing more than a showcase piece for the Xbox as in "look what I can do." I had some fun with DOA2 on DC but quickly lost interest. I still might check it out though.
u_neek said:
No floor reflections? Looks stupid!

Hmm, I hope they add them soon. That looks a little strange now that you pointed that out, considering there are reflections elsewhere in the game, like in the muddy water in Africa.
The Faceless Master said:
Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F

Killer, i thought i remembered using 2 directions to do reversals at some point but wasn't sure if i was thinking of virtua fighter or doa.

Definitely a good move to go back to arcade reversals.
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