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Dead Rising 2 |OT|: He knows his way around a zombie or two.

Kaijima said:
Man, it cannot be said enough for people who jump into this but don't understand the logic of Dead Rising yet:

Dead Rising is a quasi-Roguelike.

Just try to remember, please, that you are meant to restart many times, and restarting is a game-winning strategy.

You're supposed to experiment with each run and learn where survivors and objectives are, and consider strategies for tackling the order of escorts and missions. Experiment freely; don't stress about screwing up and wasting time, or wasting items. Go nuts.

Just keep starting over once you've had your fill of a particular run, and refine your strategy the next time.

sounds like a plan.
onken said:
Garbage posts like this are the whole reason we have the comparison thread. Can't wait for people to start posting 1920x1080 images of their config screens.

Kindly STFU, thanks.

viewtifulsub said:
So PC version has arrived? Benchmarks sound great as per Capcom games of late. Need screenshots asap though.

Playing DR1 for the first time, still disappointed that i can't acess the Frank West epilogue dlc on PC.

Wasn't it announced as a seperate title rather than DLC? As in, even if you buy the main game on a different platform, you'll still be able to play the new episode on the 360, just like Case Zero.
Himuro said:
Fuck this "supposed to" crap. I beat DR and got the true ending without restarting. Stop scaring away potential fans.

I don't know, I tend to agree with everything he's saying. There's nothing wrong with starting over again and again. I do it simply to level up. I'm most comfortable at at least 2 speed in DR because you move much quicker.

I'm so fucking pumped, I'm all pre-loaded and ready to go.


brain_stew said:
Wasn't it announced as a seperate title rather than DLC? As in, even if you buy the main game on a different platform, you'll still be able to play the new episode on the 360, just like Case Zero.

Rumors in the famitsu/jp announce or whatever thread were that it would be DLC to prevent people from trading in the game.


Kaijima said:
Man, it cannot be said enough for people who jump into this but don't understand the logic of Dead Rising yet:

Dead Rising is a quasi-Roguelike.

Just try to remember, please, that you are meant to restart many times, and restarting is a game-winning strategy.

You're supposed to experiment with each run and learn where survivors and objectives are, and consider strategies for tackling the order of escorts and missions. Experiment freely; don't stress about screwing up and wasting time, or wasting items. Go nuts.

Just keep starting over once you've had your fill of a particular run, and refine your strategy the next time.

I do know where they're coming from, though, the presentation and core gameplay i.e. killing zombies by the million disguises a very unique and intricate core. I certainly didn't "get it" when I first played Dead Rising but playing it at my friend's years later I suddenly had the epiphany. Now I can't get enough of it, absolutely love it.

brain_stew said:
Kindly STFU, thanks.


Then kindly fuck off with your "the only acceptable version" garbage. What is acceptable for you is not the same as everyone else. Just another sad individual convinced their own opinion is the only correct one and on a mission to stuff it down everyone else's throats.


Himuro said:
I'm not saying you restarting doesn't help, I'm just tired of hearing/reading it's the only way to play DR. You can follow the story and beat the game just fine the first time you play it.

It is with a guide or with a lot of trial and errors. You have to know which weapons to use against which psychopath and here to get the best weapons and best drinks to use. You cannot wander to much without running out of time. Exploring and finding items is part of the fun of DR. Restarting let you keeps your levels so it helps a lot to start with more inventory spaces and life. Of course he is not right saying you MUST restart. Haven't replayed DR1 in a while but in Case Zero it's pretty tight to build the bike and do everything on the first playthrough unless you use a guide.


Ihya said:
For me the gamebreaking mechanics were the save system, the time limits and the sparse checkpoints. Reading a few reviews it seems a lot of these issues have not been addressed. I have heard that if you took issue with the above points then this sequel isn't really for you. Anyone played it and found these problems no longer exist? Or do they still exist but you don't mind em?

Well, it wasn't broken in the first place. So there were no problems to fix.

duckroll said:
I would also like to know this, for the opposite reasons. The save system, the time limits, and the sparse checkpoints were what made the original game unique and really exciting to play. I would like to know if the spirit of Dead Rising has been retained in the sequel, or if they made the experience more generic and mainstream to pander to those complaining about these "issues". Thanks.

Yes the spirit has been retained.

To answer both your questions at the same time:

What you hated/loved about Dead Rising is the same. The save system, time limits and checkpoints are just like the first.

There is still save points (bathrooms/toilets/restrooms) in basically all areas of the map, just like DR1. You also get the opportunity to save after case files (like DR1)

They have catered for people like Ihya by allowing you 3 save slots, rather then the single one in DR1.

But for people like Duckroll (& me) you can obviously just ignore this and commit to using a single save and play it the traditional way. (I've actually used two so far, one for my game, but I also used another slot so I can start a brand new game post all the long intro sequences. One thing I didn't like about restarting DR1 was having to go through all the intro sections before actually reaching the security room)
onken said:
Then kindly fuck off with your "the only acceptable version" garbage. What is acceptable for you is not the same as everyone else. Just another sad individual convinced their own opinion is the only correct one and on a mission to stuff it down everyone else's throats.

Even IGN don't deem the performance acceptable by modern standards, ffs. IGN. Them fuckers claimed GTA4 ran well! :lol If they're experience was significantly hampered by the sub par performance then you can be damn well sure that most others will be as well. If a game isn't remotely close to delivering a steady 30fps and has incredibly frequent huge ass loading times , then sorry, but saying it can't deliver "acceptable performance" is being generous if anything. Its a completely valid statement, just as it was for Mafia 2. If I was to offer my personal take on the matter, I'd have been a lot more damning.

Why on earth do you feel personally offended is what I can't grasp!? No one's being attacked here, just useful information delivered without unnecesasry sugar coating. If that offends you, then boo-freaking-hoo.

My previous post was just more of an outpouring of excitement to learn that the PC port has turned out so well. Absolutely anybody interested in DR2 should be pleased to learn about that as even if you don't have a capable rig now, its surely a good thing that there's a version of the game not marred by significant technical problems? If you want to go and replay DR2 a few years down the line is it not comforting to know that you won't have to put up with a shitty framerate and excessive loading? Having what appears to be a great game forever held back by severe technical issues is a really sad thing, now we know that's not the case, so surely that's a cause for celebration no matter what your current platform of choice?
Wiggum2007 said:
There better be some psychopaths as awesome as the clown and grocery store guy. :lol

You won't be disappointed. They even gave homage to those two psychos with two new ones!

And seeing one of the
lesbian twins killing herself
gets to me every time.....really brutal stuff!

Also, this is definitely better than the original. It just seems like a more complete....full game!


Tricky I Shadow said:
You won't be disappointed. They even gave homage to those two psychos with two new ones!

And seeing one of the
lesbian twins killing herself
gets to me every time.....really brutal stuff!

Also, this is definitely better than the original. It just seems like a more complete....full game!

I'm still disappointed at the lack of an
Infinity Mode.


Some of you guys take things so seriously :lol . What Onken said at first was to take this kind of discussion in the comparison thread because people would start to flood the thread with specs and pics. 3 posts later someone post a pic :lol . But now it's war.


Darkshier said:
Well based on case zero those are all pretty much fixed, sans time limits. You can now save at bathrooms like the original or immediately after you complete a case file (you didn't have that option in 1). There are also 3 save slots now, instead of just 1.

Not to nit-pick, but you could save after some case files in DR1? I think just at the end of sub-cases? Or if you ended up back in the security room? Anyways...

WanderingWind said:
Is there a free-roaming mode or something similar? For those times where I just want to kill zombies with no particular desire to advance the timeline.

You can just wander around from the get-go and ignore case files / your kid just like in DR1; but I found it to be a lot more restrictive then DR1.

If I recall correctly, the only locked places in DR1 were the gate between Paradise Plaza & Entrance Plaza, the Movie Theatre store room and the place you go in overtime mode. Everywhere else was accessible, or unlockable if you did a scoop or got a key.

DR2 is a bit more limited as to where you can go initially, at least until about case 3 from what I've seen so far.

MicVlaD said:
You don't have to finish the storyline missions by the way, if that's the impression you got of the campaign. The only exception I can think of is maybe fetching some Zombrex for Chuck's daughter since I'm not sure if that's automatically 'Game Over' if you don't, but that's only after every 24 (in-game) hours.

I think if you fail case files, you get a "The truth has vanished" but the option to still try and survive and rescue Katey.

If you fail to get Zombrex, she turns, but I think you can still keep going (I restarted the first time as was just exploring / faffing around)

ExtraKr1spy said:
btw anyone who has DR2 - RMB back in the game?

Not yet :lol

But there is 2 achievements/trophies for killing 53,596 (Z-Genocider 2: Genocide Harder) & 72,000 (Zombie Genocide Master) zombies respectively... so maybe it's a grind for it like in DR1. Sure someone has already done those achievements already.
Vamphuntr said:
Some of you guys take things so seriously :lol . What Onken said at first was to take this kind of discussion in the comparison thread because people would start to flood the thread with specs and pics. 3 posts later someone post a pic :lol . But now it's war.

Why the hell would anyone have an issue with screenshots in an OT!? :lol

Discussing how well the game performs on different hardware is pretty damn important and useful information. Sorry if I'd rather an OT have some discussion that isn't a constant circle jerk. People need to stop being so damn sensitive, its a fucking game, no one is being personally insulted.


brain_stew said:
Why the hell would anyone have an issue with screenshots in an OT!? :lol

Discussing how well the game performs on different hardware is pretty damn important and useful information. Sorry if I'd rather an OT have some discussion that isn't a constant circle jerk. People need to stop being so damn sensitive, its a fucking game, no one is being personally insulted.

I never said that. I only said what he told ya in the first place before you went about talking about IGN and whatnot :lol adn started bitching at each others.


Vamphuntr said:
Some of you guys take things so seriously :lol . What Onken said at first was to take this kind of discussion in the comparison thread because people would start to flood the thread with specs and pics. 3 posts later someone post a pic :lol . But now it's war.

There's no issue with specs and pictures in the thread, it's a PC game too and that's part of the deal. No one is making large comparison posts, they're evaluating over concerns that have been hidden in the dark until now.

Some of this just comes across as whiny insecurities, to me. If I wanted to see platform versus mode (which I never do), sure, I'd go to the token topic, but if I want to see what kind of dials we have to play with and what kind of machine I'll need for 1080p @ 60FPS, I think it's pretty sound to come here.
ezekial45 said:
I'm still disappointed at the lack of an
Infinity Mode.

I'm guessing it will be DLC...
I really don't get why they removed it.

The game was grate though, I feel sad for people who are utterly anal about framerates as I never experienced a drop which hindered my ability to play the game.

A note for those who are playing co-op and are the partner in the game. Don't save over your game save profile with your final save as you'll lose all of your progress, it seems like a really fucking awful design choice given every other save doesn't alter your progress at all. Also I don't seem to have unlocked anything for finishing the game due to me being the drop in guy, which further raises the question of why it just decided to clear my game file.


Alex said:
There's no issue with specs and pictures in the thread, it's a PC game too and that's part of the deal. No one is making large comparison posts, they're evaluating over concerns that have been hidden in the dark until now.

Some of this just comes across as whiny insecurities, to me. If I wanted to see platform versus mode (which I never do), sure, I'd go to the token topic, but if I want to see what kind of dials we have to play with and what kind of machine I'll need for 1080p @ 60FPS, I think it's pretty sound to come here.

Seems my english teacher was quite right. Narration is not that easy to understand.
Alex said:
There's no issue with specs and pictures in the thread, it's a PC game too and that's part of the deal. No one is making large comparison posts, they're evaluating over concerns that have been hidden in the dark until now.

Exactly, we had absolutely no clue, about how the PC version was going to turn out until recently, so ofcourse people are going to get enthusiastic when news filters out that its actually a decent port. Its pretty fucking important information, and the fact that the other two SKUs have significant technical issues only amplifies that fact. For many (myself included) the performance of the PC version was a dealbreaker in whether we purchase this game, trying to ban that information from this thread is all kinds of stupid.

If you're not interested in the PC SKU, then just ignore posts discussing its particular quirks, just because you're not interested in that information or discussion doesn't mean others aren't.

DR2 is a PC game, all OT for PC games have discussion on how it performs on different hardware and what configuration options it offers. This isn't going to change anytime soon and nor should it.


ULTROS! said:
So... Is Dead Rising 2 a direct sequel or a stand-alone sequel?

I'd call it more of a stand-alone sequel. Same "universe / lore" but so far seen nothing that ties them together in any serious way. Apart from a couple of references to Willamette (DR1) and Las Vegas (C0)

ULTROS! said:
Also, how is it better than the first (or worse than the first whatever the case may be)?

Caveat: I'm only up to about day 2, say the 3rd case? But am about level 20 after some exploring and mucking around, so bear that in mind.

No Camera : Good or bad depending on your point of view. I liked it in DR1, but I'm not crying that it isn't there in DR2. Mind you a couple of times I've gone to take photo's of things just by instinct :lol

Movement Speed : I haven't received a speed boost from levelling up yet, so still level one speed. I'm actually finding it a bit of a chore moving around the place. Just larger distances to cover, and have only found
one shortcut
and not much in the way of quick transportation.

I'm actually finding myself actively looking for
wheelchairs and utility bins, so I can push them
for a speed boost.

The Map : Finding it a fair bit larger (anyone know the comparison to DR1?), and in combination with movement speed, plus the layout can lead to a lot of circular approaches to places. May just be me and not finding good routes.

Move While Shooting : I'm on the fence with this one at the moment. The concept is great, and yes I'm glad I can... but, just did a bit that was a little to 3rd person shooter for my liking. Hope they haven't exaggerated that too much in the rest of the story.

Psychopaths : As cheap / tough / difficult / time consuming, whilst still as easy / methodical to beat as ever. Pretty cool so far, but I've only faced 5 of them.

First was a total pain.

Second was easy enough.

Third I accidentally found the most ridiculously easy way to beat him, and was forced to beat him that way. Actually quite funny really :lol

Children's mascot on roller-skates, whatever his name was.

Went downstairs to make a weapon in the maintenance room on the ground/1st floor.

There's a little corridor to get in there, he keeps trying to skate in there but his head is too big to fit through the door. :lol

Fourth was a walk in the park.

Fifth started kicking my arse, then my survivors smelt blood and finished me off.

Survivors : Four words: Revenge of the Nerds :lol

Ok, so they were fairly useless in DR1, but they may be a bit too awesome in DR2.

They move quicker then I do, can take care of themselves pretty well, send them to a way point and they get there quicker then I can.

Hook them up with a couple of 12 gauges and assault rifles and you have a posse.

I've actually found myself cruising around with 4 or 6 survivors at once crossing the entire map to go get another one, with little to no stress as to how on earth I'm going to get them there. Versus DR1 where it was all stress and concern.

PS: The Notebook also tells you were you met survivors now as well, comes in handy when finding them the second time around.

MicVlaD said:
There were only three moments where I felt the framerate actually affected the response time of your attacks / the controls, though. None of them lasting very long, for what it's worth. Two of those happened in the end-game even, and the third was an (annoying) chase scene relatively early in the storyline.

To follow on from this for other peoples benefit, my experience on PS3

Framerate : I've had two cases so far.

Once when fighting
:lol but that may have been my PS3 being weird / signing out of PSN in the background. Happened once for like 3 seconds, then back to normal.

Second time was at a certain chase scene. Same one as MicVlaD's I'd say. Some slight slowdown, but not grinding to a halt bad. But not exactly excusable either.

Screen Tearing : I've had/seen/noticed one instance of screen tearing, which occurred immediately after going back into the game after I had accessed the PS3 menu.

All in all? No complaints from me yet. I'm having fun and enjoying playing it.

Ihya said:
Well three slot save is great, big improvement on the first one. When the manual in the first says there is only one save slot but suggests you might want to buy a second storage device if you want to have more than one save, the game has very serious problems.

My manual for DR1 doesn't say that. It says "There is only one save slot, but you can use a storage device or seperate gamer account to create multiple saves"

Thats a long way from suggesting you to buy a second storage device and admitting the game has very serious problems.

Himuro said:
Overtime mode wasn't as fun to me than the main game due to the enemy soldiers :lol



ezekial45 said:
I'm still disappointed at the lack of an
Infinity Mode.

I kind of liked it in DR1, liked the concept, but never really got into it too much, because I would have preferred
the ability to save, even if it might have defeated the purpose. I don't always have the time/luxury to sit on the couch for massive periods of time uninterrupted.
Would have played it more if I had that option.

Tricky I Shadow said:
That kinda sucks......but it’s a fair trade off for co-op. :D

x2 (Not that I've tried co-op yet, going to do story mode on my own first, then try some with randoms, then do the whole thing with a friend)

PSN_ID: Rusty_OH if anyone want's to add me.

But damnit, why can't I have both :lol
I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm tired and the search function for threads on GAF blows...

So, those in Europe that picked it up for PS3 -- how is it?

Rusty-O seems to say thumbs up... what about the rest of y'all?
corrosivefrost said:
I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm tired and the search function for threads on GAF blows...

So, those in Europe that picked it up for PS3 -- how is it?

Rusty-O seems to say thumbs up... what about the rest of y'all?

There's sevral confirmed reports now that say both console versions have significant technical problems (very poor framerate + frequent lengthy loading screens) how much of an issue this is will depend on your personal tolerance levels. Initial reports seem to indicate the PC version fixes these issues (and more besides). The actual game content and fetureset is the same in all thress SKUs.
RustyO said:
RustyO is a Dead Rising fanboi :lol

So am I. ;)

I didn't have any problems with Case Zero, really, other than the loading -- maybe they'll patch that with an install patch or something.

All I'm really concerned about is that it's just as playable on the PS3 as it is on the 360 -- hell, I've even played Bayonetta on both consoles, and I think the PS3 version is playable. Just want to make sure I didn't walk into a trap here. :lol


Himuro said:

Bowie knife 4 life.

Stab and tear, one zombie after another.

I think it might be my favourite weapon at the moment. Broadsword is also sweet.
brain_stew said:
Exactly, we had absolutely no clue, about how the PC version was going to turn out until recently, so ofcourse people are going to get enthusiastic when news filters out that its actually a decent port. Its pretty fucking important information, and the fact that the other two SKUs have significant technical issues only amplifies that fact. For many (myself included) the performance of the PC version was a dealbreaker in whether we purchase this game, trying to ban that information from this thread is all kinds of stupid.

If you're not interested in the PC SKU, then just ignore posts discussing its particular quirks, just because you're not interested in that information or discussion doesn't mean others aren't.

DR2 is a PC game, all OT for PC games have discussion on how it performs on different hardware and what configuration options it offers. This isn't going to change anytime soon and nor should it.

Go here ...please?


Himuro said:

But my copy hasn't arrived yet :(


Himuro said:
i find wolverine gloves to be pretty fucking deadly. it owns. lets hold hands and talk about dr2.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
brainstew, pretty much all i ever see you talk about in here is performance and system issues, which seems to be a perfect fit for the comparison thread but comes off as kind of tedious in this one. sorry, just sayin.


plagiarize said:
the best part about having this game on PC is going to be the screenshots and vid captures... from the steam thread...


I took that very same hat and it was hilarious watching the cutscenes with it.
Himuro said:
I'm not saying you restarting doesn't help, I'm just tired of hearing/reading it's the only way to play DR. You can follow the story and beat the game just fine the first time you play it.

Yep Yep

This is how finished DR1 years back. I think I only restarted once and it was sorta on accident anyway


I also managed to play through Dead Rising without restarting and I'm horrible at games. You just need to focus on the cases (which you always have ample time to do), be smart about when you save and prepare yourself for the boss fights.

Loving DR2. Just had my first psycho encounter (
chainsaw bike guy from the start of the game
). Got lucky at the end and found a stick of dynamite which I hurled at him while he was resting :lol
i s co op broken on ps3?

been trying to find a game for ages and no joy... not had anyone try and join my game either?

If anyone's looking for co op, hit me up on PSN: Genki-Rocket
PC version is really good, my rig aint nothing fancy making the minimum requirements and it can run the game pretty decently; the mouse wiggle to break free is annoying though because you end up shaking the camera too.


Been playing on 360 and I love it. The survivors and case files really drive you through the game well and keep you wanting to go on without stopping. When there's a bit of time on both you can run around and explore and try new weapons, clothing, and random things. It's really, really awesome and nails Dead Rising.

The cons, well, while there's much more of everything, I feel they've populated it in less interesting ways. For instance, there may be a million more stores, but the layout in the stores feel haphazard, basic and not realistic. I'm also really missing the camera. I remembered just how much that small device added to the game. The feeling of maneuvering through masses of zombies just to get a good shot, then getting that shot and watching the game calculate and circle all of the heads / breasts / whatever was really satisfying.

Other than that though, the game is excellent. Pretty much in every other area Dead Rising 2 is better than the first, and that's a hell of an accomplishment.


Yeah! I went to get my copy and got the ninja code dlc!!!Quite heavier than usual due to having 2 booklets and a map.

3 hours in and having a blast killing zombies ninja style!!!

Fake edit: I'll bang Rebecca Chang!!
AgentOtaku said:

I'm quite happy where I am, thanks.

Prime crotch said:
PC version is really good, my rig aint nothing fancy making the minimum requirements and it can run the game pretty decently; the mouse wiggle to break free is annoying though because you end up shaking the camera too.

You're actually using the m&kb controls!? I kinda figured anyone picking this game up would have a controller handy. Are they decent? I just can't imagine a game like this mapping well to the kb&m, its going to be 360 controller all the way for me.


@ brain_stew

Your avatar (Kevin Phillips?) constantly flashes non-stop... is that me? Or is it meant to be that way?
To follow on from this for other peoples benefit, my experience on PS3

Framerate : I've had two cases so far.

Once when fighting
:lol but that may have been my PS3 being weird / signing out of PSN in the background. Happened once for like 3 seconds, then back to normal.

Second time was at a certain chase scene. Same one as MicVlaD's I'd say. Some slight slowdown, but not grinding to a halt bad. But not exactly excusable either.

Screen Tearing : I've had/seen/noticed one instance of screen tearing, which occurred immediately after going back into the game after I had accessed the PS3 menu.

All in all? No complaints from me yet. I'm having fun and enjoying playing it.
Didn't run into
yet, because I mostly avoided the bosses as I usually wasn't equipped well enough to deal with them in my first playthrough. But the slowdowns that did influence the gameplay for me occurred at the chase scene as mentioned before, my second bossfight against
Chuck's TiR rival
and (end-game spoiler)
the final boss before Overtime Mode
. All three of those had been pretty frustrating for me partially due to the framerate, though I at least got to kill
the rival
in a stupid way by clubbing him to death with a baseball bat once he drove himself stuck in a corner. Glad that was over.

Almyn said:
The final boss is the most frustrating thing so far. Anyone have any tips?
Drop kick to stun him for a little while
did the trick for me.
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