LocoMrPollock said:PC with a controller.
What are the keyboard controls like?
LocoMrPollock said:PC with a controller.
Flunkie said:This is 360 footage, no?
Recorded from the Xbox 360 version, yes.LocoMrPollock said:PC with a controller.
Oh yeah. I already carried Orange Juice at the time, and I only needed an additional Vodka to seal the deal.Revolutionary said:I suggest bringing actual food, relying on the Vodka and Cocktails scattered around the room made me throw up at the worst possible time. :lol
Anyone know of a good spot to get a chainsaw near the safe house??![]()
I suggest bringing actual food, relying on the Vodka and Cocktails scattered around the room made me throw up at the worst possible time. :lolMicVlaD said:One decent enough melee weapon and two guns should do the trick. Worked for me at least. There's a shotgun behind the counter to the right of the boss fight area (once you make it through the hallway full of zombies) if you're in need of a second one. Other than that: just hit 'n run to be on the safe side, focus on one of the twins as Revolutionary mentioned and there are plenty of health items scattered around the room.
Darklord said:What are the keyboard controls like?
MicVlaD said:Some 'fun' moments I edited together in a clip if anyone's interested or still waiting for his own copy. Doesn't contain any story details, but does include some of the combo weapons if you consider those spoilers.
Thank you for making this! Now I want the game even more.MicVlaD said:Some 'fun' moments I edited together in a clip if anyone's interested or still waiting for his own copy. Doesn't contain any story details, but does include some of the combo weapons if you consider those spoilers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h_rPHNga2Q *
Yes,Revolutionary said:I suggest bringing actual food, relying on the Vodka and Cocktails scattered around the room made me throw up at the worst possible time. :lol
Anyone know of a good spot to get a chainsaw near the safe house??![]()
It's a combo weapon.Deepack said:So... in the previews I saw a move with the Portamower that mowed a zombie to pulp from top to bottom, but I can't seem to pull of that move at aal in the game?
What am I doing wrong? Or has it been deleted?
Not by much, if at all in my opinion. Fortunately, the framerate rarely gets bad enough to the point it'd interfere with the gameplay.DenogginizerOS said:Vlad
The X360 version in your videos seems to be running better than Case:Zero. Would you agree?
I know it's a combo weapon. An I tried the long press. Doesn't work.TheHakku said:It's a combo weapon.Or, if you have the weapon, try long pressing the attack button.Combine it with a 2x4.
I appreciate it. I think I will get the PC version.MicVlaD said:Not by much, if at all in my opinion. Fortunately, the framerate rarely gets bad enough to the point it'd interfere with the gameplay.
If you're sensitive to FPS drops in general though, the PC version would be the better pick as it seems to be solid from the sounds of it, and cheaper. Far better load times too apparently, based on previous posts in this thread.
Majora said:I think you have rose tinted glasses on here. The psychopaths in Dead Rising 1 were also very cheap. It's arguably a weakness of both games that they can feel very unfair at first and seem to operate under different rules but honestly, if you just make sure you go into them with some decent weapons and some healing items there shouldn't be a problem. You can easily get away from the bosses if you run into them unexpectedly and, at least on the ones I've done so far, you can also exploit the environment. They almost all have patterns to exploit too, usually gaps in their attacks. I'll accept they're frustrating if you're low level or haven't figured out many weapon combos or got certain moves yet (I found the dodge roll a lifesaver for certain bosses) but that was also true of DR1.
I don't think it's true to say it's designed for co-op at all. You just have to think outside the box a little bit sometimes. I'm already reading methods of killing bosses in here I hadn't thought of myself.
Deepack said:I know it's a combo weapon. An I tried the long press. Doesn't work.
A long press results in the same animation as a short press.
I don't have the combo card yet, only the scratch card. Maybe that is what's up? European version here.
Ok thanks. That explains it.Papercuts said:You only get heavy attacks with a combo card, IIRC.
You can use MotionJoy as a 360 controller emulator so you should be able to get it to work.Snapshot King said:Anybody try the PC version with a PS2 or PS3 controller? I don't have a wired 360 one =(
darkpaladinmfc said:You can use MotionJoy as a 360 controller emulator so you should be able to get it to work.
Only when you have no earlier save file you can load and rectify your mistake.Dragnet said:So I keep running out of time on case 1-3, does that mean I have to restart the story?![]()
Deepack said:Only when you have no earlier save file you can load and rectify your mistake.
Restarting the story is par for the course in Dead Rising though, and you'll get to where you were last time fairly quickly.
Huggy said:I'm not sure what to do now. Restart the storyline because I can't beat the fight? I could, but I don't know if Chuck will ever get upgraded to block attacks or similar (I have the dodge roll, but it's slow as heck). I feel like I might be hitting that level 50 cap before actually beating the story once.
Huggy said:So I bought the game and it's pretty good. But...
Unfortunately, I hate the psychopaths. The game just isn't designed to be a 1 on 1 action game and it really hurts the fun factor. Psychopaths don't flinch, are bullet sponges and have invulnerability sequences. Chuck has orange juice.
The reason I'm typing this is because I stopped playing now I have to fight a psychopath while it's a storyline requirement. This fight makes the game look like less than a B game. For instance, all the scattered health items are wine or beer. Chuck is constantly puking.
I'm not sure what to do now. Restart the storyline because I can't beat the fight?
I could, but I don't know if Chuck will ever get upgraded to block attacks or similar (I have the dodge roll, but it's slow as heck). I feel like I might be hitting that level 50 cap before actually beating the story once.
Easy_D said:How is the 2p Co-Op? Is it storyline co op? Or a different mode altogether
Huggy said:Unfortunately, I hate the psychopaths. The game just isn't designed to be a 1 on 1 action game and it really hurts the fun factor. Psychopaths don't flinch, are bullet sponges and have invulnerability sequences. Chuck has orange juice.
The reason I'm typing this is because I stopped playing now I have to fight a psychopath while it's a storyline requirement. This fight makes the game look like less than a B game. For instance, all the scattered health items are wine or beer. Chuck is constantly puking.
hand in your gamer jacket pussyHuggy said:So I bought the game and it's pretty good. But...
Unfortunately, I hate the psychopaths. The game just isn't designed to be a 1 on 1 action game and it really hurts the fun factor. Psychopaths don't flinch, are bullet sponges and have invulnerability sequences. Chuck has orange juice.
The reason I'm typing this is because I stopped playing now I have to fight a psychopath while it's a storyline requirement. This fight makes the game look like less than a B game. For instance, all the scattered health items are wine or beer. Chuck is constantly puking.
I'm not sure what to do now. Restart the storyline because I can't beat the fight?
I could, but I don't know if Chuck will ever get upgraded to block attacks or similar (I have the dodge roll, but it's slow as heck). I feel like I might be hitting that level 50 cap before actually beating the story once.
Huggy said:So I bought the game and it's pretty good. But...
Unfortunately, I hate the psychopaths. The game just isn't designed to be a 1 on 1 action game and it really hurts the fun factor. Psychopaths don't flinch, are bullet sponges and have invulnerability sequences. Chuck has orange juice.
The reason I'm typing this is because I stopped playing now I have to fight a psychopath while it's a storyline requirement. This fight makes the game look like less than a B game. For instance, all the scattered health items are wine or beer. Chuck is constantly puking.
I'm not sure what to do now. Restart the storyline because I can't beat the fight?
I could, but I don't know if Chuck will ever get upgraded to block attacks or similar (I have the dodge roll, but it's slow as heck). I feel like I might be hitting that level 50 cap before actually beating the story once.
Salazar said:How do the Maintenance Rooms get unlocked ?
NIN90 said:After you give Katey her first dose.
APZonerunner said:The women are so highly sexualised in this game. I suppose it was the same in DR1 with Jessie(?), but, seriously, I'm on the mission with Rebecca and her outfit and the way all the scenes play out is crazy.
Ben2749 said:What do I have to do for that woman who wantsDid I pick up the wrong thing?you to bring a plant to her? I went to the art gallery she told me to go to, picked up a potted plant by the front door (that's what the arrow seemed to be pointing at), and brought it back, yet she just keeps asking me to go fetch the plant she wants.
K' Dash said:Theare kicking my ass, tips?Twins
And by tips I mean a REALLY easy way to deal with them :/
Huggy said:The reason I'm typing this is because I stopped playing now I have to fight a psychopath while it's a storyline requirement. This fight makes the game look like less than a B game. For instance, all the scattered health items are wine or beer. Chuck is constantly puking.
Revolutionary said:I suggest bringing actual food, relying on the Vodka and Cocktails scattered around the room made me throw up at the worst possible time. :lol
Anyone know of a good spot to get a chainsaw near the safe house??![]()
Welcome to the world ofAPZonerunner said:The women are so highly sexualised in this game. I suppose it was the same in DR1 with Jessie(?), but, seriously, I'm on the mission with Rebecca and her outfit and the way all the scenes play out is crazy.
NIN90 said:After you give Katey her first dose.
Well, judging by Chuck's outfits, they're at least equal opportunity perverts.APZonerunner said:The women are so highly sexualised in this game. I suppose it was the same in DR1 with Jessie(?), but, seriously, I'm on the mission with Rebecca and her outfit and the way all the scenes play out is crazy.
APZonerunner said:The women are so highly sexualised in this game. I suppose it was the same in DR1 with Jessie(?), but, seriously, I'm on the mission with Rebecca and her outfit and the way all the scenes play out is crazy.
Randomwab said: